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I grew up Hating India: Imran Khan

Now he is getting the "Statements-to-say-to-become-Pakistani-PM" right.

Congos Imran :tup:

---------- Post added at 05:52 AM ---------- Previous post was at 05:49 AM ----------

Funny it may seem - Gilani and Zardari are one of the shrewdest politicians I have seen in a long time. IK in contrast seems to come across as a reactionary fellow.
My personal opinion though.

Zardari is the smartest of all Pakistani politicians. He is about to outlast his wife's longest rule (1993-96) and has really helped create politics of tolerance. Pakistanis here hate him for his corruption but he is not the devil-incarnate made out to be.

But I am glad Imran Khan made this statement. Had it been Zardari he would be called a 'traitor' by most here.
Zardari is the smartest of all Pakistani politicians. He is about to outlast his wife's longest rule (1993-96) and has really helped create politics of tolerance. Pakistanis here hate him for his corruption but he is not the devil-incarnate made out to be.

But I am glad Imran Khan made this statement. Had it been Zardari he would be called a 'traitor' by most here.

if you look at it objectively, there are a lot of good (great?) things to Zardari and PPP's credit since their term started. The recent signing of Turkimanistan-Pakistan gas pipeline project, work on Iran-Pak gas pipeline, normalization of trade with India, Blochistan package, Provincial autonomy, Basha Dam, Mangla Dam energy output increase etc. These things are gonna have very positive long term effects on the country and it's economy.

But unfortunately Zardari and PPP wont get credit for any of these by many in the mainstream society, they're notorious. It's akin to blesphemy to utter a good word about Zardari. The gas pipeline with Turkaministan and expansion to other CAR the kids here are touting about is PPP's work.

Zardari the villian, will probably go down in Pak history as one of the most reviled beings but if his work pays off for future generations, he'll have my respect and more so for the fact that he never got credit for it.
if you look at it objectively, there are a lot of good (great?) things to Zardari and PPP's credit since their term started. The recent signing of Turkimanistan-Pakistan gas pipeline project, work on Iran-Pak gas pipeline, normalization of trade with India, Blochistan package, Provincial autonomy, Basha Dam, Mangla Dam energy output increase etc. These things are gonna have very positive long term effects on the country and it's economy.

But unfortunately Zardari and PPP wont get credit for any of these by many in the mainstream society, they're notorious. It's akin to blesphemy to utter a good word about Zardari. The gas pipeline with Turkaministan and expansion to other CAR the kids here are touting about is PPP's work.

Zardari the villian, will probably go down in Pak history as one of the most reviled beings but if his work pays off for future generations, he'll have my respect and more so for the fact that he never got credit for it.

Exactly - Unfortunately the majority of the Pakistanis have developed a tendency to blame the Zardari-Gilani combo for any bad thing and praise the Establishment for any good thing that happens in Pakistan.

I repeat what I said - Zardari-Gilani combo is one of the best things to have happened to Pakistan. They are liberal, tolerant and have a vision. More power to them.
IK is clearly BS'ing when he says that he grew up hating India because of the partition atrocities. He didn't even exist at the time of partition.
Also, he is lying when he says he stopped hating once he started touring India as a cricketer. He started touring India since late 1980's until mid 1990's, but we all know his attitude of looking down upon India existed until recently.
Anyway, what to expect of him since he is no longer a cricketer, but a professional politician.
Guys...why are you taking the comments of any politicians so seriously....It is a fact that politicians just try to appease the audience....When it comes back to reality...every one is same...be in Zardari...Imran..Nawaz...MMS....Any one....because some of the things what these politicians tell in public can not be acheived.
I am braking my own oath of not replying to trolls by replying to your post.
If you have problems with Kashmir, you can join the freedom fighters there, else let the Diplomats from India and Pakistan decide what should be done. Our Judiciary does do a good job in punishing all the guilty in the Gujarat Riot case, we do not celebrate a province governers killer/murderrer as Hero in our country as you do.
I was unhappy for a while see your troll post, but not now as I realized that you do not have the quality to make a better place around you.
Sir Modi is your CM and we will take Kashmir now it is you to decide what do you want WAR or Not because if you will keep killing people of Kashmir sooner or later you will face the most brutal war
Why can't he understand that people in India like him only cuz of cricket.
Sir Modi is your CM and we will take Kashmir now it is you to decide what do you want WAR or Not because if you will keep killing people of Kashmir sooner or later you will face the most brutal war
We don't want war, but we will not give up Kashmir too.. We are in control of most of Kashmir since 64years. If war is imposed on us, we will defend our nations sovereignty & integrity with all out might.
About your threat of 'most brutal war', I think Pakistan has already tired it thrice before ('48, '65 & '99) and failed miserably.
Its your call now, what do you want to do?
We don't want war, but we will not give up Kashmir too.. We are in control of most of Kashmir since 64years. If war is imposed on us, we will defend our nations sovereignty & integrity with all out might.
About your threat of 'most brutal war', I think Pakistan has already tired it thrice before ('48, '65 & '99) and failed miserably.
Its your call now, what do you want to do?

I really don't think there will ever be a true war. There will be war between militants supported from both sides. But i hope there is war now because India is getting stronger and we need Kashmir sooner than later
I really don't think there will ever be a true war. There will be war between militants supported from both sides. But i hope there is war now because india is getting stronger and we need Kashmir as pretty soon.

Hmm.. you mean proxy war? Pakistan has even tried this in Kashmir since last 20 years and still failed miserably.
Hmm.. you mean proxy war? Pakistan has even tried this in Kashmir since last 25years and still failed miserably.

Those really weren't militants. We will use Afghani Taliban. india on the other hand will use Pakistani Taliban and yes sort of like proxy war. In the kargil conflict, Pakistan was really unstable and not ready. It was thanks to Musharraf who touched upon this issue and got us into trouble. The army had no idea what to do when Misharraf touched this and so they used local people from azad kashmir. We never used Afghani Taliban against India. If they can control Soviets, and U.S then surely India would be a piece of cake to them. Plus we have the same pashtoon fighters on our side too so that would be more troublesome to india in the future.
Those really weren't militants. We will use Afghani Taliban. india on the other hand will use Pakistani Taliban and yes sort of like proxy war. In the kargil conflict, Pakistan was really unstable and not ready. It was thanks to Musharraf who touched upon this issue and got us into trouble. The army had no idea what to do when Misharraf touched this and so they used local people from azad kashmir. We never used Afghani Taliban against India. If they can control Soviets, and U.S then surely India would be a piece of cake to them. Plus we have the same pashtoon fighters on our side too so that would be more troublesome to india in the future.

Are you suggesting Afghans are better warriors than Pakistanis?
well we have exactly the same fighters and the same cast of race. i.e Pashtoons. But the thing is our people are just not interested. Maybe they are more educated and are more sensible. They would rather use Afghanis just because they are more experienced and have nothing to do in their lives. So no I'm not saying they are better. We have the same people here too. Its only better experience against enemies.

I think in every cast regardless of wheater its Punjabi, Sindhi, Pashtoon, Baluchi, are all warriors. Its only some Kashmiris and all of the muhajirs who are not.
well we have exactly the same fighters and the same cast of race. i.e Pashtoons. But the thing is our people are just not interested. Maybe they are more educated and are more sensible. They would rather use Afghanis just because they are more experienced and have nothing to do in their lives. So no I'm not saying they are better. We have the same people here too. We just never got the chance to use them. Experience is the key.

Hmm... are you suggesting that Afghani Pasthoons are too stupid and unemployed that they will are willing for fight and die for Pakistan?
Btw.. didn't the Taliban also support Pakistan's proxy war in Kashmir in 1990's. Remember Khandahar Plane hijack episode?
Pakistanis grew up hating India for number of reasons from Kashmir,Jundagh to no sharing joint assets as well as a crippiling gaza style blockade. Pakistan luckily had borders with other countries otherwise no doubt Nehru thought he could stare and bankrupt Pakistani Industries into submission

Indians didnt really hate pakistan, but 60 years of Hostile Indian media and being fed tales of how they are a great super power in waiting etc etc as led to alot of Indians hating Pakistan. Whilst Indian Leadership is now more hawkish than before, and even in the 1950s it was very hawkish

Im a great Fan of Imran Khan

but some of the stuff he said on Kashmir was just Stupid

He doesnt recognise Kashmir as a territorial dispute, he tried to compare pakistanis anti taliban operations to Indias suppression of Freedom Fighters
He wants to give India Transit rights

He believes in Zardari idea of giving away economic sovereignty to India, and leaving this for future generations. Which is a very stupid idea. The Gap between India and Pakistan will increase as time goes on reducing our ability to promote out interest and more trade with india will also create a pro indian lobby in the country which will bankroll anti state elements

How Did Gaddafi loose the support of this people ? American CIA agents embedded in Western Corporations , I have no evidence for that, but its happened in other place in Africa

Many Pakistani Politicians have tried to appease India, it doenst work. I dont know why Imran Khan thinks he appeasement policy will be better

Imran Khan comments disgusted me , I would never say anything against Pak Army to a Foreign Journalist. Or Agree that JUD was the reason for mumbai attacks, when really it was political issues or more likely a right wing hindu mission to kill Indian Police Officers

Ill probably still vote for Imran Khan, I think he will be too busy dealing with America,Taliban and Economy to surrender to India.
Pro Indians have complete Control of the Pakistani English Media. Im not in favour of having Generals deciding Foreign policy because they are not trained to think in Diplomacy but Indian Policy should not weak

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