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A Comment From India Times – Why Indian Hindus Hate Muslims

The comment is indeed idiotic. Especially talking about Allah and stuff. But why popularize such posts and offend more Muslims by sharing it?
Why do you think it will happen from our side first?? It could happen from muslim world which happens to be Pakistan.

Because all I hear is about teaching the Muslims a lesson. Lets say there is a news that a Muslim committed a crime, whether it is fabricated by Hindutva RSS Bajrang Dal or actually true, it becomes an excuse for teaching the whole Muslim village or community a lesson, so they never dare to something similar again. The teaching lesson will start with Indian Muslims and then it will extend to South Asian Muslims in the neighborhood and if India's Hindu's can afford to, it will extend to surrounding countries, all in a spirit of revenge for all the Muslim invasions that ever took place in history. The Muslims must be taught a lesson so they never dare to invade Hindu land again.

Delusional mindset and power to do harm is a bad combination, and that is what we have in India, unfortunately.
Which Allah are you referring to - the one being abused by the Indians in the comments section of Indian newspapers. And incidentally, you are one of those few Muslims I have seen who do not use capital A with Allah. Why don't you sneeze hard so that I can also bless you.

You know,what really annoys me are people like you,the self proclaimed SAVIOURS of Islam,who go around as if Islam is your personal property. India is my country and Islam is my religion,and I believe in allah,the only one. If I have any problems with my fellow Indians,I shall sort it with them, your concern is appreciated but not needed.

True.. Just like Pakistanis' real feelings about Hindus is very evident on this forum under the grabs of anonymity.

Never knew that one's spiritual credentials have a linkage with one's typing skills :D

@seiko: They just can't mind their own business and thinks they are the right ones.
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Those are Hindus for you...

I actually wish I met some nice, sensible Hindus on PDF so I could change my mind about them.
Unfortunately, this site attracts some of the most gutter trashy Indians there are in the world.. One day... maybe.

Going by your posts in the past you are no better than the people you so vividly describe. you should rise above (in your words) gutter trash , but you have on many occasions sunk to there level too.
As to comments , there are people of all walks of life . if you only wish to see the bad , its your decision.
You know,what really annoys me are people like you,the self proclaimed SAVIOURS of Islam,who go around Islam is your personal property. India is my country and Islam is my religion,and I believe in allah,the only one. If I have any problems with my fellow Indians,I shall sort it with them, your concern is appreciated but not needed.

At first Pakistanis should take care of their own country than commenting on India.:flame:
These are not the comments about of majority of Hindus but those of some internet fan boy army supporting a particular party but this way spoiling there chances too
The less said about him - the better.
Very few Bengali Hindus are proud to proclaim themselves as Hindu.
After all the only Indian state that distinguished itself by giving imambhata (Imam Allowance) ie - allowance from State treasury to Muslim Imams only and not to Hindu, Christian priests, Buddhist monks, Sikhs etc. They call it secularism :D
Another Bong Commie
Nobody is talking about 'shades' of opinion, but the national "narrative" of 1.3 billion Indians!!!!! Every where, every site, every newspaper comment section, Youtube, Indian forums etc etc...ALL of them have such comments as the "dominating voice" of digital media. Don't tell me it is just a shade of opinion. "Jews are the problem" was not a 'shade' of opinion of Nazis, but the dominating national "narrative" of Germans in 1938-1944....

Same is the case with Indians...the only problem is, you are afraid and frustrated. You can not do what Hitler did to Jews...Because Hitler didn't have an nuclear armed ideological Jewish state right next to Germany, which could put up a ~ 1 million man standing army armed with tanks, artillery, missiles, aircrafts, gunships and so on...

Any systematic oppression of Muslims will provide ISI the most golden opportunity of its life to cause havoc in india...

Had we not separated from hindus, hindus would have been persecuting us like no other..Now, they can only take our their frustrations on internet :lol:

The reason for not doing that is not you,you matter zilch in geo political decisions.
The comment is indeed idiotic. Especially talking about Allah and stuff. But why popularize such posts and offend more Muslims by sharing it?

you will see no such abusive language in even a most anti-India newspaper here.

The onus is on Indian media to disallow such pathetic comments.

ToI or HT banking on abusive language is a sorry state.
Wow.. 11 pages to debate on a comment by probably a teenager venting his frustrations. PDF Standards are getting higher every day. :astagh:
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