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Erdogan: Turkey ready to accommodate all Gaza casualties, "no matter how many"

Turkey being the only Muslim state member of NATO should threaten to boycott relations with west if US and other NATO allies don't pressurize Israel to stop bombing Gaza.

No....that's way to easy... we should decleare war to Israel...and fight with all of our military might...to the last Turkish citizen.

Don't you think that's better ? o_O
No....that's way to easy... we should decleare war to Israel...and fight with all of our military might...to the last Turkish citizen.

Don't you think that's better ? o_O

Why would you declare War with Israel? You should be busy overthrowing Assad and supporting ISIS. That's what suits as a member of NATO.
Why would you declare War with Israel? You should be busy overthrowing Assad and supporting ISIS. That's what suits as a member of NATO.

Yeah, because that's what NATO member states do. :agree:

They overthrow an Assad and support ISIS. :enjoy:
Turkey being the only Muslim state member of NATO should threaten to boycott relations with west if US and other NATO allies don't pressurize Israel to stop bombing Gaza.
really? and why should Turkey sacrifice itself for a case that has nothing to do with us, except due a religious link. let the Arab countries themselves do something about it. begging Turkey when it suits you, disregarding Turkey as secular dogs when it suits you.
Great, glad to see someone helping the Palestinians

Coward Erdogan. He can't stand up to Israel. Best he can do is to accommodate casualties from Gaza.
Standing up to Israel will be standing up to the US, not good for Turkey. It would be stupid if Erdogan did that.
really? and why should Turkey sacrifice itself for a case that has nothing to do with us, except due a religious link. let the Arab countries themselves do something about it. begging Turkey when it suits you, disregarding Turkey as secular dogs when it suits you.

I am not begging for anything.

All i am saying is that Turkey, being a member of NATO, has a strong leverage to exert pressure on Israel through US and other NATO nations.

Is that so hard for Turkey?! If Turkey can't even do that, then stop this fake drama of accomodating Gazans.
I am not begging for anything.

All i am saying is that Turkey, being a member of NATO, has a strong leverage to exert pressure on Israel through US and other NATO nations.

Is that so hard for Turkey?! If Turkey can't even do that, then stop this fake drama of accomodating Gazans.

Exert pressure to US....there is no country on Earth that can pressure US.

What are we going to say...? We will leave NATO if you don't stop Israel ? Do you think US will favor Turkey in a standoff between Turkey and Israel.... come back to reality.
I am not begging for anything.

All i am saying is that Turkey, being a member of NATO, has a strong leverage to exert pressure on Israel through US and other NATO nations.

Is that so hard for Turkey?! If Turkey can't even do that, then stop this fake drama of accomodating Gazans.
Turkey is doing what it can and does a good job in the humanitarian field. Turkey has more than a million refugees from Iraq and Syria and now also brings in injured people from Gaza, i dont see many countries doing the same in the ME, so i have no clue what you mean with 'fake drama'. I mean, Turkey could have closed its borders to any refugees, you know, but then you will blast at Turkey for doing nothing, won't you? i think you are being emotional. at the moment no voice can make the US change its behavior against Israel. therefore any escalation from Turkey's side would only have a negative impact for Turkey while the situation for Gaza wont change. that's the reality we live in. you expect Turkey to do the dirty job and catch the punches for you and your likeminded people, but Erdogan is not stupid to put Turkey in such a situation. I bet Arabs with all their wealth, oil, population, land mass etc have way waaay more leverage than Turkey, yet we see what the Arab world means for Gaza; close to 0 due the disunity of their leaders.
Exert pressure to US....there is no country on Earth that can pressure US.

What are we going to say...? We will leave NATO if you don't stop Israel ? Do you think US will favor Turkey in a standoff between Turkey and Israel.... come back to reality.
Exert pressure to US....there is no country on Earth that can pressure US.

What are we going to say...? We will leave NATO if you don't stop Israel ? Do you think US will favor Turkey in a standoff between Turkey and Israel.... come back to reality.

What exactly is Turkey getting in return of NATO membership? Nothing!
really? and why should Turkey sacrifice itself for a case that has nothing to do with us, except due a religious link. let the Arab countries themselves do something about it. begging Turkey when it suits you, disregarding Turkey as secular dogs when it suits you.
Hm, he doesn't come across as an Arab. More like a Farsi who is hiding behind false account as usual. Clearly @Sanjay_ wants the attention and he is getting it.
Turkey is doing what it can and does a good job in the humanitarian field. Turkey has more than a million refugees from Iraq and Syria and now also brings in injured people from Gaza, i dont see many countries doing the same in the ME, so i have no clue what you mean with 'fake drama'. I mean, Turkey could have closed its borders to any refugees, you know, but then you will blast at Turkey for doing nothing, won't you? i think you are being emotional. at the moment no voice can make the US change its behavior against Israel. therefore any escalation from Turkey's side would only have a negative impact for Turkey while the situation for Gaza wont change. that's the reality we live in. you expect Turkey to do the dirty job and catch the punches for you and your likeminded people, but Erdogan is not stupid to put Turkey in such a situation. I bet Arabs with all their wealth, oil, population, land mass etc have way waaay more leverage than Turkey, yet we see what the Arab world means for Gaza; close to 0 due the disunity of their leaders.

Turkey helped create the Syria crisis. The millions of refugees coming into Turkey is fault of Turkey's foolish foreign policy. And Turkey is also converting Syrian refugees into Syrian rebels sending them back into Syria to fight Assad. Its a full circle. A fatal foreign policy.

And i don't think Arabs wanna do anything. Saudis and Gulf monarchs are puppets of US. They can't do anything to confront US or Israel.
Wow, that is painful. Israel doesn't win hearts with that. Is Turkey the only country helping or are Arab countries also giving medical service? Egypt is just next door.
saudi arabia supposedly giving aid…

So, what are you doing?
hes indian

By your logic, all of the world leaders are cowards.


Good gesture, nice effort................anybody wonder why don't we hear these kind of news about the Turkmen's in Iraq ???
maybe its a conspiracy against turks being commited by arabs to control turkey??
What exactly is Turkey getting in return of NATO membership? Nothing!
to name a few obvious ones; (shared) expertise, high level nato standards for indigenous military system production, military systems (like patriot systems in Turkey), mutual training for experience and the list goes on. goes for any nato country, you could have searched this up, so common question.
you have no clue what you are talking about, do you? waste of time.
Turkey being the only Muslim state member of NATO should threaten to boycott relations with west if US and other NATO allies don't pressurize Israel to stop bombing Gaza.
why??? indian wet dreams…
turkey is more influential by having relationships with west and nato…
in another decade they will be more powerful then any european country then they can do as they please…
What exactly is Turkey getting in return of NATO membership? Nothing!
- 90 B-61 Nuclear bombs...40 of them are allocated for use of Turaf
- Free Patriots that defends our southern border
- Access to latest state of art weaponry (world's only avaliable 5th gen fighter F-35, AIM 9 missiles)
- Half of our Air-space being covered by NATO radars.
- Immunity against all non-NATO countries..

Do you want me to count more ?

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