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  1. Beerbal

    HT Survey: Congress ahead of rivals before Delhi Elections.

    Marginally , Out of 70 seats BJP is predicted 30 seats, Kongress 28 seats and Khhap 7 seats.. Khangress has traditional vote bank : a) MUslims, These ppl vote in bulk. they have many vote perfamily (Higher breeding rate).. Bangladeshi/Burmese Muslims are boot licker of congress because...
  2. Beerbal

    Zia ul-Haq's legacy in Pakistan 'enduring and toxic'

    Who care what Zia was,... If Pakistani love him there who has the problem/... The Descendent of Zia (RazPak) can tell more about his relative :P (Once @RazPaK mention it)
  3. Beerbal


    Finally some one realize that they are descendent of Ram (Lord Ram was Human from Ayodhya, Who knows I am descendent of him) and Krishna (Lord Krishna was human from Mathura) or Buddha (Lord Budhha was a Bihari) or Jain (Jain Mahavir too was born as human in Bihar).. In Malayasia Muslims pray...
  4. Beerbal

    A Comment From India Times – Why Indian Hindus Hate Muslims

    With all due respect, Why don't we talk about peace??? Trust me If you do Jihad against me, I will bar your entry to heaven. I know some tricks how to bar Muslims from entering heaven... :P
  5. Beerbal

    Muzaffarnagar: 'Love jihad', beef bogey sparked riot flames

    Not all, but suspected one. There is nothing to do with living standards. Terrorism has nothing to do with economics. Terrorism is an ideology which live in a human for many years and come out on apt time.. If Poverty give rise of terrorism, India has many poor Hindus. If Opression give...
  6. Beerbal

    Muzaffarnagar: 'Love jihad', beef bogey sparked riot flames

    Terrorism is just state of mind... :P did 9/11 happen because of some riots? Did 26/11 happen because of some riot? Did Mumbai arson happen because of any riot? Don't pass generic comment... Terrorism is an ideology, It was there when Barbaric Saxon's attacked Roman and Brits in Britain. It...
  7. Beerbal

    Muzaffarnagar: 'Love jihad', beef bogey sparked riot flames

    @palsh bro, My team is planning to work in Bengal's mini Pakistan. I will invite u for work... Once we will complete the seva , I will ask your observation..
  8. Beerbal

    Muzaffarnagar: 'Love jihad', beef bogey sparked riot flames

    And how do you know that??? For rest of things I agree with you..
  9. Beerbal

    A Comment From India Times – Why Indian Hindus Hate Muslims

    A perfect thread for @Icewolf, @RazPaK @AUz and similar soul.. :P
  10. Beerbal

    No consensus in BJP, Advani, Sushma and MM Joshi oppose Narendra Modi as PM

    Opposition is not wrong BJP is not Party of Slave, where Mother bee appoint a donkey as PM and worker bee agree to it.. In democracy opposititon is mandatory. Its good that some one is opposing Modi. First the party will try to bring unanimity among party, if things wont work well Party...
  11. Beerbal

    How america treats Muslims ....

    Because there population is very low. There was a famous post of Muslim percentage and problems.. Look at Britain, Muslims are raping Sikhs and English kids (9-13 year old babies), Asking for Sharia law in Britain. Suggesting amputation (Barbaric Sharia Law) for criminals, teaching Jihad in UK...
  12. Beerbal

    Muzaffarnagar: 'Love jihad', beef bogey sparked riot flames

    The govt should mandatory put CCTV in Masjids. Friday Taqrirs must be recorded. When USA govt can label some Mosque as Jehad factory why can'y India. India is more important than Islam or Hinduism. The Govt should stop thinking of Vote Bank and start doing the right things..
  13. Beerbal

    Deoband issues fatwa banning photography as un-Islamic

    Many thing are un-Islamic in Islam..
  14. Beerbal

    New target: Rajyavardhan Singh Rathore leaves Army, joins BJP

    They should stay are armed forces.. We need nationalist everywhere. BJP supporters need to become IAS, IPS, Army, Doctor, Police...
  15. Beerbal

    India’s Super Sukhoi Vs China’s Su-35: Who has the better Aircraft?

    Chinese, They abuse Russian product while buy the same.. China is greedy about Su35 for its engine and avionics.. Chinese Engine and avionics are not proved good. They close FC1 production. They have stopped Lavi's Production.. There so called 5th gen fighter has no better engine and...
  16. Beerbal

    Remembering 1960s Afghanistan, the photographs of Bill Podlich

    Yes taliban rule, If there rule was so good Why don't Pakistani allow taliban to rule Pakistan.. May allah bless Pakistan with Good taliban.
  17. Beerbal

    Pakistan to free Mullah Baradar this month

    Oh! there is oil in Afghanistan. USA killed Osama in Pakistan. USA gave a message to world "if you pinch me, I will bite you" and you still beleieve that 9/11 was internal job..
  18. Beerbal

    Four Bangladesh bloggers charged with defaming Islam.

    Islam get offeneded by tiny things.. I wonder how radical thought it is.. Islam is not open to discussion, Its not open to criticism... I wonder why god made non-Muslims.. Non Muslims are just cannon fodder for Him..
  19. Beerbal

    Uttar Pradesh riots: Five more dead in UP riots, toll hits 34

    What Major? What happen to you?? You got Sikkular Kida inside you? Hinduism is Indian religion. The Sanatanism is ancestor of Hinduism. You are talking like a Muslim
  20. Beerbal

    Muzaffarnagar violence: Toll rises to 48

    I think BJP should start reverting Muslims..
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