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Have arabs gone stupid or what?

I was in syria in 2001. It was a functional country.I didnt see pelple dropping dead out of hunger.I didnt see people shooting each other on streets,and it was the so called Asad regime back then.
I was never in Libya,but same story.A prosperous functional country under Qazafi regime.
I was in Egypt around same time. The country was very prosperous.Food was cheap. I could see peace and rule of law,their currency was strong and it was Husni Mubarak on the throne.
I was in tunisia many times. Same story.A prosperous functional country,and a liberal one.
In all the three countries i memtioned i saw women with burqa and i saw women in tight jeans with cleavages hanging out.
That means nobody was imposing their religion or idiology on the other.

So why in the world the people of these countries chose to listen to foreign propoganda and throw their countries into utter and total anarchy?
What they had was peace and prosperity,what they have now is civil war,chaos and people killing each other.
There is a saying 'if its not broke,dont fix it'.
What ever system of government was there in these countries,it was fumctional and was keeping their people together.

Why people of these countries went into self destruction and what will they gain from it,if ever?

Prosperity and stability under dictatorships of Assad the butcher, Mubarak the looter, and Gaddah (donkey)-fee was only a facade.

all these economies were hollow from inside all thanks to massive corruption, cronyism, and father-to-son-grandson transfer plans.

Please do not trivialize the desire of Libyans, Syrians, and Egyptians to live in a democratic society.

Thank you
Arabic democracy is nothing like Western Democracy. They can make progress but it needs time.

Can you clarify? Explain the bold part....

What is the difference between Western democracy vs Arab Democracy or the so called "Islamic Democracy" that people often talk about? Can you clarify, please?
Can you clarify? Explain the bold part....

What is the difference between Western democracy vs Arab Democracy or the so called "Islamic Democracy" that people often talk about? Can you clarify, please?

I will later tonight, I have to go now though.
Can you clarify? Explain the bold part....

What is the difference between Western democracy vs Arab Democracy or the so called "Islamic Democracy" that people often talk about? Can you clarify, please?

Generally speaking,

Arabs do say that look, these are the initial stages of building democratic institutions for them.

So do not compare our democratic institutions (that are under construction) to the institutions in the West (that happen to be 100s of years old).

Prosperity and stability under dictatorships of Assad the butcher, Mubarak the looter, and Gaddah (donkey)-fee was only a facade.

What sort of democracy would come by with FSA and Terrorists trying to take over Syria while Assad's men are eliminating terrorists and collateral damage took place where many civilians died and you refer to it as "butchering" by the regime but the local militants and foreign funded militants are no lesser evil and has caused much damage to the country. So I would call upon people to mention these militants as "butchers" when mentioning Assad as well don't glorify militants both parties have gone extreme.
I was in syria in 2001. It was a functional country.I didnt see pelple dropping dead out of hunger.I didnt see people shooting each other on streets,and it was the so called Asad regime back then.
I was never in Libya,but same story.A prosperous functional country under Qazafi regime.
I was in Egypt around same time. The country was very prosperous.Food was cheap. I could see peace and rule of law,their currency was strong and it was Husni Mubarak on the throne.
I was in tunisia many times. Same story.A prosperous functional country,and a liberal one.
In all the three countries i memtioned i saw women with burqa and i saw women in tight jeans with cleavages hanging out.
That means nobody was imposing their religion or idiology on the other.

So why in the world the people of these countries chose to listen to foreign propoganda and throw their countries into utter and total anarchy?
What they had was peace and prosperity,what they have now is civil war,chaos and people killing each other.
There is a saying 'if its not broke,dont fix it'.
What ever system of government was there in these countries,it was fumctional and was keeping their people together.

Why people of these countries went into self destruction and what will they gain from it,if ever?

Every thing happens for a reason.
What sort of democracy would come by with FSA and Terrorists trying to take over Syria while Assad's men are eliminating terrorists and collateral damage took place where many civilians died and you refer to it as "butchering" by the regime but the local militants and foreign funded militants are no lesser evil and has caused much damage to the country. So I would call upon people to mention these militants as "butchers" when mentioning Assad as well don't glorify militants both parties have gone extreme.


Right now the poor Syrians are between the rock and the hard place. Aren't they?

However I beg to differ when you try to lump FSA with terrorists.

FSA are Syrian arm men and officers who got fed up with Assad the butcher.

They are truly patriots.

I have said this in other threads.

My hope and dream is that Assad the butcher will hand over power to one of the competent generals or politicians.

then 6 months of preparation, and an election under the joint supervision of Iran/Russia/Turkey/Arab League/UN.

But I know this is just a dream.

Assad the butcher will not leave. He thinks Syria is his my-baap-ki-jagir, mum-dad's fiefdom (and in some ways it is, thanks to the Assad the Sr. butcher).

The more Assad the butcher delays his eventual departure, the more blood shed, and more of a proxy fight between the goons of Hiabullah and the goons of Qaida.

And that my friend is a terrible terrible terrible terrible thing for the Syrian people.

Believe you me, Syrians are among the most humble and civilized in the Middle East.

And Assad the butcher and the Qaida and Hizbi goons are taking horrible advantage of their humility.

So sad.
Technically you can argue the same thing about Pakistan.

One can say that Pakistan was more stable, prosperous, etc durring Musharraf's time and then people threw him out and brought in a government that has brought Pakistan almost to the state of collapse
Egypt & Syria have both goneinto chaos after their leaders left, Libya more or less, but Tunisia is fine.
However I beg to differ when you try to lump FSA with terrorists. FSA are Syrian arm men and officers who got fed up with Assad the butcher. They are truly patriots.

Your "saying" won't do anything, FSA are terrorists it has been proven perhaps you should come out of that delusional state I like your posts but sometimes I disagree with some of your posts. The major economic and structural damage in Syria has been caused by FSA and certain other groups coming from Arabs states and Turkey. I wouldn't positively bet on true butcher terrorists like FSA and like minded groups however I would imagine if these personal favorite groups of yours had took their adventure to israel to liberate Palestine from isreali butchers that would been a fun to watch. These arabs can't fix a 45+ years old international issue and comes for jihad in a muslim land, cowards.

One can say that Pakistan was more stable, prosperous, etc durring Musharraf's time and then people threw him out and brought in a government that has brought Pakistan almost to the state of collapse

Hi, Nobody threw him out he left and had a deal with PPP/PML-N have you read recent News? musharraf says he had a deal in place and gilani would have been later replaced by benazir. NRO remember? he essentially handed over Pakistan to be destroyed and left for london leaving behind those crippled soldiers who fought bravely where as mushy lived a healthy wealthy drawing room commando life.
I was in syria in 2001. It was a functional country.I didnt see pelple dropping dead out of hunger.I didnt see people shooting each other on streets,and it was the so called Asad regime back then.
I was never in Libya,but same story.A prosperous functional country under Qazafi regime.
I was in Egypt around same time. The country was very prosperous.Food was cheap. I could see peace and rule of law,their currency was strong and it was Husni Mubarak on the throne.
I was in tunisia many times. Same story.A prosperous functional country,and a liberal one.

Perhaps things changed since 2001 perhaps you travel in better circles than the people at the bottom that started the protests.

When you have a Tunisian man who looses so much that he sees his only choice is to burn himself to death he doesnt see things as functional and properous.
So why in the world the people of these countries chose to listen to foreign propoganda and throw their countries into utter and total anarchy?
I met some of the Egyptian democrats - later revolutionaries - at a demonstration against the Mubarak regime in 2007. I told them that yes, overthrowing Mubarak would be a necessity - but they should push democratic values first. Did not the Egyptian Ambassador make a point of telling us that he maintained good relations with the then-banned Muslim Brotherhood? What plainer indication could he have made to us what he thought would happen to Egypt once Mubarak was gone? If they overthrew Mubarak without deep roots support for democratic values it would just be a matter of throwing out one tyrannical regime in favor of another.

So no, the Egyptians didn't listen to this foreign propagandist, Safriz. Hatred and the exciting prospect of a quick yet evanascent "victory" overwhelmed them.

(And if not all these guys and girls were very bright, that wasn't all their fault: Mubarak had sent the most capable democrats into prison.)
The more relevant question would be

Has Obama gone stupid?

Even though there is little evidence of a White House based conspiracy to overthrow it's allies, NGO's based in USA played a seminal role in Arab Spring.


And White House did nothing to hinder their functioning even after having examples of Iranian revolution and Palestinian election for reference.

Perhaps things changed since 2001 perhaps you travel in better circles than the people at the bottom that started the protests.

When you have a Tunisian man who looses so much that he sees his only choice is to burn himself to death he doesnt see things as functional and properous.

The Tunisian man set himself on fire because he felt humiliated after being slapped by a female police officer.

Now that Islamists had got their revenge, Female need to move around with a coffin draped over them. So now there is no chance of another man:omghaha: being humiliated by a female.
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