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Muzaffarnagar: 'Love jihad', beef bogey sparked riot flames

I asked you a question in sincerity and you think it is an argument. Is it that bad?

But you did not reply mine question i asked you

What we have seen is a particular community just needs any possible reason for terrorism - for eg, the muslim buddhist riots in Burma led to extremism in Mumbai, Lucknow and Bodh Gaya...

Most riots are instigated by this community via their action and when counter action is taken they resort to terrorism like Gujarat and Muzzafarabad.

Its not excuse bro history is witness when the terrorism started in indian apart from punjab/kashmir ?after 1992 . its on record not an escuse

What we have seen is a particular community just needs any possible reason for terrorism - for eg, the muslim buddhist riots in Burma led to extremism in Mumbai, Lucknow and Bodh Gaya...

Most riots are instigated by this community via their action and when counter action is taken they resort to terrorism like Gujarat and Muzzafarabad.

This was not the case till 1992 demolition, and its on records to see. Our respective political parties did this for there political goals and now whole India pays when ever terrorism incident happens
[Bregs];4761451 said:
If you go in past there was not a single incident of ant terrorism by muslims in any part of india, all this started after demolition of babri masjid

Who was causing all the riots before 1992?

you seems to have lots of free time but for your kind information there was not a single incident of terrorism reported after all your statistics but after 1992 there hell lots of terrorism incidents through out India, A gift from BJP to india you can say
I don't remember you asking me a question, but then again such is your state of mind!

Haha! So two states are already out! Babri demolition occured because of constant riots orchestrated by Muslims throught the 20th century, and which continue now into 21st century also. Now you go find what lead to what.

In fact you seem to be an idle person with nothing to do (apparent from your "avatar" as well). I asked about riots. You are just trying to divert the it now. Huh!

I do not need any certificate form you, every on has his opnion to express and you internet fans have gone so possessive of "Fenku" that you are unable to tolerate divergent views :closed:
I don't have certificates to give you either. Nor am I BJP/Fenku (whatever!) fan. But what does one expect from a closed mind. You took an escape route - good riddance, anyway!

Thanks :sleep:
does love jihad really exist... can anybody give first or second hand account....
does love jihad really exist... can anybody give first or second hand account....

May be.


1. 'Love Jihad' racket: VHP, Christian groups find common cause - Times Of India

2. Handsome Muslim men accused of waging 'love jihad' in India - Telegraph

3. Kerala's demographic trends bear watching | Business Line

4. Karnataka to take steps to counter 'Love Jihad' movement

5. Love Jihad: girl rescued - Times Of India

6. Kerala HC wants probe into 'love jihad' - Indian Express

7. Kerala CM reignites 'love jihad' theory - Times Of India

[Bregs];4762100 said:
who is this guy to brand me as terrorist, not supporting BJP and having divergent views means i am terrorists who the hell are you ? @Aeronaut @Jungibaaz

Nobody branded you as a terrorist. Nobody can - except you :pissed: Don't be so sentimental.
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On the contrary, these riots started because Islamic extremists/terrorists were working under a vicious mullah plan to terrorize/attack/molest girls of the majority. All this was reported but the mullah govt at center and state paid no heed to the cries of the people because perpetrators were as usual their main vote banks. How long people could have tolerated this? And the very same guys who protected these mullahs from leaving country in 1947 turned against them after realizing through hard means that they have turned into vicious snakes. This riots though sad were invited upon them by mullahs. This is not going to go down so soon.

Also if all this forces you to become terrorist then become one by all means I am sure you will dealt with properly.

your views are as good as some arabian tale fantasy, democratic secular countries like India are not run on whims n fancy of lie like you

i am not getting emotional its people like you who goes into world of fantasy when some one opposes your beloved BJP/RSS/Fenku
A much better response as compared to your previous one. Though I don't agree :yay:
[Bregs];4762114 said:
your views are as good as some arabian tale fantasy, democratic secular countries like India are not run on whims n fancy of lie like you

[Bregs];4762114 said:
your views are as good as some arabian tale fantasy, democratic secular countries like India are not run on whims n fancy of lie like you

i am not getting emotional its people like you who goes into world of fantasy when some one opposes your beloved BJP/RSS/Fenku

Please avoid personal attacks.
A much better response as compared to your previous one. Though I don't agree :yay:

every one has his/her views, opposing any party can make a man anti national ?

A much better response as compared to your previous one. Though I don't agree :yay:

Please avoid personal attacks.

Then whats there in those cartoons about other party you have been thanking tirelessly :omghaha:, i have not gone personal against any member since my very short stay here
No, Besides, I am a nobody. But if you support a mass murderer like Stalin(for example), or Raza(for corruption) or Quisling(for treachery) it does send out wrong signals. Not supporting or even hating Modi is acceptable but supporting a thoroughly corrupt Government is not. :)
[Bregs];4762130 said:
every one has his/her views, opposing any party can make a man anti national ?
No, Besides, I am a nobody. But if you support a mass murderer like Stalin(for example), or Raza(for corruption) or Quisling(for treachery) it does send out wrong signals. Not supporting or even hating Modi is acceptable but supporting a thoroughly corrupt Government is not. :)

Lol this again are my personal views, how can be i branded anti national by not openly supporting congress but criticizing BJP
[Bregs];4762157 said:
Lol this again are my personal views, how can be i branded anti national by not openly supporting congress but criticizing BJP
Good - go ahead. But if someone has lost his livelihood(lost job) or looted by some Congress MP/MLA and then comes and abuses you - take it :D
And as per Hindus the Muslims are NOT Indians so as per Hindu Indians they deserved what they got.

Correct, as muslims always not support true democratic nature, built mosque and other land then started killing on the name of religion. someone has to say enough is enough.
[Bregs];4762157 said:
Lol this again are my personal views, how can be i branded anti national by not openly supporting congress but criticizing BJP

I am openly supporting congress(to bring some balance to the discussion) .. I dont mind being called anti national.. :D
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