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Muzaffarnagar: 'Love jihad', beef bogey sparked riot flames


Mar 30, 2010
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"Desh, bahu aur gai ko bachana hai toh Narendra Modi ko lana hai (Bring Narendra Modi to save the country, women and cows)" – this was saffron slogan that stoked the Muzaffarnagar fire, causing the deaths of 37 people since last week.

Summing up in one breath all that a man holds dear – land, cow and women – the line added to the earlier VHP bogey of "love jihad", an alleged plot by Muslim youths to woo and convert Hindu girls to Islam. And given that the riots apparently started with the molestation of a Jat girl by a Muslim man, it made the volatile communal cauldron of western Uttar Pradesh explode.

The idea was not new. Sangh outfits have used it to good effect in Mangalore and Kerala, pushing even Kerala's Christian organisations to pick it up.

"When the society could no longer bear the love jihadists, the corrective movement in the form of Bahu Beti Bachao mahapanchayat came into being," said VHP chief Ashok Singhal.

What he was referring to was a version of the slogan - "Bahu Beti Izzat Bachao" - coined at the Jat Mahapanchayat of September 7. Cases of molestation had been on the rise in the run-up to the clash, said locals. And the bloodshed began soon after the mahapanchayat ended.

The alleged molestation case, though, was the proverbial last straw. Rumors of cow slaughter, fuelled by the Sangh Parivar, had already frayed tempers.

"Incidents of cow slaughter and reports of police inaction or biased action led to a situation where people were feeling agitated," said Meerut-based RTI activist Sandeep Pahal.

But independent data to substantiate molestation and cow slaughter stories are hard to come by, usually because the police rarely register these cases, said a local journalist.

Whatever the method, it yielded the desired result. "It's a clear Hindu versus Muslim issue now. The damage to the social fabric is irreparable," said an aide of Qadir Rana, BSP parliamentarian from Muzaffarnagar.

Muzaffarnagar: 'Love jihad', beef bogey sparked riot flames - Hindustan Times
Emboldened by SP inaction and support, these nefarious activities had skyrocketed. Now that the culprits are getting a severe whacking in western UP, things will be quiet for 5 years at least. It is really amazing how the mischievous among Indian Muslims respond to danda.

Gujarat - riot free
Bihar after Bhagalpur - riot free
Assam after Nellie - Riot free.. Booster dose again given at Kokrajhar

Proves that most riots are started by Muslims and a good counter whack keeps them in place for atleast 10-15 years
Lol, why are you opening a new thread on this riot episode every day? Why don't you post the new update in the previous thread you opened?

Btw, people are getting desperate to blame Modi for this. I don't know if the leaders at Center and State are so helpless and hopeless that any one would come in and put fire in their behinds.

Only blinds would not see that this riot started because a Muslim guy first molested the girl and then girl's brothers were killed by Muslim mobs. They were not even content with that and then attacked people returning from the public gathering. During all this the Congress at Center and SP govt at state was sitting trying to protect their vote banks.
The govt should mandatory put CCTV in Masjids. Friday Taqrirs must be recorded. When USA govt can label some Mosque as Jehad factory why can'y India.

India is more important than Islam or Hinduism. The Govt should stop thinking of Vote Bank and start doing the right things..
Such low lives talk big thinking they got Govt. support and backing, so they made hateful speeches and took a leap of faith. But hardly they knew they gonna land on the face with @$$ first.
What "good" will that do? We have the video in this case. We have the video of Akbaruddin Owaisi - what came out?

The gullible will believe whatever our secular people dish out to them through media (and they will forget everything if not in one, in two months). Rest do not matter - because they are (ironically) minority.

Despite video proof articles like this one are being written and published, and that too at no less a source than Hindustan Times. People are bombarded with such opinions on newspaper/television alike. They will watch the videos, yet the overwhelming misinformation will make them believe otherwise.

Everybody talks about politicians giving "hate speeches," who are these speeches being delivered to? They are the real culprits - who cheer in the background at each hindu bashing sentence uttered. These are the same people who get worked up in Mumbai or Timbaktu for events happening in Mayanmar or Iraq or planet Jupiter. It is true that not all Muslims are like this - but there are enough of them, to give the Muslim leaders enough political strength to make such speeches and still get away unscathed against so-called majority community.

And how do you know that???

For rest of things I agree with you..
what ever be the reason the majority of affected are hapless poor villagers Muslims and this might alienate community further, Mulayam singh govt is equally to be blamed for late response
From common sense and observations made so far in my life. That said, IMO, this is no reason for any soft corner towards them. They simply got what they deserved.

@palsh bro, My team is planning to work in Bengal's mini Pakistan. I will invite u for work... Once we will complete the seva , I will ask your observation..
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[Bregs];4761075 said:
what ever be the reason the majority of affected are hapless poor villagers Muslims and this might alienate community further, Mulayam singh govt is equally to be blamed for late response

:what: :ashamed:
"AWW poor muslims died and lost their belongings because blood thirsty Hindus went medieval on their collective @$$es." - (quoting @ranjeet)

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/centra...lims-homes-muzaffarnagar-2.html#ixzz2efTtZ8Ot

They got away lightly.
From common sense and observations made so far in my life. That said, IMO, this is no reason for any soft corner towards them. They simply got what they deserved.
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[Bregs];4761075 said:
what ever be the reason the majority of affected are hapless poor villagers Muslims and this might alienate community further, Mulayam singh govt is equally to be blamed for late response

And as per Hindus the Muslims are NOT Indians so as per Hindu Indians they deserved what they got.
Every political party (barings leftists) will try to get maximum political mileage out of the events happening in UP
And as per Hindus the Muslims are NOT Indians so as per Hindu Indians they deserved what they got.

I request you to be careful while posting on such threads. Avoid one liners, sensational posts; try to engage in constructive debate(at least on such threads) and if you can't contribute in such way, kindly don't post

Or I can foresee PDF getting blocked again
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