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Pakistan’s Financial Crisis Puts China’s Belt and Road on the Spot | Global Research

indians discussing CPEC is like German Nazis showing concern for and discussing the Israeli/Jewish economy..............:lol:

Couldn't have said it any better.

The worse part for particularly India is that China Pak cooperation will only increase. CPEC and all other projects are just a glimpse.
You are using the same indianisms that your kind and ilk used before to explain why it is impossible for Pakistan to EVER become a nuclear weapons state with or without Chinese assistance.............:lol:

You know Pakistan must be doing something VERY RIGHT when members of the race and nation that calls for the destruction of the Pakistani race and nation are all of a sudden concerned with our economic well-being.............:lol:

No nation thinks about the economic well being of an other nation until it is in its own interest.

Had Chinese wanted to safe guard your economic interests then China could have easily avoided your country's FATF inclusion in grey list.

FATF action leaves little space for your country to look towards west for commercial borrowings. This action has left you with a single choice by default and that sole option NOW IS to borrow more from your all weather friend. Best of Luck :enjoy:
There are legit concerns about terms of CPEC loans to Pakistan. Nawaz govt kept all under wraps. Every country work to protect and forward its interests does not matter how friendly, China did for itself. Did Pakistan?
The question is who profits the most from the prolongation of conflict between India and Pakistan in an overpopulated World with limited resources?

Is it India? Is it Pakistan? Is it the United States, France, the United Kingdom, Germany? The one who knows the answer to this question will come out better off. The one who doesn't will be left behind.

It's survival of the fittest out in the real World. It really is that simple.
No nation thinks about the economic well being of an other nation until it is in its own interest.

Had Chinese wanted to safe guard your economic interests then China could have easily avoided your country's FATF inclusion in grey list.

FATF action leaves little space for your country to look towards west for commercial borrowings. This action has left you with a single choice by default and that sole option NOW IS to borrow more from your all weather friend. Best of Luck :enjoy:

Sure it has. A bit like how you creatures used to say that america and China will NEVER EVER allow Pakistan to become a nuclear weapons state. That they would destroy Pakistan before that happens.......:lol:

There is nothing more hilarious than retarded delusional indianisms which NEVER come true. Keep going but you obviously need to work harder......:lol:
There are legit concerns about terms of CPEC loans to Pakistan. Nawaz govt kept all under wraps. Every country work to protect and forward its interests does not matter how friendly, China did for itself. Did Pakistan?

Like as if terms between Pakistan and US/NATO were ever transparent. We now know how badly the US/NATO was allowed to exploit everything. The US/NATO still uses Pakistani supply routes without proper reimbursement. The US/NATO puts Pakistan on FATF grey list, threatens Pakistan's well-being and demands to sacrifice more innocent lives. Does China demand this from Pakistan?

At least our relationship with China is not based on exploitation. Even if some details are unknown for whatever reason we can have the assurance that it won't negatively impact the people of Pakistan. If China seeks a favorable return I have zero issues with that. China is investing billions when US/NATO can only play blame games.

More importantly, what economic investment have nations that are concerned about Chinese influence in Pakistan made? I can inform you it is next to zero.

Fvck them and their concerns. Talk is cheap. We give them a middle finger and continue our extremely important collaboration with China. The more US/NATO and India cry about Pak China cooperation the better. China stood by Pakistan when everyone else abandoned it. We will never ever forget this gesture. Pakistan's relationship with China cannot be expressed in monetary or other insignificant values. This relationship is invaluable and goes beyond monetary interests.
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well I hope Pak Army knows the inside terms and conditions of cpec, and if they are ok then we should relax
Like as if terms between Pakistan and US/NATO were ever transparent. We now know how badly the US/NATO was allowed to exploit everything. The US/NATO still uses Pakistani supply routes without proper reimbursement. The US/NATO puts Pakistan on FATF grey list, threatens Pakistan's well-being and demands to sacrifice more innocent lives. Does China demand this from Pakistan?

At least our relationship with China is not based on exploitation. Even if some details are unknown for whatever reason we can have the assurance that it won't negatively impact the people of Pakistan. If China seeks a favorable return I have zero issues with that. China is investing billions when US/NATO can only play blame games.

More importantly, what economic investment have nations that are concerned about Chinese influence in Pakistan made? I can inform you it is next to zero.

Fvck them and their concerns. Talk is cheap. We give them a middle finger and continue our extremely important collaboration with China. The more US/NATO and India cry about Pak China cooperation the better. China stood by Pakistan when everyone else abandoned it. We will never ever forget this gesture. Pakistan's relationship with China cannot be expressed in monetary or other insignificant values. This relationship is invaluable and goes beyond monetary interests.

POTM!!!!!!............Bullseye.......give this man a Fererro Roche milkshake!..........:yahoo:

The most ridiculous part of the OP and this thread is that you have memebers of the race and nation that calls for the destruction of the Pakistani race and nation, all of a sudden concerned about our economic well-being and giving lectures about how bad CPEC is for Pakistan.......:rofl:......wtf????????........go figure.........!

Then you have other enemies who have threatened to destroy Pakistan, maligned and oppressed us, are all of a sudden lecturing us on why doing business with a nation that has saved Pakstan countless times, protected & ALWAYS stood by us, is a bad thing!!!!!!!!!!!.........wtf!!!!!!!!..........:crazy:

If I wasn't convinced before, I am now. CPEC is going to be and already is such a MASSIVE game changer in making Pakistan a very powerful, advanced and formidable nation that ALL of our enemies especially the indians have been rattled and are really aghast. What they deemed impossible has become possible. Their nightmares have become reality.

It's hilarious when you have our enemies come here and criticise CPEC. Just shows their severe inferiority complex..........:rofl:
POTM!!!!!!............Bullseye.......give this man a Fererro Roche milkshake!..........:yahoo:

The most ridiculous part of the OP and this thread is that you have memebers of the race and nation that calls for the destruction of the Pakistani race and nation, all of a sudden concerned about our economic well-being and giving lectures about how bad CPEC is for Pakistan.......:rofl:......wtf????????........go figure.........!

Then you have other enemies who have threatened to destroy Pakistan, maligned and oppressed us, are all of a sudden lecturing us on why doing business with a nation that has saved Pakstan countless times, protected & ALWAYS stood by us, is a bad thing!!!!!!!!!!!.........wtf!!!!!!!!..........:crazy:

If I wasn't convinced before, I am now. CPEC is going to be and already is such a MASSIVE game changer in making Pakistan a very powerful, advanced and formidable nation that ALL of our enemies especially the indians have been rattled and are really aghast. What they deemed impossible has become possible. Their nightmares have become reality.

It's hilarious when you have our enemies come here and criticise CPEC. Just shows their severe inferiority complex..........:rofl:

It is desperation. They had something in mind for Pakistan and it hasn't come to fruition.

CPEC is a dream come true. We have to nurture this gem with great care. The enemy is restless.
It is desperation. They had something in mind for Pakistan and it hasn't come to fruition.

CPEC is a dream come true. We have to nurture this gem with great care. The enemy is restless.

As they say, they may plan, but Allah swt is the best of all planners.
That is the catch-22 situation. What would you like the next government to do ?
The answer lies in the two points below -

  1. Does China have a symbiotic relationship with Pakistan?
  2. Does China have a antagnostic relationship with Pakistan?

I put to you that China has [1] "a symbiotic relationship with Pakistan" based on it's own strategic needs. For Beijing it's rather simple. Does China want a strong, robust, stable military ally on it's south western flank that offers it a bulwark against India and US hegemony in Middle East or a failed collapsing state that instead of being useful to China is a liability if not a danger to it's Sinkiang region?

It might be interesting to draw on Western Europe and USA. US has a deep and symbiotic relationship with Western Europe/South Korea/Japan. US invested massively in Western Europe via the Marshall Plan and even now continues to provide subsidy to Europe by providing huge amount of US military forces that are deployed to provide Europe a shield against Russia. What I am saying is America has bailed out Europe in treasure, blood and political cost for well over 70 years.

Has this been a symbiotic relation? Yes it has. Europe today provides a huge market for American economy and in addition a military ally that provides it political support at every international crisis. I expect China to have the same relationship with Pakistan.

So the answer to your question is simple. China.
Like as if terms between Pakistan and US/NATO were ever transparent. We now know how badly the US/NATO was allowed to exploit everything. The US/NATO still uses Pakistani supply routes without proper reimbursement. The US/NATO puts Pakistan on FATF grey list, threatens Pakistan's well-being and demands to sacrifice more innocent lives. Does China demand this from Pakistan?

At least our relationship with China is not based on exploitation. Even if some details are unknown for whatever reason we can have the assurance that it won't negatively impact the people of Pakistan. If China seeks a favorable return I have zero issues with that. China is investing billions when US/NATO can only play blame games.

More importantly, what economic investment have nations that are concerned about Chinese influence in Pakistan made? I can inform you it is next to zero.

Fvck them and their concerns. Talk is cheap. We give them a middle finger and continue our extremely important collaboration with China. The more US/NATO and India cry about Pak China cooperation the better. China stood by Pakistan when everyone else abandoned it. We will never ever forget this gesture. Pakistan's relationship with China cannot be expressed in monetary or other insignificant values. This relationship is invaluable and goes beyond monetary interests.
Wrong comparison.
Trade and financial deals should come to open. It is not about being friendly or unfriendly. Trade interests trumps everything.
failed collapsing state
Your peeps won't like this description.
Why is any part kept secret unless it's of a defense nature ?
Financial deals are normally never secret as it leaves the participants open to allegations of corruption.
Either the deal is bad for pakistan or their is a military angle to it which cannot be disclosed.
Chinese don't give 2 hoots for what their ppl think and in any case 60 b USD is change for the Chinese.
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