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  1. On the Edge

    Is Non-Alchoholics Beer allowed

    1. Guys pls give your opinion as I searched online and couldn't see proper info, is non-alcoholic beer which contains .5% Alcohol allowed, I have heard that it is impossible to get drunk on this much volume of alcohol, 2. When smoking has proven death causing substances then why do muslims...
  2. On the Edge

    Reham Khan book discussions

    well obviously no one knows if its true or not, the content of the book, a lot seems to doesn't make sense, like IK takng heroine, heroine user cant possible perform leadership role like IK's, but the Andaleeb Abbas comment was really over the board, surely IK would have a better choice
  3. On the Edge

    Commercial misuses of SAAB 2000 by PAF

    real question is where will the money go from the proceeds,
  4. On the Edge

    The City With No Water.

    tearful to watch, this widening divide between rich and poor will one day lead to a civil war, no one will escape
  5. On the Edge

    My experience with incompetent and lazy FIA and also Police.

    almost same thing happened to someone close, got her debit card stolen and upon realisation had already swiped it for 45000 rupees, called bank but to no avail, In Pakistan, debit cards when swiped do not ask for pin hence very unsafe if you lose it merchants are supposed to verify the...
  6. On the Edge

    Where did Shoutbox go

    Cant see Shoutbox anymore, has it been closed? was a good feature
  7. On the Edge

    Pakistan’s Financial Crisis Puts China’s Belt and Road on the Spot | Global Research

    well I hope Pak Army knows the inside terms and conditions of cpec, and if they are ok then we should relax
  8. On the Edge

    video games 1990s

    no sir it was adventure game with nice graphics, where you had to overcome various obstacles coming from the right,
  9. On the Edge

    Textile exports increase to $1.204 billion in May

    I think Pak doesn't produce high quality fine cotton, BD is also enjoying special tariffs I think, I have never been to BD but the wealth I see in Pak I can be sure that BD is not even near Pak, we are booming despite all the issues we faced in past of terrorism sanctions energy crisis, if we...
  10. On the Edge

    video games 1990s

    excellent thread sir, new games are a bit difficult for the old timers, :) Can anyone pls recall name of the game where there used to DUCKS (Not the duck hunter) it had very beautiful music and background scenery , used to have bubbles in which duck could fit in and travel up or something like...
  11. On the Edge

    Scientists warn citizens against uprooting trees

    we days back I went for a walk in margalla hills after a long time, and couldn't believe my eyes when I saw how many trees deep inside the Jungle had been cut, building material dumped in jungle, was very sad scene, we are such a corrupt nation
  12. On the Edge

    Pak Rupee’s devaluation – An Analysis (Why its tumbling?)

    i think the major contributing factor is the terrorism we went through, investors left and PPP and PMLN govts didn't do much for policy making and future directions,
  13. On the Edge

    Daily Items Price Hike

    so bananas were Rs60/dozen two years back and they are what , a 200 plus a dozen? dam this could have been a good thread if daily consumables prices were regularly updated, we might not realise but prices are rising alarmingly over the last few years, nestle milk is now 150/ltr
  14. On the Edge

    PAF officers booked in group captain's murder case on court order

    Whatever the truth or outcome of the investigation, lets rest assured that its details and its results or lack of it will remain within the boundaries of military, we Pakistanis will not know any of it, I don't know what is going on there but some members mentioned that living in F-11 shows...
  15. On the Edge

    Afghanistan whitewash Bangladesh in T20 series.

    wth, when did that happen? Bdeshis really looked like chumps in front of Afg, congrats Afg, but didn't Bdeshis die of shame?
  16. On the Edge

    why are we blaming india for own water crisis?

    u forgot to mention Musharraf, ruled for 11 years or so
  17. On the Edge

    In a snub to US, India to go ahead with S-400 missile deal with Russia

    well, its just that S-400 receives loads of applause in the media, I don't know if it failed in Syria or it wasn't used at all.....but it wont be fun two adversaries having the same high end air defence weapon, china and India, and there is a talk of Pak might get it too,
  18. On the Edge

    In a snub to US, India to go ahead with S-400 missile deal with Russia

    Is it game over for Pak after S-400? The reputation of S-400 is as such that India will be able to see and target our Jets soon as they will be in Air from wherever base they are from?
  19. On the Edge

    Real reason behind Manzoor Pashteen's protests

    haven't seen this drama lately? what happened to it?
  20. On the Edge

    Pakistan Mulls Blocking US Supply Lines Into Afghanistan

    well the sanctions and vilifying doesn't help Pak does it? I don't see how US hands are tied, they are super power, their country doing alright, we might hate Trump but many Americans love him, there is a good chance he might win again, and we, Pakistan, are lacking in so many fields, Pak was...
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