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  1. I

    Russia’s frantic parade of lies

    @Solomon2, I am not denying that thesubstance was not found. But consider this: lavrov said this after recieving the report which was given to state parties and not made public: '. The report only gives the chemical formula, which, according to our experts, points to an agent that had been...
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    Russia’s frantic parade of lies

    For starters,
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    Russia’s frantic parade of lies

    It adds up. The washington post story has big holes in it. You might be right about fisk. But then would western mainsyream media journalists retain their jobs or get a place in white house and pentagon breifings if they start questioning the dominant narrative? In the end, we believe what we...
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    Russia’s frantic parade of lies

    Well sergey lavrov said in a recent bbc hardtalk interview that previously russia did not give s-300 to syria 'at the request of our western partners'. Anyway what do dou think of the video I posted?
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    Russia’s frantic parade of lies

    Well they might give s-300 to syria. Then israel won't be able to enter syrian airspace with impunity. That would be good retaliation for something which was a lot of noise with little long term effect.
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    Russia’s frantic parade of lies

    @Solomon2 watch this video of a kid who was in the chemical attack video...
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    Russia’s frantic parade of lies

    Well novichoks are relatively unstable compounds. They disintegrate. How come high purity novichik substance was found 15 days after the incident? Novichoks are extremely toxic. How come skripal and his daughter are alive with latter now almost fully recovered? Lavrov said they have asked opcw...
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    History of TTP in Pakistan

    I believe you have put me in the wrong category. I haven't read raza rumi a lot but have an idea about his writing. I do not want a secular pakistan but an islamic republic of pakistan. As for your society going through a nightmare, it happens when people with a superficial understanding of...
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    History of TTP in Pakistan

    Its true there was confusion regarding these people in the beginning....and people say these things on tv and other media. And don't worry about me really.....you have some wrong notions about our society....
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    History of TTP in Pakistan

    Its no use blaming provincial goverment or army for what happened. It was the failure of society as a whole. At that time the true face of militants was not known. Many people had a soft corner for them and there was widespread confusion regarding these people. It was not until the aps incident...
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    British Ministry of Foreign Affairs removes tweets related to "Novichok" poison made in Russia

    Boris johnson has made a fool out of himself.....more embarrasment on the way as the story falls apart....
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    Pakistan’s renewed relevance to Arab Gulf security

    The point is that we should not take sides in inter-muslim conflicts but be a voice of mediation. Saudi iran rivalry is a sectarian issue and sectarian conflicts only help our enemies.
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    Pakistan’s renewed relevance to Arab Gulf security

    Generally a rule of thumb can be applied that arab kingdoms generally don't do anything that undermines american interests in the region. Their survival depends on american approval and they always promote american interests. Destruction of libya and specially syria could not have happened...
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    Pakistan’s renewed relevance to Arab Gulf security

    MBS is a hot head. He is aggressive but has managed to consolidatate his hold on power. How Yemen and Qatar fiascos will end or evolve is anybody's guess. His economic diversification plan has given hope to saudis and this buys him critical time to sort things out. But saudi economy is under...
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    Pakistan Army contingent is being sent to KSA on training and advise mission

    Saudis are killing civilians in yemen in thousands. A year or so back they attacked a wedding killing hundreds. Weapons are sold by americans. Its not about iran. Its about muslims killing muslims with western backing. Its horrible and we must stay away from it. Terrible decision to train and...
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    ISI's covert war wing: Directorate S

    Books like this and those newspaper reports can be tricky. We are all emotional and patriotic people here in pakistan. Part of these reports is about how ruthless and effective the s-wing - or whatever alphabetical name it has (x wing would be more appropriate given its alleged activities) - is...
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    The author never explains how pakistan is smartly using IS. ISIS in afghanistan include many ttp members and have carried out attacks in pakistan. The author also fails to analyze statements by russian foreign office spokesperson seeking clarification from us about reports of isis fifhters...
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    Afghan president slams Pakistan for allegedly harbouring Taliban

    Ghani was imported and heads a coalition of a thousand cracks barely held together by us dollars. He doesn't represent afghan people.
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    US sees Haqqani network behind ambulance bombing in Kabul

    So this is the logic for pakistan's involvement? That using ambulances is such a sophisticated and genius idea, it is beyond Afghan Taliban's imagination; they must have had Pakistan's help. And why do these articles never mention Pakistan's response only presenting one party's position.
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    Pakistan holds an ace in poker match with America,

    Trump had a positive meeting with Kazakh president in the white house. Trump's response and WH statements suggest they havesome sort of understanding over the northern route. Russians on their part have influence on central asian states but they are independent at the end of the day. The key...
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