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A Comment From India Times – Why Indian Hindus Hate Muslims

I wish it was so simple. Particularly when it is decided by some that it is the time for meting out a community punishment which let lose one powerful community against another weaker entity and the law enforcing is deliberately delayed for appropriately sufficient time, so that the punishment meted out is considered sufficiently appropriate. It is here that laws of nature are taken over by the law givers down on earth and Godly injunctions are made to inject a fear factor amongst a community, against the mighty and powerful. It is here that the reality dawns and the brutality exposes the governing principles of the powerful who in their endeavour to retain the power express their power through brutality. The superficial wounds may heal, the wounded soul remains wounded. And it is here that freedom takes an expression of identical and responsive brutality. And that is why the decisions of a few powerful may have far more ramifications for the future than the powerful may make presumption for.

While I agree with the general tone & tenor of your post, I'm not sure that is what happened here. I believe (not absolutely sure) that the ruling party wanted/hoped some kind of a polarisation to happen, believing that it will help it garner the Muslim vote. Unlike Gujarat-2002, where your charge might have held more water, this was simply a case of events overtaking the administrative machinery. The Jats generally have always voted for RLD, a party of the late Charan Singh. That party is in alliance with the Congress & its leader, Ajit Singh, a union cabinet minister. It is extremely unlikely that any of them(the Congress, RLD or even the SP)would have imagined benefits from a Jat-Muslim riot. While the BJP will almost certainly gain, it is a party with no hold on government machinery, at either the state level or national level. If police action has been poor, and it has, the blame must fall on the party that Muslims have put their faith in - the ruling SP.
There is no visceral hatred as such.


How would you describe the situation afflicting @Nassr here. He is frequenting anonymous unmoderated forums and posting bull$hit.He should have tried Youtube comment section also.

I quite do not understand your question, anonymous. If you're asking me give my two cents about Nassr's dilemma then it is simple: he has seen hatred projected against a community that he identifies with and that has distressed him because psychologically that is an attack on the 'self' his defence mechanism has been to engage such hatred.
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Brother , Allah(swt) wants us to wage jihad against the infidels.Allah will reward us in paradise with wine,women,food,entertainment etc.

With all due respect, Why don't we talk about peace???

Trust me If you do Jihad against me, I will bar your entry to heaven. I know some tricks how to bar Muslims from entering heaven... :P
Brother , Allah(swt) wants us to wage jihad against the infidels.Allah will reward us in paradise with wine,women,food,entertainment etc.

Brother, when I read the Allah (SWT)'s word and saw the life of His Prophets (pbuh) I was convinced He wanted me to wage a jihad against my own evil self and similar evils in the society rather than anyone else, He wanted me to shelter an orphan, respect the women, hurt no one with my tongue, prostrate in humility shoulder to shoulder with my brothers, provide for food for the hungry that I see and be grateful to Him for what I have. I will gladly forego of any wine, women, food and entertainment that I am to get if I am to kill any 'infidel'. I would much rather share some food with him and be happy in the fact that we are both the Children of Adam and thus members of the same family.
Contrary to what might be the wishes of many on this forum atleast, "Indian raj" does not allow for "dealing with the Sunni Muslims" the way some here wish. This forum seems to have become a wallowing pool for bigots of every type.
Since when was it not? :D :D
Bigotry is not a Sunni monopoly :rofl:
Thought provoking!! :)

In this case you would probably agree with this comment as well.

PLEASE DO NOT IGNORE ---------> As long as the Muslim population remains around 1% of any given country/region/city they will be regarded as a peace-loving minority and not as a threat to anyone. In fact, they may be featured in articles and films, stereotyped for their colorful uniqueness: Nation % Muslim United States 1.0% Australia 1.5% Italy 1.5% Norway 1.8% Canada 1.9% China 2.0% At 2% and 3% they begin to proselytize from other ethnic minorities and disaffected groups with major recruiting from the jails and among street gangs: Nation % Muslim Denmark 2.0% United Kingdom 2.7% Germany 3.7% Spain 4.0% Thailand 4.6% From 5% on they exercise an inordinate influence in proportion to their percentage of the population. They will push for the introduction of halal (clean by Islamic standards) food, thereby securing food preparation jobs for Muslims. They will increase pressure on supermarket chains to feature it on their shelves along with threats for failure to comply. Nation % Muslim Switzerland 4.3% Philippines 5.0% Sweden 5.0% The Netherlands 5.5% Trinida and Tabago 5.8% France 8.0% At this point, they will work to get the ruling government to allow them to rule themselves under Sharia, the Islamic Law. The ultimate goal of Islam is not only to convert the world but also to establish Sharia law over the entire world. When Muslims reach 10% of the population, they will increase lawlessness as a means of complaint about their conditions (Paris car-burnings). Any non-Muslim action that offends Islam will result in uprisings and threats (Mohammed cartoons, Music-Shows Ban). Nation % Muslim Guyana 10.0% Israel 16.0% Kenya 10.0% Russia 15.0% India 19.4% (Riots, terror attacks). After reaching 20% expect hair-trigger rioting, jihad militia formations, sporadic killings and church and synagogue burnings: Nation % Muslim Ethiopia 32.8% At 40% you will find widespread massacres, chronic terror attacks and ongoing militia warfare: Nation % Muslim Bosnia 40.0% Chad 50.1% Lebanon 59.7% From 60% you may expect unfettered persecution of non-believers and other religions, sporadic ethnic cleansing (genocide), use of Sharia Law as a weapon and Jizya, the tax placed on infidels: Nation % Muslim Albania 70.0% Malaysia 60.4% Qatar 77.5% Sudan 70.0% After 80% expect State run ethnic cleansing and genocide: Nation % Muslim Bangladesh 90.0% Egypt 90.0% Gaza 98.7%, Algeria 85%, Indonesia 86.1% Iran 98.0% Iraq 97.0% Jordan 92.0% Morocco 98.7% Pakistan 97.0% Syria 90.0% Tajikistan 90.0% Turkey 99.8% United Arab Emirates 96.0% 100% will usher in the peace of 'Dar-es-Salaam' ? the Islamic House of Peace ? there's supposed to be peace because everybody is a Muslim: Nation % Muslim Yemen 99.9% Afghanistan 100.0% Saudi Arabia 100.0% Somalia 100.0% Of course, that's not the case. To satisfy their blood lust, Muslims then start killing each other for a variety of reasons like Shiya, Sunni, Wahibi, Ahmedi etc like blood thirsty animals like ****** Muhammad (*********)
Brother , you are wrong .Refer to Qur'an 78:33 and Qur'an 56:36...

Allah promised us that..

With respect, brother, Allah (SWT)'s words are deeper than we think. Why else would his beloved Prophet (pbuh) allow a 'kaffir' woman to throw garbage on him and abuse him and still he cares for her when she is sick? Why else would that same man pray for the children who stoned him so bad that he bled into his shoes?

Allah (SWT) commands us to fight those who fight us, no one is fighting us.
You are a well meaning individual. But one thing - you have your conscience. It's best to keep it separate from religion. You don't need verses to be a good person. :angel:
With respect, brother, Allah (SWT)'s words are deeper than we think. Why else would his beloved Prophet (pbuh) allow a 'kaffir' woman to throw garbage on him and abuse him and still he cares for her when she is sick? Why else would that same man pray for the children who stoned him so bad that he bled into his shoes?

Allah (SWT) commands us to fight those who fight us, no one is fighting us.
Jihad is mandatory to get houris,bro.:coffee:

Not everyone wants Hoors, brother. I do not. If I make it to Heaven I would want Allah (SWT)'s company rather than a beautiful woman and if I can have company of a female I would want my lovely wife to be there not 72 Hoors. I don't think that they are what everyone desires for being and doing good.
Very nice observation, Nassr, I'm a psychology student and I can elaborate on what you are saying. See, this phenomena is called the Lucifer Effect: it is what causes people to become evil and malignant. The factors you are saying are actually held within that theory however, here's the kicker: you and I are also as likely as anyone else to act out the same way if we were in a similar situation! So then we cannot actually blame the people can we? My point is that being evil to another is actually very human and we should address it as so rather than address it against an ethnic group because we will only add fuel to the fire.

Right, madam, I am a human first and Pakistani later. So I would speak out against the 'Raj's' treatment against any set of humans be they Muslims, Christians, Hindus, Sikhs or whatever. Oh and btw the Raj's suppose to be dead I thought India was for its people by its people and because of its people and that included all Indians.

Raj means rule/governance,not any person.
You are a well meaning individual. But one thing - you have your conscience. It's best to keep it separate from religion. You don't need verses to be a good person. :angel:

I agree, I do not need religion to be conscious but in the community I live I have to show the people (and that goes for the South Asians in general) that faith actually means more than what they take on face value.

Sorry,but thats what islamic scholars from the school of Abu Al-Wahab have to say .To get houris ,you need to do jihad. Saudis are the best muslims ,bro.

I disagree that any nation can be called a good/best Muslim, that is for Allah to decide, not us. With respect to the school of thought of Abu Al-Wahab I disagree with a lot of their propositions.
While I agree with the general tone & tenor of your post, I'm not sure that is what happened here. I believe (not absolutely sure) that the ruling party wanted/hoped some kind of a polarisation to happen, believing that it will help it garner the Muslim vote. Unlike Gujarat-2002, where your charge might have held more water, this was simply a case of events overtaking the administrative machinery. The Jats generally have always voted for RLD, a party of the late Charan Singh. That party is in alliance with the Congress & its leader, Ajit Singh, a union cabinet minister. It is extremely unlikely that any of them(the Congress, RLD or even the SP)would have imagined benefits from a Jat-Muslim riot. While the BJP will almost certainly gain, it is a party with no hold on government machinery, at either the state level or national level. If police action has been poor, and it has, the blame must fall on the party that Muslims have put their faith in - the ruling SP.

It indeed is ironic in so many ways though. Actually I heard an interview of either some Punchayet person or some one obviously appropriately powerful, on IBN Live or some other channel may be. He was very straight forward like the lady named after a bull from Bronx, when he said that "it was time to mete out this punishment so that they [Muslims] would not have the courage to do the things that they were indulging in." This was as clear as a community punishment would sound to be. This is colonial way of thinking and dealing with the things - the British would do the same. Jalianwala was as good or horrific an example as there ever would be.

For us here in Pakistan, this is not exactly like a Shia Sunni riot as Indians pronounce it to be. Probably we have never seen such happenings in Pakistan in the manner and frequency that we hear about such happenings in India and are thus reminded of pre-partition era. Even I may say with some relief that thank God for Pakistan, I am not an Indian Muslim or Sikh or a Christian. I have not seen a planned community punishment in league with a government or administration in Pakistan ever. However, in India this seems to be a regular phenomenon. It may not be a political decision all the time, but it may be a plan hatched at the administrative level, like probably that gentleman was explaining and the way he was outlining the unfolding events.

What surprises me is that it happens and is allowed to happen while no one gets punished for such brazen acts. Indians here proudly state that the SC of India has given Modi a clean chit. Clearly, this is totally false - but those who state this, say it with conviction and one gets awed with this lack of information amongst the educated ones.
Raj means rule/governance,not any person.

I know what it means, madam, but the words you choose has a lot to say what you want to say. The Raj for the postcolonial nation is the legacy of the British, you could have said our government, our state and so on. You used that word to signify the power you think you hold (against the Sunni Muslims from your other posts).
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