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  1. silverox

    Officials: 46 migrants found dead inside 18-wheeler in San Antonio, 3 in custody

    Why don't these people go to Russia and China, it shows that the United States is still the beacon of the world。 Of course they are going to take advantage. After all, the US dollar can be used to collect seigniorage around the world, the rich in the United States can eat meat, and ordinary...
  2. silverox

    She was loved for standing up to China. She may die in jail

    This woman does not recognize that her country is China, she does not recognize that she is Chinese, all she asks is that the definition of Hong Kong people is not Chinese, Hong Kong people have many special words such as locust, imitating the insulting words used by the Japanese, Chinese pigs...
  3. silverox

    Census 2021 shows India overtakes China in migration, nearly half of all Australians have overseas-born parent

    It seems that these Indians are not happy in free and democratic India, so they immigrated to developed countries.
  4. silverox

    She was loved for standing up to China. She may die in jail

    Over the years, my understanding of the West has matured as I have grown older. All the liberal concepts promoted by the West during the Cold War era were destroyed by the West itself. The West spread the following concepts in China from the 1980s through Chinese public intellectuals who worship...
  5. silverox

    She was loved for standing up to China. She may die in jail

    These fake Chinese play political games with China using popular Western concepts. The funny thing is that we Chinese people don't understand these Western games, and we have no interest in learning about them. Using Western means to fight China to seize power, then these traitors The ending is...
  6. silverox

    Now that China's chance for revenge has come for 100 Years Of Humiliation By Western Europe, should China arm Russia with weapons?

    He is not Chinese, he is a Hong Konger of Vietnamese descent. You can tell by the spelling of his name that he is a traitor
  7. silverox

    Bangladesh tries to secure wheat from Russia as India stops exports-sources

    Nepal earthquake, when the need for help most, India blocked Nepal's traffic, so that thousands of Nepalese could not get the medicine they needed and died. At the beginning of the pandemic, India banned cotton exports to China, India hoped that the pandemic would destroy China, and India itself...
  8. silverox

    Bangladesh tries to secure wheat from Russia as India stops exports-sources

    Please admin ban this account from India
  9. silverox

    South Korea successfully launches home-grown Nuri space rocket after failed attempt last year

    You probably don't know the Madou Company in Taiwan. It is actually a company founded in Taiwan with funds from mainland China. But now it is far behind Japan's AV companies, and beautiful girls in Japan are more willing to participate in the AV profession. Madou girls are generally very...
  10. silverox

    Bangladesh tries to secure wheat from Russia as India stops exports-sources

    How can a giant country like China close all markets, banks, ports? I remember that at that time, the Indian media, high-level intellectual elites, were discussing a topic, how to use this opportunity to bring China down and let India replace China as the world's factory. The excitement of...
  11. silverox

    Bangladesh tries to secure wheat from Russia as India stops exports-sources

    India has always weaponized normal trade, a nationalist tradition that has continued since Gandhi's boycott of salt. Of course, that's understandable because the US and China do the same, I can't say Indians are worse. However, in the early days of the pandemic, India banned cotton exports to...
  12. silverox

    Bangladesh tries to secure wheat from Russia as India stops exports-sources

    It's just an excuse, everyone is an adult, so don't play stupid I read the Global Times article you quoted, please pay attention to the publication time of this article, The Global Times just wants to appease India and ask India not to go too far. This kind of Chinese state propaganda media...
  13. silverox

    Bangladesh tries to secure wheat from Russia as India stops exports-sources

    http://www.agri.cn/V20/ZX/sjny/202002/t20200206_7291352.htm This is the website of the Ministry of Agriculture of China, which is the website of the Chinese state government agency. The English website in India also has this news, but it seems that I can't find it with Google now
  14. silverox

    South Korea successfully launches home-grown Nuri space rocket after failed attempt last year

    The Japanese have begun to flaunt values diplomacy in recent years, and the Japanese boast that their values are consistent with those of Western democracies. In fact, the Japanese concept of democracy and freedom is very different from that of Europe. For the Japanese, it is just a slogan to...
  15. silverox

    Bangladesh tries to secure wheat from Russia as India stops exports-sources

    If you don't find this news, it can only mean that Google blocked this news, my memory is not wrong, I also did a YouTube show to express my anger towards India. I have since then recognized the ultra-nationalist nature of the Modi government 。
  16. silverox

    South Korea successfully launches home-grown Nuri space rocket after failed attempt last year

    I know that Japan started producing so-called hybrid vehicles as early as 1999, which was in line with the trend of environmental protection topics that were popular in the West, especially the United States. Many Westerners, especially Americans who advertised themselves as progressives with...
  17. silverox

    South Korea successfully launches home-grown Nuri space rocket after failed attempt last year

    Japan's investment in hydrogen energy is very early. As early as the 1970s, when the first oil crisis began, Japan began to study hydrogen energy. By the early 21st century, almost all patented technologies were mastered by the Japanese, and the Japanese were in business. Its characteristics are...
  18. silverox

    Bangladesh tries to secure wheat from Russia as India stops exports-sources

    I remember in early 2020, India banned cotton exports to China because Indians believed that cotton could make masks. Then the Indians immediately sent troops across the Chinese border to attack the Chinese soldiers. I think that at that time the Indians thought that the opportunity was coming...
  19. silverox

    South Korea successfully launches home-grown Nuri space rocket after failed attempt last year

    Huang Zhicheng, a Chinese aerodynamicist and aerospace technology expert, said in an interview with a reporter from the Global Times on the 21st that the launch of the "World" was successful. South Korea can be said to use the power of the whole country, using dozens of companies, and spending a...
  20. silverox

    Two Pakistani perverts filming women in Turkey arrested & charged by FIA

    Japan and South Korea are big countries for secretly filming women's underwear and women's toilets. Many public women toilets in Japan and South Korea have hidden cameras. Now, there are more and more secret cameras taken in public places in China, especially in hourly hotels.
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