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Pervez Musharraf (1 - 0) Imran Khan


Mar 5, 2013
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General (rtd) Pervez Musharraf on Pakistan Tehrik-e-Insaf:

"Their thinking, is totally an incomplete thinking. They are thinking they will create a tsunami in [???] during elections and, in 2002 they still had the same thinking, today's the same thinking but instead they won't be able to achieve anything, they won't do it.

So... and... when they won't do it, then they will let down Pakistan and move to one side. They need to expand their thinking... what has to be done for Pakistan... what should be done for Pakistan... and, to achieve that... what should be their reaction.

Can they achieve that on their own? If they cannot achieve that on their own, then they should think differently, think more, [on] what to do. They should at least have such minimal thinking.

I am hopeful that later on, they will have a better thinking. Therefore, I am not saying this for myself, I am saying this in regards to Pakistan.

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1 nil, are you out of your God damn mind. This fool talks nonsense all the time, just look back at his career. This pr1ck is partly to be blamed for Pakistan being a failed state.
What makes you say that?
Kaka tera payo, however pathetic he was, nevertheless his drama career never really took off. You see the resemblence between your payo and your life. Nukar may var ka hun Ro!

You are an embarrassment to be honest.

I could give you gaalis that you wouldn't be able to understand in punjabi, KAKA.

However since you are a kid, I will not say anything.

Just know that anyone reading this thinks you are either stupid, foolish, young, or a combination of all three.
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