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  1. iran socialist soldier

    Al Qaida in Iran using kids

    You understood me wrong i mean like you said if iranian in USA study persian in America what's the point when going to look for work in English country that's what I mean
  2. iran socialist soldier

    Al Qaida in Iran using kids

    No I am not some of these want to study their native language from school to college it's like study Spanish in USA from school to college what they going to work in country it's native language is English
  3. iran socialist soldier


    Who want relations with your terrorist states what iran get from you is nothing you brought cursed religion into our country is time to pay back for your crimes in the past 1400 all the world hate and call your religion a terrorist cult your arab Khomeini showed iranians true face of islam...
  4. iran socialist soldier

    Al Qaida in Iran using kids

    Will I don't support theses people but don't you think the regime should stop oppress them allow them to study their native Baluchi language
  5. iran socialist soldier

    Iran nuclear deal: Saudi Arabia warns it will strike out on its own

    Arabs are not your friends iranian are your friends in fact in iran they love iranian jews more than the shia arabs iranians and jews never fight each other in war in history
  6. iran socialist soldier

    Report: Turkey blows cover of Israeli spy network in Iran

    I meant the use communism and Tudeh as excuse to overthrow dr.mossadegh they wanted to show that he was pro-communism pro-soviets and that was not true at all he was patriot that loved iran
  7. iran socialist soldier

    Report: Turkey blows cover of Israeli spy network in Iran

    MeK and Tudeh were patriots but now they are traitors I know their role in overthrow dr.mossadegh government and some socialists like the pro-nazi general fazlollah zahedi
  8. iran socialist soldier

    Report: Turkey blows cover of Israeli spy network in Iran

    u Will I don't know much about Tudeh but but I don't believe that dr.mossadegh wanted to sell out iran to the soviets he have nothing to do with Tudeh or the soviets but the used it as propaganda against dr.mosssadegh the British and the Americans were afraid that iran will be soviet client...
  9. iran socialist soldier

    Turkish pilots held hostage in Lebanon arrive home

    Get Palestine??? He and his father should have liberated golan but instead killed Palestinians in Lebanon thousands of people in Hama in 1982 now the sun have been killing people for three years the weapons and money one soldiers if he used them they would have liberated golan long time ago but...
  10. iran socialist soldier

    Turkish pilots held hostage in Lebanon arrive home

    Bashar can't lead herds of sheep how can he lead a country
  11. iran socialist soldier

    Hashemi will return to Iraq if fair trial is guaranteed

    Indeed these terrorists in parliament some of them work for mullah regime and for al Qaeda they fund terrorism at the same time stealing Iraq money they keep people busy in sunni shia fight to cover their failed and corrupted rule they didn't save water or electricity or security the people...
  12. iran socialist soldier

    Hashemi will return to Iraq if fair trial is guaranteed

    He is terrorist and he will get away like Aiham al samarae who stole billions nobody get them trial many politicians have bank accounts in London or Switzerland they go trips to Paris enjoy their life with iraqi people money iraqi people go to schools made of mud in rich country
  13. iran socialist soldier

    Report: Turkey blows cover of Israeli spy network in Iran

    1.there are no such as Mossad snipers 2.the how did the Mossad snipers get to the country 3.why Mossad snipers helping the iranian regime that's mean the iranian regime is friend of israel 4.the iranian regime is secret agent to the Mossad and CIA
  14. iran socialist soldier

    Jordanian Armed Forces JAF

    Can you post staff about Jordanian special forces their training weapons equipments
  15. iran socialist soldier

    Massive violence erupts in Egypt

    Death to M.B Egyptian army should have smashed them to the ground the these Islamists want to do the same as Khomeini did when Khomeini arrived at the airport he founded the IRGC first he kiled and imprisoned all army officers and generals.morsi wanted to do the same to found revolutionary...
  16. iran socialist soldier

    Report: Turkey blows cover of Israeli spy network in Iran

    I don't know but the green movement didnt want to change the regime because they are part of this criminal regime mossavi was partner in the crimes against the people
  17. iran socialist soldier

    Report: Turkey blows cover of Israeli spy network in Iran

    I know but the green movement didnt lose what the leftists and Marxists lost before and after the revolution
  18. iran socialist soldier

    Report: Turkey blows cover of Israeli spy network in Iran

    The sociolsts and communists fought against the shah guerrilla war and lost alots no to mention political executions in 1988 their were thousands in 2009 people were scared only few were killed
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