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    India poses no missile threat: NATO

    Yeah... that shows our credibility in international stage
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    Agni-VI to have longer reach (10,000 km)

    You are right... It's a good achievement but at the same time we should not overhype it as well. Congrats to DRDO for this achievement but dont stop it here and relax for another 10 yrs...... We would expect more innovation from our huge scientific community... Agni V is good by not sufficient....
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    No water, no trade with India: Khaleda

    If we are denying water to you after flouting international treaties then you have every right to take up this matter in international court of justice and fight for your rights. propaganda/warnings like "No water No trade" will hurt BD more brother!!! Iam not saying you to compromise on your...
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    Hold referendum for Kashmir & Dravidastan: Sri Lanka

    Agreed ... Nobody has the right to try to split a sovereign country... People who have such thought can split their country as well one day... either we should ignore such maroons or the respective governaments should take action against them.
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    Israel, threat to world peace: German Nobel laureate Grass

    We (Indians) very well know where we stand in the world stage and our improvement areas as well. We are people with positive frame of mind and support Israel from heart. Do some soul searching before blaming others, whole world knows who is the supporter of terrorism and there are n number of...
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    Why is Pakistan afraid of international perception when testing its ICBM?

    You are a peace loving nation right!!! Why do you want to rataliate for whatever India does??? No offence meant, when this missile is not targetted towards Pakistan, why do you want to come up with an answer?
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    Israel, threat to world peace: German Nobel laureate Grass

    You are right. A nation who is the wholesale exporter of terror is blaming Israel for protecting it's citizens. What an Irony!!!
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    The Coming China-India Conflict: Is War Inevitable?

    China-India conflict is not at all a possibility as long as the governments on either side behave in a matured way, which they are doing to a certain extent now (though many more miles are left to travel). So, ppl stop paniking and get on with your work.
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    Israel, threat to world peace: German Nobel laureate Grass

    Israel is not an evil, It's a lovely country which values it's citizens more than any other country in the world and is doing whatever is required to protect it's citizens from evil forces/designs and It's a country with high self-esteem. PS: Every life on this planet has equal value and...
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    600MW solar power plant inaugurated in India!

    Whatever it is....Gujarat is progressing under Modi's leadership. Hope I see such forward looking leadership in other parts of our country which unfortunately is infested by dirty politics/politicians
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    Agni V Discussions

    Congratulations to DRDO & Indian scientists for this technical achievement. I wish we never get a chance to use these new age defense toys against each other. It is a bit sad as well to see how neighbours, who were supposed to be like brothers are being made to fight against each other by...
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