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China firmly supports ASEAN's development

What is so hard for stupid idiot like you to understand?

We invest in other ASEAN countries but NOT in vn and ph. Can China do that? Of course.

Invest you steal natural resources without paying dues and taxes and importing illegal works nice one d Bag and ya those poorly made cars in my country's road are not chinese rip off? good job proving my point SOB

"What China does is very different than what China says."

Vietnamese PM Nguyen Tan Dung.

Amen to that
What is so hard for stupid idiot like you to understand?

We invest in other ASEAN countries but NOT in vn and ph. Can China do that? Of course.
Bro, you just hurt someone by do not invest in vn and ph. Haha.
Invest Asean is good but need a good investment circumstances
Ya you better it will be great for the Philippines no more chinese crap and please your like 4th trading partner so it would hurt for a while but in the long run it would be better for the local industries no more flooded markets of poor made rip offs no more chinese stealing away natural resources no more chinese nationals heck taiwan and Hong kong can cut ties too far more better no more chinese related crimes no more chinese tax evaders no chinese stealing our resources and illegal activities hell i see only a small pinch but it will far better we have a lot of trading parthers who far more friendly more civilized and more economical benefiting than you guys so go on ahead cut ties and never come back.
Ya you better it will be great for the Philippines no more chinese crap and please your like 4th trading partner so it would hurt for a while but in the long run it would be better for the local industries no more flooded markets of poor made rip offs no more chinese stealing away natural resources no more chinese nationals heck taiwan and Hong kong can cut ties too far more better no more chinese related crimes no more chinese tax evaders no chinese stealing our resources and illegal activities hell i see only a small pinch but it will far better we have a lot of trading parthers who far more friendly more civilized and more economical benefiting than you guys so go on ahead cut ties and never come back.

Says the subhuman monkey that murders women and children in political feuds
Those idiots from vn and ph always try to abduct ASEAN to be against China. However, most of ASEAN countries have no conflicts with China at all. Why would they be on the opposite of China for nothing???

Those idiots do not understand any common sense at all.

Bro, you just hurt someone by do not invest in vn and ph. Haha.
Invest Asean is good but need a good investment circumstances

Don't like goods made-in-China, do not import and do not buy.

BTW, do not beg China for investment as well. You need let your leaders know that sound and clear.

Invest you steal natural resources without paying dues and taxes and importing illegal works nice one d Bag and ya those poorly made cars in my country's road are not chinese rip off? good job proving my point SOB

Amen to that
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Those idiots from vn and ph always try to abduct ASEAN to be against China. However, most of ASEAN countries have no conflicts with China at all. Why would they be on the opposite of China for nothing???

Those idiots do not understand any common sense at all.

Don't like goods made-in-China, do not import and do not buy.

BTW, do not beg China for investment as well. You need let your leaders know that sound and clear.

Members of ASEAN (Members in bold have a territorial dispute with China):


So 50% of ASEAN members have territorial disputes with China, and of the remaining 50%, Cambodia and Thailand don't share land borders with China and are not along the South China Sea, and Laos is landlocked and shares only a tiny border with China. In other words, are you sure most ASEAN countries don't have any conflicts with China?
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Wow first of all the Philippines is core member of ASEAN without the Philippines there is no ASEAN so that's stupid Samething with Vietnam So that in self is stupid second nobody ask you guys for anything and this we wish ASEAN well and support her crap is nothing but other chinese imperialist lie your country is just looking for way to flood the markets with cheap and dangereous made goods that is already killing major industries in the Philippines and the ASEAN so screw that crap and last finding ways to smuggle resources out of countries like what your kind is doing in other countries all around the world that post of yours is just prove of arrogance and stupidity among the chinese imperials here in this forum.

Poor countries? really so uneducated one most of ASEAN yes have poor people but so as everywehere else so especially china which has a lot poor people per population even more than any developing country in the planet so look at mirror before you open your F@cking face you arrogant SOB second the term your looking for is Newly industrialized countries so in terms of intelligence you are very lacking of it well expceted from brain dead country like chinamen troll monster.

Tone it down, my friend. Don't stoop to the level of trolling.
Which of the ASEAN countries have an open confrontation with China???

Let me count: so far, two... :rofl:

Members of ASEAN (Members in bold have a territorial dispute with China):


So 50% of ASEAN members have territorial disputes with China, and of the remaining 50%, Cambodia and Thailand don't share land borders with China and are not along the South China Sea, and Laos is landlocked and shares only a tiny border with China. In other words, are you sure most ASEAN countries don't have any conflicts with China?
Which of the ASEAN countries have an open confrontation with China???

Let me count: so far, two... :rofl:

You previously stated that most ASEAN countries have "no conflicts" with China. Now, you've changed the parameters to "open confrontation with China." In that case, yes, two. It appears China wishes to increase that number, for some unfathomable reason.
I do not see malaysia, indonesia, brunei jump out and have conflicts with China now. Conflicts/Confrontation have similar meaning in Chinese. I do not see there is any improper usage here.

You previously stated that most ASEAN countries have "no conflicts" with China. Now, you've changed the parameters to "open confrontation with China." In that case, yes, two. It appears China wishes to increase that number, for some unfathomable reason.
I do not see malaysia, indonesia, brunei jump out and have conflicts with China now. Conflicts/Confrontation have similar meaning in Chinese. I do not see there is any improper usage here.

I'm not an English teacher, so I struggle to articulate this, but confront connotes a more aggressive or hostile act than conflict. In any case, it appears it was a simple misunderstanding.
YANGON, June 9 (Xinhua) -- China will firmly support ASEAN's development, its community building and centrality in regional cooperation, and is also committed to growing a healthy, stable and dynamic China-ASEAN relationship, Chinese Vice Foreign Minister Liu Zhenmin told a joint interview here Monday.

"No matter what changes may take place in the international landscape and how China and ASEAN develop, China will always take ASEAN as a priority in its neighborhood diplomacy," said Liu.

"This is not only the shared interest of China and ASEAN, but also conducive to regional peace, stability and prosperity," he said.

Liu is here to attend senior official meetings for the ASEAN plus China, Japan and South Korea (ASEAN+3) cooperation mechanism, East Asian Summit and ASEAN Regional Forum.

Denying some suspicion, worry and even misunderstanding over China's rapid growth, Liu assured that China remains a peaceful country and friendly neighbor as ever before, saying that China's development brings benefit and opportunities to ASEAN countries rather than threat, which has been proved by the growth of China- ASEAN relations during the past two decades.

"China will continue to uphold the principles of mutual respect, equality and win-win cooperation for common development with ASEAN countries," he said.

On settling problems when arising naturally between neighbors, Liu called for patience, continued building and expanding of consensus and finding proper solution, however, he warned that " some individual country's attempts to ruin China-ASEAN relations with these disputes will end nowhere and are unwelcomed by most ASEAN countries."

"Interference by countries outside the region will not help solve the problems but only make them more complicated and aggravated," he further warned.

On Myanmar's assumption of ASEAN chair, Liu expressed belief that Myanmar will continue to play an effective role in communication and coordination, so that ASEAN will uphold a fair and objective position on relevant issues.

He also expressed the belief that Myanmar will continue to work with China to move forward China-ASEAN strategic partnership and maintain peace and stability of the region.

Regarding the initiative of "2+7 Cooperation Framework" put forth by Chinese Premier Li Keqiang at the China-ASEAN Summit last October and raised by Xinhua, Liu said China is working with ASEAN countries at present to discuss the signing of a treaty of good- neighborliness, friendship and cooperation between China and ASEAN countries, launching of negotiation to upgrade the China-ASEAN FTA, establishment of an Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) and development of a 21st century maritime Silk Road.

In addition, China has invited defense ministers of ASEAN countries to come to China for a special ministerial meeting some time next year and launch programs to celebrate the 2014 China- ASEAN Cultural Exchange Year, he added.

Emphasizing that China-ASEAN relations are important pillars for East Asia cooperation, Liu called for advancing the development of regional cooperation framework, consolidating the role of ASEAN+3 as the main vehicles and continuing to leverage the role of East Asia Summit as a "leaders-led" strategic forum.

Why Chinese Authorities Aren’t Worried About Burma


Following recent protests against some of China’s major business ventures in Burma, media polls suggest Chinese people are concerned about a strain in relations with their southern neighbor, but their leaders don’t seem bothered.

In Burma, the pullback on a Chinese-backed dam project and demonstrations against the Chinese-operated Letpadaung copper mine have caught the attention of Chinese netizens. Last week, an online poll by China’s state mouthpiece Global Times newspaper found that nearly 55 percent of respondents believed China and Burma were heading in separate directions, while another 35 percent said the state of relations seemed unclear.

But despite widespread worries among Chinese Internet users, the government and state-run media remain positive about strong ties between the two countries.

After Burmese opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi was chosen to lead a probe of the Letpadaung copper mine in northwest Burma, China’s state-run Xinhua news agency reported the story, saying Suu Kyi was a “positive, objective and rational” leader for the investigation.

The copper mine is a joint venture between the military-owned Union of Myanmar Economic Holdings and China’s Wan Bao Company, a subsidiary of arms manufacturer China North Industries Corp. (Norinco). The project has been a source of controversy for months, especially after Burmese police brutally cracked down on monks protesting peacefully against it, injuring nearly 100 people.

Suu Kyi has pledged to find a solution that considers the long-term interests of Burma and its people, but an analysis by The Associated Press suggested the opposition leader was becoming more pragmatic while picking her battles.

The Chinese mouthpiece Global Times said that while democracy brought new hope, the halting of major construction projects in Burma would be more of a curse than a blessing to Southeast Asia’s poorest country.

“If the copper mining project in Letpadaung turns into another Myitsone Dam project, the Myanmar [Burmese] government should be responsible,” the newspaper wrote, referring to a Chinese-backed hydroelectric dam whose construction in north Burma was suspended last year by reformist President Thein Sein in the face of public opposition to the project.

Yang Baoyun, the deputy director of Peking University’s Asia-Pacific Research Institute, told The Irrawaddy that China’s relationship with Burma had economic and strategic value.

“It’s still too soon to judge what kind of impact the copper mine protest will have on the traditional relationship between the two countries,” he said, adding that he believed Burma’s foreign policy toward China would not fundamentally change.

Earlier this month, blind Chinese activist Chen Guangcheng also brought Burma into the spotlight when he criticized his government’s human rights record and urged Chinese leadership to learn from Burma’s recent political and social reform.

Chinese netizens have engaged in fierce debates over recent protests against Chinese companies operating in Burma.

“We cannot rigidly follow foreign policy from the 1950s and ignore how much Myanmar has changed over this year,” wrote Web user Hehan Hongmeng, commenting on a Global Times article. “It’s time to move forward.”

Some netizens have criticized China’s longstanding alliance with its southern neighbor, saying the Chinese government was asking for trouble by working with Burma’s former military junta, whose rule formally ended last year when Thein Sein came to power.

But China’s state-run media discounted such criticism, calling it “strange nonsense in a diversified society.” Global Times said that continuing ties with a more liberal Burma was also in accordance with China’s long-term interests.

“Burma was going to open up sooner or later,” the newspaper said. “Burmese people have a right to develop their country.”

As Burma’s biggest neighbor to the north, China has little reason to worry about its influence, the newspaper said.

“Even a 12-year-old knows about the irreplaceable relationship between the two countries,” and Suu Kyi “is smarter than that,” it said.

Although the newspaper acknowledged that “American factors” were becoming a bigger influence, especially following US President Barack Obama’s historic visit to Rangoon late last month, it said China’s trade ties with Burma gave it an overwhelming advantage.

“Obama brought $170 million in aid to Burma, but unless he brings the same amount of money to Myanmar every month, he can’t change the importance of Sino-Myanmar relations,” the newspaper wrote.

Still, China may be shifting its policy somewhat in Burma, observers have said.

“Chinese policy toward Burma has been changing over the years,” Li Kaisheng, a professor of international politics at China’s Xiangtan University, told The Irrawaddy.

“China is now willing to communicate with famous opposition leaders, including Daw Aung San Suu Kyi,” he said. “China is now more neutral in facing its more liberal neighbor.”

Why Chinese Authorities Aren’t Worried About Burma
Which of the ASEAN countries have an open confrontation with China??? Let me count: so far, two... :rofl:
I do not see malaysia, indonesia, brunei jump out and have conflicts with China now. Conflicts/Confrontation have similar meaning in Chinese. I do not see there is any improper usage here.
I think American people here should count their enemy list....it is better.
In addition,why China has territorial dispute with countries nearby and I think the majority of those disputes are caused by your westerners and the wedge is plugged by westerners in the period of WWI and WW II.But now you are sitting aside and troll like a just sheriff..what a pity.
I think if we don't have territorial dispute with Japan,VN,PH and India.etc,we will have a better relationship.What I strongly suggest is that leave aside those current dispute and step back to original point we have set before.Don't change ideas with ages.No matter if you are allies of America or you want to make balance in this region because you are a smaller and weaker country,please pay more attention to regional stability,once the war kicks off,the victim is ASIAN people but the directors behind the stage.So let us reconcile and develop together.
What is so hard for stupid idiot like you to understand?

We invest in other ASEAN countries but NOT in vn and ph. Can China do that? Of course.
Glad to see china disappears from my country. they ruined themselves environment, dont do that other places else, OK!!
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