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  1. TheCursedJester

    This forum

    You are right indeed, this forum is literally a waste of Online data. All the staff of this forum come here to bend and give/ take spanking. Also you are not allowed to have your own opinion, unless ofcourse you state this, which may just not work.
  2. TheCursedJester

    Pervez Musharraf (1 - 0) Imran Khan

    Threes a combination, works for me. Illiterate imbecile's best tool= Gallis? Is that the best you could come up with, not that I was expecting anything more from a Pakistani.
  3. TheCursedJester

    Pervez Musharraf (1 - 0) Imran Khan

    So that's all she said, nothing else happened whatsoever. See the funny thing is your maw never really left. Son.
  4. TheCursedJester

    Pervez Musharraf (1 - 0) Imran Khan

    A kid, I am, therefore I have no say whatsoever, be it true or completely true.
  5. TheCursedJester

    Pervez Musharraf (1 - 0) Imran Khan

    Damn son, did your mama never tell you are an igiot?
  6. TheCursedJester

    Pervez Musharraf (1 - 0) Imran Khan

    How on earth do you know that I am not here for a week or two, don't be a smartass.
  7. TheCursedJester

    Pervez Musharraf (1 - 0) Imran Khan

    A decade old and add five on top of that
  8. TheCursedJester

    Pervez Musharraf (1 - 0) Imran Khan

    Wait, I can't work on that. Add a line or two :confused:
  9. TheCursedJester

    Need Ideas for Psychology Project

    Why are all Pakistanis batshitcrazy? there ya go mate!
  10. TheCursedJester

    Pervez Musharraf (1 - 0) Imran Khan

    1 nil, are you out of your God damn mind. This fool talks nonsense all the time, just look back at his career. This pr1ck is partly to be blamed for Pakistan being a failed state.
  11. TheCursedJester

    President of Pakistan

    When you say lots, even a pound is equal to 150 rupees, you could earn yourself a seat in the parliament for half that much money. Bring 3d printed guns, shoot those who don't offer you what you need. Shoot them in the head.
  12. TheCursedJester

    President of Pakistan

    No you can not. It would literally be impossible for you to join politics. Pakistan Is A Shithole. Like me you are better of here in UK!
  13. TheCursedJester

    Detach Karachi if establishment cant accept MQMs mandate, says Altaf

    Get A Gun Go Up 2 Him Shoot Da Pr1ck In Head Sorted!
  14. TheCursedJester

    Foreign View on Pakistan Elections 2013

    This is precisely why Pakistan is a failed country. Pathetic attitude. Wait, he will prove my point...
  15. TheCursedJester

    Mind Scientist about Imran Khan message to Pakistanies

    He won't be. I am carefully and closely examining his current situation. Do not make claims when you are not fully aware of the situation.
  16. TheCursedJester

    Imran Khan doctor talking to media live from SKMH

    Games over. Time for ya all leave or face the corner.
  17. TheCursedJester

    Mind Scientist about Imran Khan message to Pakistanies

    Opposition parties will now have a stronger hand, they will make sure that IK doesn't see sunshine, not until the elections are over. What I am afraid of is what's going to happen, IK is going to lose, that's all.
  18. TheCursedJester

    Have arabs gone stupid or what?

    Arabs should all be put in a big rucksack which should be dropped in the ocean.
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