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Have arabs gone stupid or what?

Its another thing that Democracy isn't the silver bullet and isn't the only way forward..
China is a shining example...theirs isn't the Western form of democracy and they have made real progress.

Who said about a 'Western' democracy? If it'd be a democracy, it'd be based on Egyptian values.

China is a one-party state. Not exactly the same as a dictatorship. It is a rather unique system, and silly to compare to that of middle eastern ones.

It seems to be pretty simple---the problems in those countries---. They happened because the sons and daughters and the wives of the leaders started using those nations as their personal fiefdoms.
Egypt & Syria have both goneinto chaos after their leaders left, Libya more or less, but Tunisia is fine.


Maybe it is due to the factor that the tunisians have more character than the others---. Their president did not hang on till the end---but rather left immediately and then apologized as well.

To give an example of china---is a poor one and shows that the histporical differences have not been taken into consideration.

Democracy is neither western nor eastern---let us not bring in nudity ( cleavage tight jeans into democracy which is more of a social norm) into it either.

Democracy starts with civil rights, law and order and respect of an individual to pursue his or her's dreams.

Children of the prime ministers, presidents, ministers must be kept away from the rule of law at all costs----.
I was in syria in 2001. It was a functional country.I didnt see pelple dropping dead out of hunger.I didnt see people shooting each other on streets,and it was the so called Asad regime back then.
I was never in Libya,but same story.A prosperous functional country under Qazafi regime.
I was in Egypt around same time. The country was very prosperous.Food was cheap. I could see peace and rule of law,their currency was strong and it was Husni Mubarak on the throne.
I was in tunisia many times. Same story.A prosperous functional country,and a liberal one.
In all the three countries i memtioned i saw women with burqa and i saw women in tight jeans with cleavages hanging out.
That means nobody was imposing their religion or idiology on the other.

So why in the world the people of these countries chose to listen to foreign propoganda and throw their countries into utter and total anarchy?
What they had was peace and prosperity,what they have now is civil war,chaos and people killing each other.
There is a saying 'if its not broke,dont fix it'.
What ever system of government was there in these countries,it was fumctional and was keeping their people together.

Why people of these countries went into self destruction and what will they gain from it,if ever?

It seems you saw what you or the incumbent regime wanted you to see. You obviously didn't pick up on the underlying tensions that were bubbling up under the surface. Yes there may have been a veneer of civility and calm but clearly what you saw was a sham.

All the people in these countries are asking for are the same freedoms you and I enjoy.

The Arabs haven't "gone stupid" but instead have woken up and have grown tired of accepting the status quo.
Children of the prime ministers, presidents, ministers must be kept away from the rule of law at all costs----.

This is what is going on in Pakistan...a private limited company.

Head leads the party, little bro is 2nd in command, wife and daughter run women wing, son runs youth campaign, another son runs election campaign, brother in laws and nephews are MNAs and MPA, in short, the family is running a so called democratic party!
Your "saying" won't do anything, FSA are terrorists....


FSA (Free Syrian Army) by nature is a group of ex-military jawans and officers from Syrian army.

These guys were disgusted the way Assad the butcher was using Syrian army to bomb and kill Syrian civilians.

Calling them terrorists would be a HUGE disservice to the Syrian struggle for freedom and democracy.

What can I say.

simply "Let's agree to disagree".

....if these personal favorite groups [FSA] of yours had took their adventure to israel to liberate Palestine....

Whoa! Hold your horse padner.

Syrians cannot find democracy and freedom themselves,

and you are suggesting

they find the same for Palestinians?

Are Palestinians so dumb and idiots that they cannot struggle for their freedom and democracy?

If Syrians cannot clean their own home,

How on earth you expect them to go

clean others?

Please elaborate.
This is what is going on in Pakistan...a private limited company.

Head leads the party, little bro is 2nd in command, wife and daughter run women wing, son runs youth campaign, another son runs election campaign, brother in laws and nephews are MNAs and MPA, in short, the family is running a so called democratic party!

Good point.

Sorry to distract the thread from "Arab-specific politics"

Political system as practiced in the Subcontinent since 1895 is in fact

--- malformed Indianized British political system.

While the original British system is organized and disciplined.

British-Indian political system has been a disorganized hodge podge of kingdoms, and jagirs and fiefdoms also called "political parties".

British system constantly brings in new leaders and fresh blood.

British-Indian system has leaders for life (Sonya, Haseena, Shareefs, Altaf mota chor, son-and-son-and-son of Wali khan),

And the only fresh blood is the blood of Nehru Clan, Mujib clan, Bhutto clan, Wali khan clan,

-- Every other clan and every other fresh blood be damned.

British paliamentry system is like forming queue before boarding bus, train, or plane.

British-Indian poltiical system is disorderly monkey/chimp attack on the bus, train, and plane, where people are pusing, shoving into the bus, and then jump on top of the bus and train like bunch of monkeys and chimps. They would be doing the same to the planes but the physics and rules of natures destroy that fun.

And sadly,

118 years later, we are still following malformed Indianized British political system, with no desire to correct it, and make it more like British or American system.

That the parties are no longer jagirs and fiefdoms of one clan or the other

That new blood is constantly infused that is based on merit and not family line.


Again---democracy is very simple to start-----. One man can only run for a seat from only one place---and that of his declared residence of a minimum oone year.

Pakistani electoral system is inherently decpetive and fraudulent---when one person can run for election for multiple candidacies at the same time---there will never ever be democracy in the nation.

When the foundations of the election system are corrupted right from the gitgo---there is no way that nation can have a DEMOCRATIC SYSTEM.
Arabic democracy is nothing like Western Democracy. They can make progress but it needs time.

What is "Arab Democracy"? When was there ever a "Arab Democracy" that such a term has been coined?

Forget about the Arab world, when has Democracy worked in any Muslim country, bar Turkey (which went under forced secularization under Ataturk)?
obviously they have , the Palestinian suffering made em drop all the comfty living and revolt for another war with Israel
i think western powers is behind all this violence...and i dnt think there is any democracy typ of thing in islam...

true , western powers are behind this , every American tourist is a potential spy , and Syria was the first example of how USA is gonna shape the world in the future ...
It for NWO,

I read that there will be uprising in muslim countries before it all started, may be 2009 or 2010
What is "Arab Democracy"? When was there ever a "Arab Democracy" that such a term has been coined?

Forget about the Arab world, when has Democracy worked in any Muslim country, bar Turkey (which went under forced secularization under Ataturk)?

Turkey is not a full democracy :no:
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