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An Unraveling of the Covid Pandemic Narrative even at the NY Times!


Aug 1, 2009
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United States
I had anticipated that the CDC driven global narrative to try to vaccinate 8 billion people quickly would fail and it is failing. The 'Covid Fatigue' can be seen even in a place like the NY Times which has been almost unquestionably tooting the CDC line. But looking at the Comments to this article at the Times, you'd see that even at the Times, there is a strong distrust of the US govt measures and that's saying a lot. You need to sort the Comments by 'Reader Picks' to see the trend. A few Comments copied below as highly recommended are contrary to the official line. And yes I am aware there are comments supporting the official narrative but that's to be expected at the Times. My point being: The official line was bound to fail and is failing 'spectacularly' as a comment says. The endless cycle of vaccines, boosters, masking and lockdowns is coming to an end even in America--and that's saying a lot. The rest of the world, like sheeples they are, going to follow America then...

Southern California Dec. 29
Everyone I know who has Omicron was boosted. Because my friends and family are responsible people. But the booster is not stopping people from getting the virus and to pretend otherwise is disingenuous. As another commenter points out, this reeks of the moment they told us masks don’t work and only serves to further erode trust in authority.
Los Angeles 10h ago
My very large academic employer sent an email the day after Christmas mandating that all students and staff get a booster by January 18th. That’s more than 30,000 people with only about 3 weeks to comply. And yet a recent study demonstrated the booster’s efficacy wanes after 10 weeks. I’m fully onboard with vaccination, and if the science says we need three doses, I’ll get my third dose (anyway I am compelled to now by my employer). But where does it end? We can’t continue to get immunized every 10 weeks. There’s not even a finished trial for a fourth dose, so it’s unclear what we are supposed to do in March. Isn’t anyone asking why this vaccine technology isn’t effective at establishing long term immunity; and shouldn’t we be pursuing a more long lasting form of vaccination instead of repeatedly administering less effective vaccines made from a variant that’s two years old?

NY Dec. 29
This is getting ridiculous. Its pretty clear that the vaccines we have now aren't effective against the newer strains. And that they wane very quickly. And that they don't prevent the spread very well. I mean, 90% of people are vaccinated here and yet entire groups of fully vaccinated and boosted people are getting it. ( Remember when they said 70% was the magic number that would turn this all around and create herd immunity ? ) When something doesn't work, it isn't good science to start taking more and MORE of it. You're supposed to try a different strategy. THATS how progressis made. Its completely unethical to force more people to get more boosters when those boosters don't have much to offer and the risks of booster after booster are unknown. If you want a booster, I'm all for free and easy access to them. But understand, even now, the vast majority of people infected, vaccinated or not, recover from covid without any medical assistance.
Jay Hawk
L.A. Dec. 29
I work for one of the largest financial institutions in America. I willingly took the 2 Moderna shots. I wanted to be protected against Covid and my employer strongly encouraged it...though didn't mandate it. My father in law got the booster last month and fell down 3 times the same day. My wife and kid have both been infected with Covid and recovered with no consequences. I will not get another shot. I will retire earlier then I planned. I am not alone. It's time to move on.
NJ Dec. 29
This is how it ends. Nobody is listening to these people anymore, of course, because all mitigation initiatives have failed so obviously and spectacularly. I am, thankfully, vaccinated and boosted, but I have zero plans to get shots every 3 months, and I certainly have no intention of wearing a mask at all. It’s endemic and I am done.
NYC Dec. 29
I had the two shots and got Omicron. What point is there in getting a booster? Seems like a waste of a dose that should go to someone who didn’t get covid. This makes no sense.
Captain Nemo
On the Nautilus Dec. 29
@Anonymous I have stopped paying attention to the CDC and the FDA a long time ago. Both agencies should be scrapped and rebuilt from the ground up with competent scientists and physicians, not bottom of the barrel bureaucrats.
No vaccine against Omicron so far, this is known.
No vaccine against Omicron so far, this is known.

Of course not.
Why would vaccines, which were in production in 2020 on 'warp speed' against the original Virus be necessarily effect against subsequent Variants??
We have been either sold lies or the CDC is full of incompetent people or worse there indeed IS collusion between various politicians, 'big pharma', scientists and CDC... Probably a combination of all that per my understading.
This NY Times article and its comments are damning harbingers of the turning tide.
I believe what we are finally seeing is a way out of the pandemic. Yes, probably more people would die because of more opening of the world, but I believe humanity is going to survive and perhaps even thrive once we go back to the world before 2020. Otherwise, I see no way out of this pandemic and its disastrous consequences and this NY Times article and its Comments clearly hint at the humanity ready to unshackle itself...
It is time to move on!!
Didn't they tell me that it was 90% efficacy and targeted the spike protein which couldn't mutate or else it's going to lose infectivity?
Didn't they tell me that it was 90% efficacy and targeted the spike protein which couldn't mutate or else it's going to lose infectivity?

I have seen some studies that as many as 27% of hospitalized persons have been fully vaccinated. But vaccines are definitely failing after a while--and 'a while' is getting as short as 10 weeks, and in some countries a 4th shot (second Booster) has been approved. And of those who are 'Fully Vaccinated' in America (2 original shots), only 1/3rd have taken the Boosters or willing to take the Boosters. The OP article is not only about what will constitute 'Fully Vaccinated' going forward but also hints at the strong reaction from the Vaxxers against continuing Boosters.
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