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Pervez Musharraf to return to politics

My reading is a little different. Gen Kiani made moves to weaken musharraf. For example Army neutralization in Feb-18 elections, second reshuffling in top military echelon. Lt-Gen Nadeem Taj spent less than 2 years on the post and was changed to Commander of 30 Corps in Gujranwala.

Secondly, American influence in Pakistan can not be ignored. America sees Gen Musharraf as useless.

Last but not least, I believe the great Mr. 10% is not going to leave anything left for any future leader. They way he is selling out Pakistan and installing CIA assets on key positions we may be in serious trouble in near future.

Pak Army Chief should not be obeying cheap puppets such as gillani, zardari, and rehman malik. He should instead sabotage their sell-out policies.

I ask Allah to save Pakistan through army and get us rid of this ruling elite class.


decides to jump into politics

Saturday, October 18, 2008

By Tariq Butt

ISLAMABAD: Former president Pervez Musharraf has decided to jump into full time politics but not until he moves into his new home at Chak Shahzad as he does not want to misuse the Army House.

“I don’t want to make the Army House a hub of political activities because of its unique nature, but my political headquarter will be my personal residence once I shift there,” Musharraf has told his visitors.
One of them asked him about the political platform on which he would fall back to which the former president posed a counter question: Will the PML-Q not be available to him for the purpose?

To this, the visitor pointed out to him that it would all depend on the Chaudhrys of Gujrat, who were in charge of the PML-Q, to allow him the use of their party’s platform for his politics. He also mentioned that in the last few weeks of his rule his relations with the Chaudhrys had been seriously dented because Musharraf had wanted to dump Chaudhry Shujaat Hussain as the PML-Q president.

The visitor said the Chaudhrys were no more frequent visitors of Musharraf’s residence thinking that he was of no more of any consequence politically. Musharraf was explained what fate has befallen Imran Khan, who had embarked on a solo flight by launching his own party after believing that he was too popular as a former cricketing hero.

Another visitor, who is a former federal minister and worked with Musharraf for five years, said the former president was too optimistic about his “political standing and future” despite the fact that he was “deadwood” now and has no political prospects whatsoever.

However, the visitor said that Musharraf was very disappointed over the performance of the present government and told him that on the request of the previous finance minister (Ishaq Dar) he had talked to China for financial support that had been provided.
He said he wondered what had Musharraf in his pocket to be so confident about himself. He said his state was no different from what it used to be when he was holding the top office. The former minister said Musharraf told him that he was planning to undertake visits to some foreign countries in the near future and his first stop would be Saudi Arabia where he would also perform Umra.

:welcome:back mushi:pakistan::pakistan::pakistan:

Since the former president’s resignation, the only publicly known high-profile activity organised at the Army House a few days back was when he hosted the recently retired top officers of the armed forces which was also attended by Chief of the Army Staff General Ashfaq Parvez Kayani.

The former minister said some other visitors have told Musharraf that the PML-Q was relevant as a political party only during the time when he was the president of Pakistan. After his exit, it has no political bearing and that’s why it is in the wilderness since his resignation. He added Musharraf was well aware of the plight of the PML-Q where most of its leaders and MPs were following a wait and see policy to decide about their future.
Ok.... Now he has realized after so many years of dictator ship. He should have joined politics in the first place.
Ok.... Now he has realized after so many years of dictator ship. He should have joined politics in the first place.

were was dectator man.pakistan will enjoy in mussraf rule full freedom of media democracy religus and prsonal freedom .can you please give us one real example when mush show us he is dectator:pakistan:
Former Pakistan President Pervez Musharraf decides to return to politics
Written by Pakistan Daily: Breaking News, Pakistan, World, Politics, Business & Sports News
Saturday, 18 October 2008 11:32
Former president Pervez Musharraf has decided to jump into full time politics but not until he moves into his new home at Chak Shahzad as he does not want to misuse the Army House.

“I don’t want to make the Army House a hub of political activities because of its unique nature, but my political headquarter will be my personal residence once I shift there,” Musharraf has told his visitors.

One of them asked him about the political platform on which he would fall back to which the former president posed a counter question: Will the PML-Q not be available to him for the purpose?

To this, the visitor pointed out to him that it would all depend on the Chaudhrys of Gujrat, who were in charge of the PML-Q, to allow him the use of their party’s platform for his politics. He also mentioned that in the last few weeks of his rule his relations with the Chaudhrys had been seriously dented because Musharraf had wanted to dump Chaudhry Shujaat Hussain as the PML-Q president.

The visitor said the Chaudhrys were no more frequent visitors of Musharraf’s residence thinking that he was of no more of any consequence politically. Musharraf was explained what fate has befallen Imran Khan, who had embarked on a solo flight by launching his own party after believing that he was too popular as a former cricketing hero.

Another visitor, who is a former federal minister and worked with Musharraf for five years, said the former president was too optimistic about his “political standing and future” despite the fact that he was “deadwood” now and has no political prospects whatsoever.

However, the visitor said that Musharraf was very disappointed over the performance of the present government and told him that on the request of the previous finance minister (Ishaq Dar) he had talked to China for financial support that had been provided.

He said he wondered what had Musharraf in his pocket to be so confident about himself. He said his state was no different from what it used to be when he was holding the top office. The former minister said Musharraf told him that he was planning to undertake visits to some foreign countries in the near future and his first stop would be Saudi Arabia where he would also perform Umra.

Since the former president’s resignation, the only publicly known high-profile activity organised at the Army House a few days back was when he hosted the recently retired top officers of the armed forces which was also attended by Chief of the Army Staff General Ashfaq Parvez Kayani.

The former minister said some other visitors have told Musharraf that the PML-Q was relevant as a political party only during the time when he was the president of Pakistan. After his exit, it has no political bearing and that’s why it is in the wilderness since his resignation. He added Musharraf was well aware of the plight of the PML-Q where most of its leaders and MPs were following a wait and see policy to decide about their future.

Former Pakistan President Pervez Musharraf decides to return to politics
Musharraf says he’s not entering politics

By Iftikhar A. Khan

ISLAMABAD, Oct 18: Former president Gen (retd) Pervez Musharraf has said he has no intention of entering politics.

Gen Musharraf has been leading a quiet life since he resigned in August amid calls for impeachment and trial on high treason charges.

“Whosoever is attributing such information to me is absolutely wrong. I have not talked to anybody about politics,” Gen Musharraf was quoted by Gen (retd) Rashid Qureshi as saying.

Talking to Dawn, Gen Qureshi said the former army chief would shortly be moving to his farm house near Islamabad which is under construction. He said the farm house would not be used for political activities.

Another source close to the former president said the sprawling farm house in Chak Shahzad would soon be ready and Pervez Musharraf would shift to the place in months.

The source said the former president had no plans to settle in Turkey or any other country, though he might undertake a foreign visit in the “near future”:tsk:.

WHY:cry: WHY :cry:WHY
i don;t understand why he never leave army house its really a place for army chef of pakistan.i think he has right to live any were but not in army house

Actually there is no such thing as an 'army house'. Wherever your Army Chief resides automatically becomes the Army House. Wherever your President resides automatically becomes the President House e.g Zardari's Naudero House (official status of President House)

The recent Army House is the garrison newly built multi-purpose modern Army House - where COAS General Kiyani resides.

Musharraf's House was former Army House. In this same house Zulfi Bhutto also lived as prime minister.

Media and political parties - misled the public on purpose by calling the former army house as the 'Army House'.
its right info thanks opinion .i thing now its clear for me why mush stay there
I wonder which newspaper led out this breaking news that Musharraf would rejoin politics? DAWN News talked to the ex-President himself and he denied any such plans.
i belive Musharraf will come back to politics full time. I belive he is going to finish his 2 years term for not entering politics and as soon as this happens he is back. According to information that i have gatherd any goverment servent is not allowed to enter politics for two years after he is retired or so, mainly it goes for army i guess why.... What i get from his interviews and newspapers is this. He is sending signals out to his supporters that don't worry i am comming back and on the otherside he is denying that he will not enter politics. Isn't it funny but as i have said so it seems like he just don't want to be the center piece of this entire drama and he doesnt want these dirty politicians to block his ways to come back...
I personally want him to come back, but can he is the question. I mean he is 65 now, will he have the strength. And with anti-Americanism growing can he once again enjoy the support of the people?
May Allah save Pakistan, no matter who our leader is.
Musharraf to strike when the iron is hotBy Afzal Bajwa submitted 12 hours 38 minutes ago
ISLAMABAD - Former President General (Retd) Pervez Musharraf would enter full-time politics through what his political associates termed as ‘a proper channel’ meaning thereby completing his two years’ post retirement constitutional obligation as a government servant.

Since his retirement as Chief of Army Staff on November 28, Pervez Musharraf was ought to wait for another 13 months even if he wishes to immediately enter the political arena, one of his top political associates told TheNation on condition of anonymity.

“According to my information he is in no hurry to step into politics that too at the apex level. He was too happy and relaxed by spending the interim period with his family, friends and some foreign trips,” the source said.

About Musharraf’s ongoing visit to Lahore and meetings with his friends and even voicing certain subtle opinions about the government performance and political scenario in and around the country, the source said he was under no bar to express his political viewpoint. “Doing full-time politics and expressing one’s political opinion are two different things,” the source said adding, “as a retired government servant he needs to complete two years after retirement for entering into full-time politics while he is not prohibited to express his vantage point under any law.

Meanwhile political sources close to the former President revealed that Musharraf has in his mind a plan that envisages what they termed as unified All Pakistan Muslim League, merging back its various factions and excluding the Chaudrys. However, the sources said, Musharrif’s confidants have welcomed his plan but with the amendment of rather banking on the Chaudhry’s than excluding them.

The sources also hinted at a tour d’ world by Musharraf that could prolong for nearly a year wherein he would try to earn international fame by delivering lectures and meeting various leaders of global stature. For this purpose they said he had container load ready at the Islamabad Airport awaiting ‘further instructions’ of when and where to be shipped, the sources claimed. However, official sources were unable to confirm the presence of such a container at the airport belonging to the former President who had already made his plans to visit abroad.
Mushy was the the most useless ruler pakistani has ever had.....a 3rd rate general who by pure luck and as*kissing got to the top.
The idiot got us involved in a war that had nothing to do with us and now where paying the price.
Let the guy go back to his fantasy world.
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