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Pakistan’s renewed relevance to Arab Gulf security

. it was the UAE.
It was and mainly around in 70s,80s,90s etc and in 2000s supporting bhagoray baloch sardars but the ugly massive bloodshed and sectarian killings that happened in balochistan were a result of multiple foreign powers sponsoring it with india being at forefront. Kulbushan jadev was neither an arab nor was he caught operating from an arab country.
It was and mainly around in 70s,80s,90s etc and in 2000s supporting bhagoray baloch sardars but the ugly massive bloodshed and sectarian killings that happened in balochistan were a result of multiple foreign powers sponsoring it with india being at forefront. Kulbushan jadev was neither an arab nor was he caught operating from an arab country.
What do Baloch seperatists have to do with delaying Gwadar?
You can delay a project by a variety of other means. Additionally, what does the parroting of Kulbashan and Indian sponsorship of terrorism have ANYTHING to do with another country’s actions?
Buying land, promising to invest but not delivering, paying off political and bureaucratic influences .. all carried out 2001-2013.
Well the opposition from them dates way back to 80s ,90s time and continued perhaps till pak army really stepped in somewhere in 2000s.

But i think delay tactics were beyond what u have mentioned, many pakistanis believe baloch rebel groups got support as well hence i mentioned them.

Buying land, promising to invest but not delivering, paying off political and bureaucratic influences .. all carried out 2001-2013.
When qatar can be dumped in a jiffy then who are we.
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Generally a rule of thumb can be applied that arab kingdoms generally don't do anything that undermines american interests in the region. Their survival depends on american approval and they always promote american interests.
Destruction of libya and specially syria could not have happened without saudi arabia, uae and jordan's active participation. They are responsible for countless deaths. To see pakistan helping them with military advisors makes me sick. But such are our compulsions we have no choice. We have thousands of workers there who are critical to our economy. Plus we can't afford to be diplomatically isolated at this time. But if these sheikhs think they can get away with mass murder they are only fooling themselves. The fire they helped stoke in syria will burn them too. But the sad thing is that they are all muslims.
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The problem is having a myopic or limited spectrum view. Yes India is the mortal enemy and must be made to rue the day they picked the fight with us(or whatever one perceives)- but that does not mean India is the only adversary on the world stage or a foe at eveyr stage(although with the Bhaktars it seems it has chosen that path).
Ab iisdem the mountain seas Chinese cut us off on many economic opportunities and fronts, the brince brothers of Saud work against us in many spheres, the Turks right now wont give us preferred gsp and so on.

But you cannot expect many to understand such issues( even though they experience analogous dynamics in their family and extended family all the time.. aunts and uncles etc). Which is why while one hopes to have qualified people at the top; one cannot expect it to be among the common folk.
Sadly, that does not seem to deter people from declaring sides and going emotional- after all when it comes to the internet your barrier for entry as an expert on transportation is holding a driver’s license.

Vintage Oscar.
MBS is a hot head. He is aggressive but has managed to consolidatate his hold on power. How Yemen and Qatar fiascos will end or evolve is anybody's guess. His economic diversification plan has given hope to saudis and this buys him critical time to sort things out. But saudi economy is under pressure. People's resentment will grow because his vision 2030 is a long shot. In Syria, saudi proxies are down and out and they are yet to make a new move. But the most imortant thing is that there were statements from saudi officials few weeks ago implying they would soon launch an aggressive campaign against iran and hizbollah. We are yet to see how that materializes, but when it does Pakistan will have a tough time keeping a balance and could be forced by saudis to pick a side.
id side with the saudis in a heartbeat
if anyone forgets,iran allowed india to use its bases against pakistan
The country on the forefront in trying to delay Gwadar and sabotage it was not India, Iran or the Israelis.. it was the UAE.
It was past, all settled out with that country during Gen Musharraf's era and after that when Pakistan - China announced CPEC R&AW invested heavily to halt CPEC.
id side with the saudis in a heartbeat
if anyone forgets,iran allowed india to use its bases against pakistan
The point is that we should not take sides in inter-muslim conflicts but be a voice of mediation. Saudi iran rivalry is a sectarian issue and sectarian conflicts only help our enemies.
The country on the forefront in trying to delay Gwadar and sabotage it was not India, Iran or the Israelis.. it was the UAE.
But now UAE is also on-board...

Arz kia hai:
main kahan jaon, hota nahi hai faisla...aik taraf uska ghar, aik taraf mea kada.. :)
Brother @Joe Shearer .
It was past, all settled out with that country during Gen Musharraf's era and after that when Pakistan - China announced CPEC R&AW invested heavily to halt CPEC.
Hence my reference to 2013. That does not absolve the UAE from its hostile role against us and is unrelated to RAW or CIA.
The point is that we should not take sides in inter-muslim conflicts but be a voice of mediation. Saudi iran rivalry is a sectarian issue and sectarian conflicts only help our enemies.
whats the worst that could happen?
the shias revolt?
yeah right,if they still support iran after they let india use iranian bases then should be deported to iran

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