Why the rush to take action?
The one child policy was not strictly enforced. Many families have more than 1 child. In fact, if you do not work for the government or a government owned enterprise, you are pretty much free to have as many children as you like. All you need is to pay a small fine. Zhu Ting (born 1994), the...
If J20 is indeed using WS10, those WS10 guys would have bragged about it and some awards would have been given. So, no news means J20 is still using AL31. I agree with Mr. Xi Yazhou's analysis, Chengdu does not like WS10 due to performance or reliability problems.
Since WS10 has powered J11, I donot see why it cannot be used on J20, which all military fans would like to see it happen. However, if looking from Chengdu's perspective, there is not much incentive for them to use WS10, as it will only add more risks. Their priority is to finish the J20 project...
Regarding J-20, Mr. Du can only depend on the public information just like all the fans. If you have watched all his programs, it basically has no substantial content at all.