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  1. islamrules2020

    Developments and Turkish operations in Libya

    exactly, it's a fitna, not less evil than the khawarij of ISIS, one should take Islam from the source and follow the dead ulama because the ones alife (exept few many of whom are incarcerated) are failing to face the fitna
  2. islamrules2020

    Developments and Turkish operations in Libya

    Another dictator in Libya that promises the blacks won't invade white Europe and that routes for the looted gold and silver from the mines of Chad/Niger/central Africa will be secured is a fair deal for Europe. it could be done by GNA or LNA. but it's not enough to address Europe's concern on...
  3. islamrules2020

    Developments and Turkish operations in Libya

    Do you know how Haftar was able to control Sirte ? it was because the treasonous 604 madkhali brigade, you know what it the madkhali ? it's a sect of "jihadis" that believe that the president is god basically, even if he is a secular tyrant with US nationality, they have beards like ISIS, they...
  4. islamrules2020

    Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

    those are the Achair tribes, their only skill is betrayal, they side with everyone to keep the sword off their necks, if Tomorrow China gets in, you will find this muthafaka up in there
  5. islamrules2020

    Featured Al-Sisi: Any Egyptian intervention in Libya has become legal

    the Jordanian King is also a good man, but he just needs the GCC fusaqs money, so he is playing along, I am telling you ur PUB G gamer is a fool, gets milked left and right, but again the Jordanian people are educated and they are true Muslims, they are all against the Zionists and the Arab...
  6. islamrules2020

    Featured Al-Sisi: Any Egyptian intervention in Libya has become legal

    no way , our beloved king is a good man, he doesn't harm people, he doesn't send people with chainsaws to kill journalists in a foreign embassy, let me ask you again, where is the body of Jamal Khachoqji ?
  7. islamrules2020

    Featured Al-Sisi: Any Egyptian intervention in Libya has become legal

    OK, thanks for the 20 Billions but you won't get it back,all you're money is gone, and I am not ISIS ,as far as I am concerned you are ISIS , after all what's the difference between your false god MBS abu Minshar the PUB G gamer and lil wayne boyfan and the Isis guys ? Nothing at all, both are...
  8. islamrules2020

    Featured Al-Sisi: Any Egyptian intervention in Libya has become legal

    typical, anyone who dislikes Arab dictators is cast out and labeled as a terrorist. I don't like injustice (l7ogra), I see Sisi/UAE/SA wasting money fighting and killing and incarcerating Muslims all over the place, I don't like it,its my human instinct, I want freedom for the people. is it too...
  9. islamrules2020

    Developments and Turkish operations in Libya

    interesting, France with their wicked plans
  10. islamrules2020

    Developments and Turkish operations in Libya

    UAE regime is in a battle to death with the Muslims, the only way to stop them is to put them to the sword good news, keep them coming by the thousands
  11. islamrules2020

    Featured Al-Sisi: Any Egyptian intervention in Libya has become legal

    WTF is wrong with you ? it's me who should ask you that Question !! are you even a Muslim ? You seem so desperate to Silence me, cast me out of Islam, label me as an Ikhwani (as if the ikhwans are not Muslims !!) or a pro-Iran, or any other labeling to make yourself feel at ease, you are...
  12. islamrules2020

    Featured Al-Sisi: Any Egyptian intervention in Libya has become legal

    the prophet said that there will no khilafa until we get rid of the evil dictators, the Muslims are already united, the only problem is the alliance of Arab/non Arab dictators, once Sisi/MBS/MBZ ... collapse, you will have your Khilafa ruling the world, and the jews can't do a thing about it !
  13. islamrules2020

    Featured Al-Sisi: Any Egyptian intervention in Libya has become legal

    Sisi is the head of the Axis of Evil, leading the alliance of Arab dictators in a fight to death with Muslims. Once Sisi falls inshallah, there will be no power on earth that can stop the Islamic takeover of the world
  14. islamrules2020

    Developments and Turkish operations in Libya

    come on forget about NATO, do you think that NATO will help Turkey in case of war with Egypt, I mean please, do you think the US or UK or Greece or France or Germany would put troops on the ground to bleed and fight against Sisi their beloved dictator and protector of Israel ? who do you think...
  15. islamrules2020

    Developments and Turkish operations in Libya

    Sisi is blackmailing UAE and SA MBS and MBZ, without him they will collapse and they know it, they send him "loans", he simply gets the GCC money since 2013, that's the unlimited amount of money, now for Israel, are u seriously thinking that the jews can stand one week against the Egyptians ...
  16. islamrules2020

    Developments and Turkish operations in Libya

    bro, Sisi is not bluffing, and he has got the strongest army in the ME and Africa. and unlimited amount of money, he also could easily get the approval of some European countries and call that "international legitimacy" , also he owns the evil backward ignorant pro Ghaddafi blood thirsty eastern...
  17. islamrules2020

    Developments and Turkish operations in Libya

    Sisi : Sirte and Jufra are a red line for Egypt it's over for Turkey/GNA as I predicted. the evil dictator has been paid again by the UAE/SA apparently !!
  18. islamrules2020

    Developments and Turkish operations in Libya

    in my opinion, Realistically speaking, France/Russia already own the east of Libya, and they can block the Turkish-Libyan gas deal, that's why Turkey/GNA has no other option but to share the western pie too with them, as you posted a lot of investments are going to Italy (like Tripoli's...
  19. islamrules2020

    Developments and Turkish operations in Libya

    all these agreements can't be implemented as long as LNA's threat is not neutralized
  20. islamrules2020

    NATO must deal with, not ignore Turkish problem: French official

    HaHaHa, I like this prediction of yours, I believe it inevitable
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