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  1. Meengla

    An India-Pakistan Cricket Video: The Most Rapid Video Viewership Ever?

    YouTube algorithm just showed me this video. What astonished me was the viewership: 275k in just one hour--as of now. How could it be? The subscriber count is less than 300 k and compared with others with many more subscribers, the views are far larger. Is it fake/bot viewership?
  2. Meengla

    Hamid Mir's Rousing Speech: Indirectly Supporting PTI

    By now, every one here knows how much I despise Imran Khan but that doesn't mean I have some soft corner for the old-order politicians and the Establishment--I just consider the latter two to be better than a mentally deranged Imran Khan. The video I am posting is a rousing indirect support of...
  3. Meengla

    ZAB's Nationalization of 1972 and the Pakistan Before That

    Recently I butted head with several PDF senior guys in a thread. In that thread, I asserted that if today's Pakistan even exists, it was because of the Ayub Khan era of 1958-1969. My argument was that the Pakistan of pre 1958, especially between 1951-1958 was in a dangerous downward spiral but...
  4. Meengla

    Pakistan's Defense Minister and the Strategic Dilemma Facing Pakistan

    The referenced article below is Pakistan's biggest strategic problem, which arises from economic problems, which arise from political stability, but since the Russia-Ukraine war, Pakistan's ambivalence between China and USA are getting less and less impatience from the two Superpowers. In a...
  5. Meengla

    Asad Toor Summarizes the May 9 Plans by Imran Khan

    Recently discovered this blogger. The video below summarizes what was planned by Imran Khan and corroborates what Imran's erstwhile supporters like Irshad Bhatti are saying: Imran's path back to power was through manipulating the officers in Pakistani military to his advantage. A few points in...
  6. Meengla

    "China: The Roots of Madness" (1967). Worth Watching Documentary

    YouTube's algorithm guided me last night to this documentary about the modern China. Before watching this, I had only a vague idea about the modern China. Movies like 'The Last Emperor' helped some but the names like Chiang Kai Shek and Mao etc were vaguely familiar. This documentary helps a lot...
  7. Meengla

    Kim Iverson and Dennis Kucinich: A Debate worth watching

    I have long believed that the world could be a much better place for humanity and our environment and the path to solve humanity's issues lie through reforming the power apparatus in America--specifically, in Washington DC. You reform there and a lot of the problems afflicting humanity and our...
  8. Meengla

    January 2022: Hamid Mir Predicted Imran Khan's No Confidence Motion Issue

    Imran Khan is running away with conspiracy theories and his fanbois and allies in the media, especially in social media, are his partners in promoting those theories. Here I am posting an article by the Pakistani journalist Hamid Mir which clearly shows that Imran Khan would be in trouble if the...
  9. Meengla

    Colonel MacGregor on the American Involvement in Afghanistan

    Though a bit dated interview, this gives insight into what went wrong in in the American involvement in Afghanistan and how the military culture in America is often of no accountability. The Colonel Macgregor remained a 'Colonel' because he spoke plainly without an underperforming, even a...
  10. Meengla

    Pregnant Kiwi Reporter: 'NZ Said You are Not Welcome'. Taliban Helping!

    This is a story of Charlotte Bellis, a recent Al Jazeera employee and a NZ citizen. She is pregnant and unmarried--and currently in Kabul! I remember seeing her in Kabul during the coverage of the Taliban takeover in the summer of 2021. Truly a bizarre story! I tend to think she has...
  11. Meengla

    First Snowfall of the Season at My American Home!

    This is just a casual post. Thought to share to maybe lighten up the mood here some. Showing the first snowfall of the season which is happening today. Already about 3-3.5 inches of snow has fallen here and that's enough for those of us who live in the American Deep South. So far this year, the...
  12. Meengla

    An Unraveling of the Covid Pandemic Narrative even at the NY Times!

    I had anticipated that the CDC driven global narrative to try to vaccinate 8 billion people quickly would fail and it is failing. The 'Covid Fatigue' can be seen even in a place like the NY Times which has been almost unquestionably tooting the CDC line. But looking at the Comments to this...
  13. Meengla

    The Economist: Green energy: Which sources are the most sustainable? [A Case for Nuclear Energy]

    The Economist is a very reputable platform and this video is well worth watching. To me, after watching this video, the quickest and the most reliable way to reverse Climate Change would be to use nuclear energy as much as possible. Yes, there are risks involved but not doing something quickly...
  14. Meengla

    NY Times Front Page: Persecution of Indian Christians

    This is gracing the front page of the NY Times right now as a large article--and that too in the Christmas season. NY Times keeps bashing on India every few days. This is a such a thoroughly researched article, BTW. https://www.nytimes.com/2021/12/22/world/asia/india-christians-attacked.html...
  15. Meengla

    Why I am resisting the Vaccines: A Personal Take!

    For background scientific basis, I am posting a video by Dr. Suneel Dhand in this thread and I fully agree with his video and feel sorry for the guy for the discriminations he's been facing. I am also posting my own blood test results which are in line with the case presented by Dr. Dhand. I am...
  16. Meengla

    The 'worst ever' mutant from South Africa: UK Banning Travel from some African Countries

    Here we go again. The new variant is likely to be called 'Nu' and is supposed to be the worst ever variant and is being reported as highly transmissible. South Africans are not happy over the UK travel ban: We did due diligence and reported to the world but facing the travel ban.
  17. Meengla

    T20 World Cup Final: NZ vs Australia

    Surprised there is no thread about it! Please delete if duplicate. The Final has started and I am rooting for the Kiwis!
  18. Meengla

    Perween Rehman Biography: A Video [English] Which Made me Cry!

    I was vaguely aware of the name. I have been an avid read of Dawn.com for decades--almost a daily routine. Perween Rehman's name would come up sometimes but in 2013 when I read of her death it literally felt like a big blow to my heart. I knew of her heroic work but didn't know of her...
  19. Meengla

    America and China: Another Big Powers Understanding in the Making?

    As I said in another thread, what kind of strategic direction America is going to take after pulling out from Afghanistan is the biggest riddle to me because that direction has deep consequences for large parts of the world, but especially for Pakistan's vicinity. Broadly speaking, will America...
  20. Meengla

    The Absurdity of Bringing Afghan 'Collaborators' to the West!

    This topic needs to be brought up and brought up so that people and history should know the absurdity of bringing those Afghans to the West because they collaborated with the West. Here are my thoughts. And @DJ_Viper in the loop. 1) Firstly, I don't think anyone should blame the Afghans for...
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