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Karachi Mayor Mustafa Kamal declared second best world mayor


Jul 11, 2008
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9 Nov 2008

KARACHI: An award winning American magazine Foreign Policy, has chosen Nazim Karachi, Syed Mustafa Kamal as second among the three best mayors in the world for the year 2008.

The magazine has included the names of Berlin Mayor Klaus Wowereit and Wang Hongju, Mayor of Chongqing as the other mayors of the moment, said a CDGK statement issued on Sunday.

The magazine said no city globalises on its own, but with shrewd investments and smart urban planning, a mayor can help turn a regional player into a global powerhouse.

About Mustafa Kamal the magazine wrote that the mayor of Karachi is an unlikely poster child for innovative urban planning.

It said the 36-year-old Mustafa Kamal governs a city that's more often in the news for religious violence than cosmopolitan ways. But the hard-charging Kamal is looking to change all that. He's courting foreign investment, encouraging international ties, and boosting the city's tourism.

According to the US magazine Kamal is not shy about his goals: He has said he wants to turn Karachi into the next Dubai. His Green Karachi project aims to plant thousands of trees in the city. Kamal is not letting anything stand in the way of his grand plans. He has threatened to arrest anyone who tries to cut down the new saplings, it added.

In a statement, the Nazim said that in the past there was no concept of ownership in Karachi. He said his administration carried out development works on a large scale, but added that lot of work still remains to be done.
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He has worked hard to make Karachi beautiful and he certainly deserves it.
Congratulations to him........keep up the good work Mustafa bhai...:) :tup:

he is the one who change face of karachi cons mustafa kamal.i hope oyhers follow him
Yes man is excellent he initiated the I OWN KARACHI volunteer scheme, excellent idea. He also started a Friendly Police Campaign with IG Sindh! He Earnt that title!
he is good because he is from poor faimly he know problims of karachi if we bring some one from west and think he solve our prob then happens nothing
This guy is great my congrats to him he is really trying to make diff unlike others !!
great news ! bless him hope he's in power for a long long time wish All pakistani leaders would be like him.
There is a news we shuld be all proud of. Good for him,
good for karachi and over all good for pakistan.......Mashallah
I hope this guy can gets some top position to manage all the cities.. That would be so great, but i am sure to be effective he will work on Karachi first.
He has certainly changed the face of the city and restored her image of a progressive model city which she lost in the seventies.

I'm proud of this guy! I'm proud of my city! :pakistan:
Kudos to Mayor of Karachi ! Such persons should be encouraged and probably given more powers to enforce their progressive policy.
some images when he work



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