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  1. S

    India approves plan to develop Iran's Chabahar port

    People can build all the conspiracy theories they want. The fact is that, Iran is facing same problem that India is facing since many years. Terrorists from Pakistan infiltrating into Iran just like terrorists from Pakistan infiltrate India.
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    ISIS is selling oil in Turkey

    I google search about ISIS and i find plenty of evidence that Saudi Arabia and US have jointly created ISIS. Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant led by Prince Abdul Rahman Anyway, isn't it obvious that Takfiri and Salafist filth around the world is financed by Saudi Arabia?
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    ISIS is selling oil in Turkey

    Argument that Assad Built Al Qaeda is similar to - Soviets built Mujahideen in Afghanistan and Pakistan Army built TTP/BLA. So Assad allowed rebels to takeover Syrian Oil fields so that Assad can purchase oil from rebels. Great logic. Where is your brain?
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    ISIS is selling oil in Turkey

    ISIS is selling Oil from captured Syrian & Iraqi fields in Turkey. Turkey is assisting financing of ISIS. ISIS has laid miles of Oil Pipelines through Iraq and Syrian border into Turkey from where it easily sells Oil to raise millions of dollars. Turkish Govt is working hand in glove with ISIS...
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    Erdogan: Turkey ready to accommodate all Gaza casualties, "no matter how many"

    You're wrong. Check the Historical maps of India, specially since 16th century when concept of nation states emerged. Kashmir is a part of India. Regarding Kashmir as different state. India had been dozens of different states unified under weak confederate or federal structure under rule of...
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    Erdogan: Turkey ready to accommodate all Gaza casualties, "no matter how many"

    Kashmir has been a part of India since centuries and India doesn't believe in secession/division of state based on religion. So no separate state for Sikhs, Muslims or Christians. India, at least, theoretically has a secular constitution. Kashmir and Palestine are completely different...
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    Erdogan: Turkey ready to accommodate all Gaza casualties, "no matter how many"

    India didn't recognize the state of Israel until 1992. Though India established Diplomatic relation with Israel, India's official position is in favor of Palestine. India recognize Palestine state, India supports all UN resolutions regarding withdrawal of Israeli troops to pre 1967 borders...
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    Why is Turkey supporting Islamic State fighters in Iraq?

    You better give your keyboard to your plants. They 're smarter than you. Maybe they can post sensibly.
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    Erdogan: Turkey ready to accommodate all Gaza casualties, "no matter how many"

    I don't wanna comment on quality and quantity of Turkey's weapon production. Neither, do i believe that Turkey is benefiting from Defense Technology imports from NATO nations. I was responding to Sinan who thinks Turkey is getting advanced defense Tech as benefit from NATO membership. Why...
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    Erdogan: Turkey ready to accommodate all Gaza casualties, "no matter how many"

    JF 17 is a nuclear capable advanced fighter Jet. CAC/PAC JF-17 Thunder - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia By the way, how many F 35s does Turkey have? Pakistan already have 50 JF 17 in service and 110 more coming.
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    Why is Turkey supporting Islamic State fighters in Iraq?

    Go ahead sir. You're making yourself look like a fool. The fact is Turkey has Billions of $$$ worth Oil contracts with Kurdistan. That too against approval of Iraq's government. Turkey is interested in Kurdistan Oil. Turkey isn't interested in stability of Iraq.
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    Erdogan: Turkey ready to accommodate all Gaza casualties, "no matter how many"

    The point i am trying to make is that you don't need NATO membership to upgrade your defense industry. Turkey can be an independent nation like many others, independent of NATO and also develop militarily. By the way, depending your own defense industry upon a nation that can be your...
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    Erdogan: Turkey ready to accommodate all Gaza casualties, "no matter how many"

    Pakistan got advanced Nuclear capable JF-17s from China. http://www.nytimes.com/2011/05/20/world/asia/20pakistan.html While Turkey has to pander to US to buy couple of defective F 35s.
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    Why is Turkey supporting Islamic State fighters in Iraq?

    I think you're only good at writing but not very good at reading.
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    Erdogan: Turkey ready to accommodate all Gaza casualties, "no matter how many"

    Those weapons?! Pakistan is not a member of NATO and it has far better defense (both Nuclear and conventional) systems than Turkey. Pakistan didn't join NATO yet it upgraded its defense capabilities by engaging with China, Europe, Russia and US as well. And about immunity. The immunity is as...
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    Why is Turkey supporting Islamic State fighters in Iraq?

    You're a fool my friend. You know nothing. http://www.nytimes.com/2013/12/03/world/middleeast/kurds-oil-deals-with-turkey-raise-fears-of-fissures-in-iraq.html?pagewanted=all http://online.wsj.com/news/articles/SB10001424127887323716304578483102209858858 Turkey’s Kurdish oil gamble -...
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    Erdogan: Turkey ready to accommodate all Gaza casualties, "no matter how many"

    Turkey helped create the Syria crisis. The millions of refugees coming into Turkey is fault of Turkey's foolish foreign policy. And Turkey is also converting Syrian refugees into Syrian rebels sending them back into Syria to fight Assad. Its a full circle. A fatal foreign policy. And i don't...
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    Erdogan: Turkey ready to accommodate all Gaza casualties, "no matter how many"

    What exactly is Turkey getting in return of NATO membership? Nothing!
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    Why is Turkey supporting Islamic State fighters in Iraq?

    What kind of proof you want? You want Al Baghdadi to issue media statement that he's a friend of Erdogan? Or you want ISIS embassy to be opened in Turkey? Will that be a proof good enough for you? Its not just US. Turkey may also wants independent Kurdistan. Turkey is now directly purchasing...
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