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British Ministry of Foreign Affairs removes tweets related to "Novichok" poison made in Russia


Aug 7, 2017
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British Ministry of Foreign Affairs removes tweets related to "Novichok" poison made in Russia

According to a comprehensive report from the observer network, on April 4th, the Russian satellite network reported that the British Foreign Ministry issued a statement on Twitter on March 22 stating that the neurotoxic agent that causes the scrippar poisoning is made in Russia and has been removed by the British side. This tweet.

The Russian Embassy in Britain pointed out on the 4th that there are contradictions in the description of the investigation of the Salisbury poison incident in London.

Scribel and her daughter Yulia

The Russian Embassy attached a screenshot of the tweets of the British Foreign Ministry and Bolton Donne Military Lab. The British Foreign Ministry issued a document on March 22 stating: “The world’s top experts analyzed poisons at the National Defense Science and Technology Laboratory in Bolton, and the results showed that this is a military nerve agent made by Russia’s Novichuk. The Bolton Dawn Laboratory is the designated laboratory of the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons."

However, the laboratory issued another article on Twitter on the 3rd that: “Our experts have identified that the poison sample is the same substance as the nerve agent 'Novijok'. It is currently impossible to determine the source of the substance and this is not our responsibility. Within range."

A spokesman for the British Foreign Ministry subsequently stated that the previously published tweets were taken out of context and failed to accurately convey the words of British British Ambassador Laurie Bristol.

He said: “On March 22, the launch of the British Embassy in Russia’s press conference was published in real time, in order to make as many people aware of the Salisbury incident. One of the tweets was deleted and it failed to convey the ambassador accurately. We have deleted this tweet."

On March 4, the former Russian-English dual spy Sergeyskrippar and her daughter Yulia were found unconscious in Salisbury, England. According to the British government, the poisoning of the father and daughter of Scripplis Kripel was the А234 poison, belonging to the "Novichok" nerve agent developed by the Soviet Union. The United Kingdom accused Russia of being involved in this matter, and Russia strongly denied this.

According to a report by the BBC on April 2, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov spoke of “spying poisoning” on the 2nd, criticizing that Britain and its western partners were simply “children’s houses”. He also believes that this matter is very beneficial to the British government, which is trapped in the issue of "Brexit."

Lavrov accused these countries of deliberately circumventing all acceptable moves and resorting to flagrant lies and false intelligence.

Earlier, Britain blamed Russia for the "spying poisoning" incident. A total of 29 countries followed Britain and expelled Russian diplomats. The United Kingdom then forcibly searched Russian aircraft.

At the press conference, Lavrov affirmed the Russian attitude toward the incident and categorically denied the British accusations.

"We don't want to play kids games, but they are playing this," he added. These countries should ease this tension. "When we were kids, we knew the truth. Whoever picked the head, whoever It should be responsible for ending it."

Lavrov Criticizes Britain (Screenshot of BBC Website)

According to the report of Russian satellite network on March 16, the Russian Ambassador to Britain Alexander Yakovenko stated to the media that after the Brexit, Britain will lose the lever of exerting political influence through the European Union, causing its international influence to decline and it needs to be in the West. The world finds its own position, and it is more appropriate to make use of the “spyware poisoning” incident.

At this week’s press conference, Lavrov also supported this view. He believes that spy poisoning is in the interests of the British government, taking into account the embarrassing situation after Britain's Brexit.

"(There can be other explanations for this case.) The experts are discussing. This matter is very beneficial to some British institutions. They are fully capable of being ordered to execute this murder. This is known to everyone." Rove said.

He reiterated that the case can be explained by a variety of reasons. There is currently no one reason that can be easily ruled out.
If you do stigmatize others in the absence of evidence, you are guilty of blasphemy.The United States and the United Kingdom launched the Iraq war to eliminate Iraq’s Saddam Hussein’s weapons of mass destruction. Where is Iraq’s weapons of mass destruction?
Chinese really don't have a leg to stand on when it comes to "credibility"

Boris johnson has made a fool out of himself.....more embarrasment on the way as the story falls apart....
Chinese really don't have a leg to stand on when it comes to "credibility"

I guess that is why UK started The first opium war coz China less credibility!

And as china has no credibility,UK import CHINA text book for what?
To learn how to be no credibility?

Chinese maths textbook introduced into Britain

The cover of the Chinese version of Yi Ke Yi Lian.

LONDON - The news that a Chinese maths textbook will be introduced into Britain this summer has again caught the eyes of people in the education field, as well as the public, since the first group of maths teachers from China's Shanghai took part in an exchange project in Britain last year.

The supplementary textbook, One Lesson One Exercise, is a popular book for students in Shanghai for more than 20 years.

Earlier on Thursday, the publisher East China Normal University Press said, in January, it signed an agreement with HarperCollins to publish an English version of the book this summer in Britain, which would be named as One Lesson One Exercise of Shanghai Maths.

It said experts "familiar with both Chinese textbooks and British educational conditions are compiling the maths section on the basis of the pre-existing domestic edition", and some changes would be made as the education systems of the two countries are different. However, the difficulty won't be reduced.

So far, the number of schools and students who will use this textbook is unknown. Britain's Department for Education said, at this stage, it's a matter for the publishing company, and won't make any comments on this.

A Chinese man who required anonymous said he had noticed a very interesting phenomenon in his daughter's school and other schools in London, that most of Chinese students, even Asian students can get a higher scores than others in maths.

He said he learnt the news of Shanghai textbook on the Internet,

but he thought it's very complicated to judge whether the action would be good or bad for students in Britain.

"The introduction of the Shanghai textbook may play a part in improving local students' numeracy skills, however, I think local maths lessons place more focus on developing students' ability of inference and logical thinking, rather than the numeracy skills. They'd like to complete maths problems by tools, but not in particular require students to master of numeracy," he said.

Stop using our textbook Copy cat UK!

Stop using our advanced Huawei techs equipments!UK copy cat!
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