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  1. opinion786

    'Musharraf A Traitor, Foreign Agent'?

    A.Q.Khan should also consider the ill-treatment he has caused Musharraf by trying to malign him on every occassion. If it causes distress to me, as a Musharraf supporter, it must also cause Musharraf's family distress & tension. For high profile figures, House arrest is also an option to...
  2. opinion786

    Pakistan Economy - News & Updates - Archive

    Thanks NEO, for updating this page and providing such wonderful & vital information daily! Really this page would be nothing without you! :yahoo::tup:
  3. opinion786

    "I Own Karachi" (IOK)

    Good work! Keep up! I wish there were similar "I own Lahore" & "I own ISB" & "I own Quetta" & "I own Peshawar" and "I OWN" for every city of pakistan!
  4. opinion786

    Excellent Dictatorship Vs Worst Democracy

    I love Musharraf becasue he had a vision and we were slowly moving towards that vision to progress Pakistan. We were moving towards industrialization, our agriculture also witnessed growth, Univeristies were being setup (47 Universities claimed by Dr.Ata-ur-Rehman Link), Four Pakistani...
  5. opinion786

    Karachi Mayor Mustafa Kamal declared second best world mayor

    For record that the world appreciated him! 1. Mustafa Kamal second best mayor in the world Mustafa Kamal second best mayor in the world -DAWN - Top Stories; November 10, 2008 2. Karachi Mayor Mustafa Kamal is worlds 2nd best mayor http://www.thaindian.com/newsportal/...100117230.html...
  6. opinion786

    Karachi Mayor Mustafa Kamal declared second best world mayor

    I'm glad a Pakistani made it ! Indians envy? Joking.
  7. opinion786

    President Zardari's $60 million, AND NO TO PAKISTAN!

    I agree. We must realise and ask ourselves, why did King Abudullah on 21 Jan 2007 AWARD & CONFER the the highest Saudi top honor "King Abdul Aziz Medallion" to President Musharraf during a ceremony in Musharraf's honor? The first Pakistani leader to receive it? Why did King Abdullah send his...
  8. opinion786

    Ayesha Siddiqa's MILITARY INC: A Deflective and Derogatory Book

    Going by this argument ... Indian Military should take on the government... to control ALL the funds for welfare .... once & for all ... and they won't have to beg the government to pay their ex-servicemen (raising pension a huge issue in India)?? Funds have NOTHING to do with their taking on...
  9. opinion786

    Ayesha Siddiqa's MILITARY INC: A Deflective and Derogatory Book

    Also, pls keep in mind and I quote the article: ........ that Dr Ayesha Siddiqa wrote a whole book, to malign a system (MILBUS) whose worth does not exceed 0.8% of Pakistan’s free market economy.
  10. opinion786

    Ayesha Siddiqa's MILITARY INC: A Deflective and Derogatory Book

    The army does not directly handle or run commercial enterprises, as they do not have the time to do so. They are run by mostly retired army personnel, but army for monitoring purposes keeps 2-3 serving army personnel in administration or few for logistics support. And, they hire mostly...
  11. opinion786

    Pervez Musharraf to return to politics

    A reminder for those that fail to see Musharraf's qualifications and the MERIT that PROMOTED him as COAS ! Generals in Pakistan are promoted on MERIT, EXPERIENCE, EXPOSURE and the MOST QUALIFIED after attending several courses - and not just age. :pakistan: 1- Musharraf was trained at...
  12. opinion786

    Pervez Musharraf to return to politics

    Dabong, first decide what you mean to imply. This above contradicts your earlier staements "Mushy was the the most useless ruler pakistani has ever had.....a 3rd rate general who by pure luck and as*kissing got to the top. There's a difference b/w "not his turn" and "a 3rd rated general"...
  13. opinion786

    Ayesha Siddiqa's MILITARY INC: A Deflective and Derogatory Book

    JUST IN !!! A wonderful refute to Ayesha Siddiqa's lies & distortion of facts! Ayesha Siddiqa’s MILITARY INC: A Deflective and Derogatory Book Written By: Afreen Baig Ayesha Siddiqa?s MILITARY INC: A Deflective and Derogatory Book Our leader - Musharraf Dr Ayesha Siddiqa’s ‘The...
  14. opinion786

    Pervez Musharraf to return to politics

    Musharraf was the BEST man for the post of COAS and hence he was promoted! 1- He was trained at NDC for armed forces war course (if you haven't done a war course at NDC you can't become a general. full stop) 2- He had commanded regiments. He had also been posted as DDMO (deputy director...
  15. opinion786

    Your top ten favorite English movies of all time?

    No one likes the 'The Odyssey' or 'The Ten Commandments' ? Fatman, thanks for naming some good movies ... will sure go to buy them!
  16. opinion786

    Pervez Musharraf to return to politics

    So you wish to propagate internationally that in Pakistan Generals are chosen by pure luck rather merit? Keep degrading your country ... that's the best you can do! Musharraf saved you .... from acting AGAINST the plan .... in which you would have seen Indian tanks rolling into Balochistan...
  17. opinion786

    Is Pakistan facing bankruptcy?

    Did you mean 1 billion rupees daily? If you are not certain ... why do you assume 360 billion rupees required? The majority of so-called aid of $10 billion from USA, about 60 percent, has gone toward “Coalition Support Funds,” intended to reimburse the Pakistani military for their assistance...
  18. opinion786

    Pervez Musharraf to return to politics

    I wonder which newspaper led out this breaking news that Musharraf would rejoin politics? DAWN News talked to the ex-President himself and he denied any such plans.
  19. opinion786

    Pervez Musharraf to return to politics

    Actually there is no such thing as an 'army house'. Wherever your Army Chief resides automatically becomes the Army House. Wherever your President resides automatically becomes the President House e.g Zardari's Naudero House (official status of President House) The recent Army House is the...
  20. opinion786

    Is Pakistan facing bankruptcy?

    Maqsad this post also presented NO figures and just grumbling & complaints enumerating 'Buts & If's' This should be enough for you, to know, that EVERY developing industry of the world is supported by imports from around the world. Otherwise, market leader China who exports goods worth...
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