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  1. STEVEN囧

    China unveils 2900 kph super-maglev train

    we could use the maglev train to deliver goods.
  2. STEVEN囧

    China makes NYC look like the 3rd world

    Firstly,China is still a developing country.Because the gap between the riches and poors is bigger. Many forum members laugh at that Chinese is still poor compare to per capita GDP and monthly salary.Yes,it is true.Compare to this,we are still behind.But please remember that Chinese goods price...
  3. STEVEN囧

    Do India's Space Program and Mars Mission Make Sense?

    It is a good news for all the people in the world.It is a great exploration. Congratulations! Wish indian could achieve more development on the outer space.We should protect and wish the great Asian development. Some members don't be that mean and it is a little sissy.Be a man.
  4. STEVEN囧

    Xi: democracy is not decoration, but a means to solve problems

    China is still searching the way of development and we must face difficulties and choose a wrong way to some extent.But we have the faith in coming back to the right way. Every country has her own way and please give her more time. Anyway extract the essence and discard the dregs on the...
  5. STEVEN囧

    China has warned its citizens not to travel to the Philippines

    18 Chinese has died in your country since the crisis break out.I think our government has the right to tell our citizens about the basic situation there.Even though your citizens is friendly,we have the reason to worry about that why there are many Chinese has died in your country and give the...
  6. STEVEN囧

    China has warned its citizens not to travel to the Philippines

    Even though we have a very bad relationship with Japanese,who could tell me how many Japanese has died in the past years? Even though USA has been agitating China with her allies,who could tell me how many Americans has died in the past years? In China,it is hard to see the special revenge or...
  7. STEVEN囧

    Iran intercepts and shoots israeli drone

    why US always spies other nations? what a tough job!:police: please teach your allies not to do that as well...don't always invade other nations' sovereignty and don't adopt double standard between your allies and other nations. Hegemony will disappear sooner or later...
  8. STEVEN囧

    pol l in chinese defence forum about gaza conflict

    Frankly as a common civilian,we are strongly against the Israel's behavior of bombarding Palestine civilians. The poll could hardly represent the majority of the netizens because most of Chinese support Palestine to protect their homeland and civilians and think Israeli is too greedy and...
  9. STEVEN囧

    Ukraine says Malaysian airliner shot down, 295 dead: agency

    RIP and damn those perpetrators.
  10. STEVEN囧

    White Guy Tells How China Really is

    Chinese was very indigent and underprivileged three decades ago and we are getting better right now.We move forward very fast in a so-called communist way.Frankly in terms of this kind of regime,many many westerners are against it and we are pushed to spotlight in the stage.let us image that if...
  11. STEVEN囧

    Would Pakistan Support a Chinese Bid to Have PLAAF/PLAN stationed at Gwadar?

    China government will never establish military base outside and it is an economic cooperation. In addition,if in order to protect outside asset,we just only cooperate with local government and help them to deal with it but intervene with it directly.Right now China has massive asset outside but...
  12. STEVEN囧

    China Prepared to Settle India Border Dispute, Wang Says

    what a ridiculous...Chinese loves Pakistani,you could see a lot of Chinese forums which bent on loving Pakistani and Pakistan.There are a lot of moving stories and I am always moved. Those pawn are inciting Chinese and Pakistani. what a disgusting..your country would never become a great country...
  13. STEVEN囧

    China may be going down the old Soviet path to disintegration

    what a ridiculous analysis and you'd better not post such a stupid analysis.I think if you want to post something about China and get a better response and applaud to you,you'd better have more research on Chinese culture,Chinese people and Chinese history.Or else,I mostly take it as your insult...
  14. STEVEN囧

    uighur terrorists beaten to death by civilians

    tv.cntv.cn/video/C10153/2203d644b61d3ddef3882e610a4e5c44 You could watch the video clip from 00:45 and those mobs suddenly extracted the axes and hack the innocent people playing Mahjong.Those people bravely face up to those mobs.Most of the victims are Uighurs.
  15. STEVEN囧

    Japan’s Pivot Away from the West Leads Back to China

    At least in terms of economic relationships,we are on the right trajectory. I think we should remember FTA among China,Japan and south korea was almost set but it was disturbed by those disputed islands.It is not a wise step.We should resume and make it soon.Because our common civilians would...
  16. STEVEN囧

    China firmly supports ASEAN's development

    I think American people here should count their enemy list....it is better. In addition,why China has territorial dispute with countries nearby and I think the majority of those disputes are caused by your westerners and the wedge is plugged by westerners in the period of WWI and WW II.But now...
  17. STEVEN囧

    Wide Asia support for US despite China rise

    Frankly USA is a great country because the country has a good internal environment and economic and also bring technology and innovation to this world.It is a relatively good democratic nation inside.But you are not really a peacemaker outside because of your double standard.If you like the...
  18. STEVEN囧

    South Korea to donate warship to Philippines amid sea tensions

    I think you should know the history of Dianyu Island and even the western knows the truth.I think you should read more.For you Japanese,there is no doubt,but for us Chinese,even for your friend Taiwanese,won't agree to your point.You could claim all the disputed islands in so-called your...
  19. STEVEN囧

    South Korea to donate warship to Philippines amid sea tensions

    South Korea is the ally of USA and the country must do something. Anyway frankly tell you,it is not a good news for supplying weapons at this time for SK.Because they must consider DPRK things.It is more important.China recently has a cold relationship with DPRK because of nuclear test.Who is...
  20. STEVEN囧

    Japan to loan ¥5 billion to Pakistan

    Good news for Pakistani friend and hope this kind of loan could be more.A prosperous and stable Pakistan is the best wishes for us.
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