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Report: Turkey blows cover of Israeli spy network in Iran

First i don"t believe untrusted links, second a lot have been killed by MOSSAD snipers like Neda. Next.

1.there are no such as Mossad snipers
2.the how did the Mossad snipers get to the country
3.why Mossad snipers helping the iranian regime that's mean the iranian regime is friend of israel
4.the iranian regime is secret agent to the Mossad and CIA
With all due respect, the socialist and communist movements, especially those that were started and continued in USSR and its client states are too outdated for modern times. Tudeh thugs have betrayed Iran too many times. We won't forget what they were doing in Iran during Soviet invasion in WWII, those sell outs were trying to hand over Iranian lands to Stalin. Republic of Mahabad, DR of Azerbaijan, rings any bells? Believe me, Iranians are way over communism, regardless of their political views.

Not true. The numbers are between 36 to 72, including some militia forces. When it comes to 2009 protests, you can find extremely biased news about the situation and you know better why.

Will I don't know much about Tudeh but but I don't believe that dr.mossadegh wanted to sell out iran to the soviets he have nothing to do with Tudeh or the soviets but the used it as propaganda against dr.mosssadegh the British and the Americans were afraid that iran will be soviet client state and crossroad to the rich oil gulf states
MeK and Tudeh were patriots but now they are traitors I know their role in overthrow dr.mossadegh government and some socialists like the pro-nazi general fazlollah zahedi

Will I don't know much about Tudeh but but I don't believe that dr.mossadegh wanted to sell out iran to the soviets he have nothing to do with Tudeh or the soviets but the used it as propaganda against dr.mosssadegh the British and the Americans were afraid that iran will be soviet client state and crossroad to the rich oil gulf states

UK did the coup for regaining oil fields and her reputation. USA's excuse for coup was exactly what you said. Actually, Dulles brothers were behind the coup, and some people say they were connected to Anglo-Iranian oil company, and it was their motivation. John Foster Dulles - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
UK did the coup for regaining oil fields and her reputation. USA's excuse for coup was exactly what you said. Actually, Dulles brothers were behind the coup, and some people say they were connected to Anglo-Iranian oil company, and it was their motivation.

Off topic,what is your opinion on Bahai faith.
MeK and Tudeh were patriots but now they are traitors I know their role in overthrow dr.mossadegh government and some socialists like the pro-nazi general fazlollah zahedi

You are wrong, those groups are Internationalist, they oppose Nationalism, and they are not patriots ;)
Tudeh has not any role in overthrow of Dr. Mosaddegh directly. More accurately, They abstained to help him because their masters in moscow wanted so.
I meant the use communism and Tudeh as excuse to overthrow dr.mossadegh they wanted to show that he was pro-communism pro-soviets and that was not true at all he was patriot that loved iran
Off topic,what is your opinion on Bahai faith.

From political and historical point of view, Bahai Faith and also vahabism are stablished in almost the same time. britain had a role behind the scene for both cases. Russian empire was also active regarding Bahai Faith. Religions have been used as a tool to control people and society. So, when you see a new relatively powerful religion, or sect, you may want to see what are the motivations behind it.
From religious point of view, their main difference is that they removed the role of mullah/priest in their religion. That's the main reason of mullahs to oppose them. From my point of view, Bahai faith can be called the modernized version of shia religion, and it can get popular if mullahs do not ban it, but mullahs won't let it happen. because it means they will lose their job and money ;)
rmi5 , I understand .Could you give more detailed explanation on how bahai faith started and who was backer of it ?Britain,Rusia with sources.
rmi5 , I understand .Could you give more detailed explanation on how bahai faith started and who was backer of it ?Britain,Rusia with sources.

Sure, but the discussion will be very long. So, I will need more time to write and mention references. I cannot finish writing of it today for you.
but I will give you some summary and I will give more details and also refferences later if you be interested.

There were two main sects of shia islam in persia(iran), in 19th century. cities were divided between these two sects, and sometimes they had even very serious tensions. They were called "Heydari" , and "Ne'mati". each of these sects were followers of one famous Sufi.
for this part , I refer you to the first chapter of Iran between two revolutions. Iran Between Two Revolutions (Princeton Studies on the Near East): Ervand Abrahamian: 9780691101347: Amazon.com: Books
1. Each sect had different opinions about religious affairs.
2. There is an old anecdote which says "Divide and conquer". Persian kings in that era(Qajars) were taking benefit from this. but they were not the only ones who took advantage, and foreign powers were also interested in using this strategy.

Each of this branches has some mullahs, and each mullah had lots of religious students, and followers. actually, they were some relatively organized network, which control money and lands, ...
So, being at the top of this hierarchy was goal of students. Bab was one of them.Báb - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
he tried to become the leader of his teacher's network(Sayyid Kazim Rashti Sayyid Kazim Rashti - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)
after the death of his teacher.

So, He needed to attract students and followers, That's how it works in Shia' religion. He tried to propose new ideas to attract more people and strengthen the network. Britain was always interested to have influence in these massive networks. the same is true for russians. They tried to make contact with him and they offered him money and new ideas. for example, in bahai religion, they believe in gender equality as one their fundamental principles, Bahá'í Faith and gender equality - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
As a person who had tons of studies regarding Islam, I am telling you, This cannot be his own idea, and foreigners have taught him about that for sure. many other of Bahai teachings have the same story in my opinion.Bahá'í teachings - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
During Bab, Persia had a very smart and genius prime minister. Amirkabir Amir Kabir - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
he found what is the story behind it, and foreigners influence, and he executed Bab to avoid society become partitioned by foreigners influence. After Bab, his network divided to two parts. one part received support from Russians and the other part received support from britain.
they expelled to Ottoman empire. Ottomans under pressure of britain and to finish the fights between these two sects, sent one of them to Cyprus, and another part to Acre, which nowadays is located in northern Israel. finally Bahá'u'lláh's sect get dominant.Bahá'u'lláh - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Actually, he is the founder of Bahai religion.
That is a summary of how this religion has been evolved. ;)
rmi5,how can you be so sure that bab was an agent of russians or british. Russians were pretty fearful of the bahai's influence in central asia and caucusus.They want to spread russian orthodoxy,but because of its russian centric it was not popular in central asia.

he found what is the story behind it, and foreigners influence, and he executed Bab to avoid society become partitioned by foreigners influence. After Bab, his network divided to two parts. one part received support from Russians and the other part received support from britain.
they expelled to Ottoman empire. Ottomans under pressure of britain an

Is there evidence for this... I read that mullahs had wanted bab dead .
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