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She was loved for standing up to China. She may die in jail

West has mastered the art of propaganda while China and Russia have not.

You have to accept the truth.

The truth...

Democracy + Propaganda = Votes + Lies

And by saying that democracy = noble, is actually part of propaganda (lies).

Real democracy is supposed to be immune to people's dissatisfaction because it's their own voices anyway.

High dissatisfaction in democratic countries means a lot of propaganda or lies within those countries.

They are basically destroying their own country, sucking the blood and tear of their own people, it's basically tyrannical.

How ironic is that!

And by allowing people to vote, it's actually a mind trick, part of the propaganda.

Now, can people in the West accept the truth?
These fake Chinese play political games with China using popular Western concepts. The funny thing is that we Chinese people don't understand these Western games, and we have no interest in learning about them. Using Western means to fight China to seize power, then these traitors The ending is to become a ridiculous clown.

Seems to be working fine in Japan, South-Korea, Taiwan, and many other Asian countries.

If there was legmitate general elections in Mainland China do you think CPC would get most votes? If answer is YES then there shouldn't be any problem with elections.

Of course it's very likely they would lose and therefore won't allow elections.
Be more respectful to your mother, she paid good money.
Paid good money for you to clean the latrine but remember after seeing your mug the watchman didn't let you in the house.

You are now in the ignore these sobs list. Scram
She hated being Chinese. Married a white guy and did everything she could to agitate for revolt and to tear Hong Kong away from China.

The United States hung the Rosenbergs for doing far less. So this is actually pretty light punishment for Claudia Bowring. The least they could do is keep her in jail until she dies.
The content of this article has admitted that she is promoting Hong Kong's independence.
She has violated China's anti secession law and will certainly go to prison.
Seems to be working fine in Japan, South-Korea, Taiwan, and many other Asian countries.

If there was legmitate general elections in Mainland China do you think CPC would get most votes? If answer is YES then there shouldn't be any problem with elections.

Of course it's very likely they would lose and therefore won't allow elections.
This woman does not recognize that her country is China, she does not recognize that she is Chinese, all she asks is that the definition of Hong Kong people is not Chinese, Hong Kong people have many special words such as locust, imitating the insulting words used by the Japanese, Chinese pigs are used for racism and racial hatred against Chinese people.No matter how familiar she is using various concepts of freedom and democracy popular in Western society to move Westerners with recognition and gratification, to the Chinese who understand the thinking of Hong Kong people, these Hong Kong people are Nazis full of extreme racism.

During the riots in Hong Kong in 2019, Hong Kong people's racism and racist hatred were manifested in the most extreme form. This is actually the fundamental reason why the Chinese support the Chinese government to resolutely suppress the riots in Hong Kong. I have read a lot of Western media reports, and Western journalists never report how ordinary Chinese view the street democracy movement in Hong Kong. They only report what the street opposition leaders say, or what the anti-China demonstrators say. Nor does it report the hysterical racism against the Chinese in this street movement. Western media reports only show a confrontation between freedom and authoritarianism. Hong Kong people are free, and China is authoritarian.

Remember the word, hysterical. I'm not using the word wrong, those protesters on the streets of Hong Kong in 2019 fell into a state of hysterical racist hatred.

Politically, Hong Kong people are extremely arrogant and paranoid, especially when there are many teenage junior high school students and even elementary school students participating in violent demonstrations, which is somewhat similar to the Red Guards in China in the 1960s. It's just that this time the Red Guards want to get support from the United States and Taiwan to fight the central government to the end.
Claudia Bowring stated she wasn't just against communism but "mainlandization" so any Chinese influence on HK was bad to her.

Every self-respecting Chinese person in Hong Kong hated her. Even other members of the HK legislature called her a "white sausage-swallower. " This really yucky woman is basically a self-hating Chinese Uncle Tom(isina.)
Seems to be working fine in Japan, South-Korea, Taiwan, and many other Asian countries.

If there was legmitate general elections in Mainland China do you think CPC would get most votes? If answer is YES then there shouldn't be any problem with elections.

Of course it's very likely they would lose and therefore won't allow elections.
Answers to your question above is in the video below...enjoy.

There are other better methods to get feedback from the masses than Elections.
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