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History of TTP in Pakistan

Who did hand over Swat to taliban? Provincial government or army?
Who did hand over Swat to taliban? Provincial government or army?
Nobody. Watch the full video .
The TNSM of Sufi Muhammad were allowed to set up Shariah courts in some districts by provincial government. It was to be an experimental and optional system alongside normal policing and courts.
But they took over as an invasion and conquering .
Nobody. Watch the full video .
The TNSM of Sufi Muhammad were allowed to set up Shariah courts in some districts by provincial government. It was to be an experimental and optional system alongside normal policing and courts.
But they took over as an invasion and conquering .

That sound like provincial government handing over Swat to taliban. Was just googling and found this interesting article from 2009

Handing the Swat Valley to the Taliban was shameful and wrong.
By Christopher Hitchens

In a wishful attempt to bring peace with the Taliban in Pakistan itself, the government has recently ceded a fertile and prosperous and modernized valley province—the former princedom of Swat—to the ultraviolent votaries of the one party and the one God. This is not some desolate tribal area where government and frontier have been poorly delineated for decades, as in Waziristan. It is a short commute from the capital city of Islamabad. The Taliban have never won an election in the area; indeed, the last vote went exactly the other way. And refugees are pouring out of Swat as the fundamentalists take hold and begin their campaign of cultural and economic obliteration: no music, no schooling for females, no recognition of the writ of the central government. (See the excellent report by Jane Perlez and Pir Zubair Shah in the March 5 New York Times.)

According to this and other reports, the surrender of authority by the already crumbling Pakistani authorities has had an emboldening effect on the extremists rather than an appeasing one. The nominal interlocutor, Maulana Sufi Muhammad, with whom the deal was signed, is related by clan and ideology to much fiercer and younger figures, including those suspected in the murder of Benazir Bhutto, in the burning of hundreds of girls' schools, in the killing of Pakistani soldiers, and in the slaughter of local tribal leaders who have resisted Taliban rule. Numberless witnesses attest that the militants show not the smallest intention of abiding by the terms of the so-called "truce." Instead of purchasing peace, the Pakistani government has surrendered part of its heartland without a fight to those who can and will convert it into a base for further and more exorbitant demands. This is not even a postponement of the coming nightmare, which is the utter disintegration of Pakistan as a state. It is a stage in that disintegration.

There is another symbiosis between state failure of that kind and the spread of deadly violence. A state or region taken over by jihadists will not last long before declining into extreme poverty and backwardness and savagery. There are no exceptions to this rule. We do not need to demonstrate again what happens to countries where vicious fantasists try to govern illiterates with the help of only one book. And who will be blamed for the failure? There will not, let me assure you, be a self-criticism session mounted by the responsible mullahs. Instead, all ills will be blamed on the Crusader-Zionist conspiracy, and young men with deficiency diseases and learning disabilities will be taught how to export their frustrations to happier lands. Thus does the failed state become the rogue state. This is why we have a duty of solidarity with all the secular forces, women's groups, and other constituencies who don't want this to happen to their societies or to ours.

Christopher Hitchens already predicted what was going to happen. Now PTM/TTP are in phase of victimisation and blaming others instead of taking responsibility for what they did.
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That sound like provincial government handing over Swat to taliban. Was just googling and found this interesting article from 2009

Handing the Swat Valley to the Taliban was shameful and wrong.
By Christopher Hitchens

In a wishful attempt to bring peace with the Taliban in Pakistan itself, the government has recently ceded a fertile and prosperous and modernized valley province—the former princedom of Swat—to the ultraviolent votaries of the one party and the one God. This is not some desolate tribal area where government and frontier have been poorly delineated for decades, as in Waziristan. It is a short commute from the capital city of Islamabad. The Taliban have never won an election in the area; indeed, the last vote went exactly the other way. And refugees are pouring out of Swat as the fundamentalists take hold and begin their campaign of cultural and economic obliteration: no music, no schooling for females, no recognition of the writ of the central government. (See the excellent report by Jane Perlez and Pir Zubair Shah in the March 5 New York Times.)

According to this and other reports, the surrender of authority by the already crumbling Pakistani authorities has had an emboldening effect on the extremists rather than an appeasing one. The nominal interlocutor, Maulana Sufi Muhammad, with whom the deal was signed, is related by clan and ideology to much fiercer and younger figures, including those suspected in the murder of Benazir Bhutto, in the burning of hundreds of girls' schools, in the killing of Pakistani soldiers, and in the slaughter of local tribal leaders who have resisted Taliban rule. Numberless witnesses attest that the militants show not the smallest intention of abiding by the terms of the so-called "truce." Instead of purchasing peace, the Pakistani government has surrendered part of its heartland without a fight to those who can and will convert it into a base for further and more exorbitant demands. This is not even a postponement of the coming nightmare, which is the utter disintegration of Pakistan as a state. It is a stage in that disintegration.

There is another symbiosis between state failure of that kind and the spread of deadly violence. A state or region taken over by jihadists will not last long before declining into extreme poverty and backwardness and savagery. There are no exceptions to this rule. We do not need to demonstrate again what happens to countries where vicious fantasists try to govern illiterates with the help of only one book. And who will be blamed for the failure? There will not, let me assure you, be a self-criticism session mounted by the responsible mullahs. Instead, all ills will be blamed on the Crusader-Zionist conspiracy, and young men with deficiency diseases and learning disabilities will be taught how to export their frustrations to happier lands. Thus does the failed state become the rogue state. This is why we have a duty of solidarity with all the secular forces, women's groups, and other constituencies who don't want this to happen to their societies or to ours.

Christopher Hitchens already predicted what was going to happen. Now PTM/TTP are in phase of victimisation and blaming others instead of taking responsibility for what they did.

Yes kpk gov of that time did give its support and very shameless what happened

Watch the video from timestamp 20:18 to 21:00

And yet when we say swat pushtoons gave their support to ttp we are called names and cruel punjabi establishment.
Yes kpk gov of that time did give its support and very shameless what happened

Watch the video from timestamp 20:18 to 21:00

And yet when we say swat pushtoons gave their support to ttp we are called names and cruel punjabi establishment.

I liked Chaudhry Nisar stance on Karachi operation. Provincial government tried many times to not give "permission" or extend stay but he didn't back off. This is why PTM demands of army check posts removal shouldn't be accepted.

As I said before this is punishment for supporting anti-Soviet terrorism in Afghanistan. Soviet backed Afghanistan even if anti-Pakistan was better. Rather have Afghanistan as enemy then terrorists as friends. If Pakistan is hosting Haqqanis like they claim, then its time to either hand them over to Afghanistan or kill them and then hand over their bodies.
Its no use blaming provincial goverment or army for what happened. It was the failure of society as a whole.
At that time the true face of militants was not known. Many people had a soft corner for them and there was widespread confusion regarding these people. It was not until the aps incident that a national consensus was reached. Remember up until zarb e azb the government was negotiating with them and their intention should not be questioned. It was thought that these people could be negotiated with.
Asif Ali Zardari was part and parcel of this drama.
Who gifted Asif Ali Zardari to Pakistan? Imran Khan.
Its no use blaming provincial goverment or army for what happened. It was the failure of society as a whole.
At that time the true face of militants was not known. Many people had a soft corner for them and there was widespread confusion regarding these people. It was not until the aps incident that a national consensus was reached. Remember up until zarb e azb the government was negotiating with them and their intention should not be questioned. It was thought that these people could be negotiated with.

Really? We already saw teaser when taliban ruled Kabul. I hope people don't say same thing about PTM few years from now.
Coming round full circle. These people never learn and in the end they die and a few prosper. ISI needs to infiltrate and locate group heads families who are no doubt in Afghanistan and exert some leverage.
Its no use blaming provincial goverment or army for what happened. It was the failure of society as a whole.
At that time the true face of militants was not known. Many people had a soft corner for them and there was widespread confusion regarding these people. It was not until the aps incident that a national consensus was reached. Remember up until zarb e azb the government was negotiating with them and their intention should not be questioned. It was thought that these people could be negotiated with.

You could get into trouble with this kind of post. It isn't in tune with the general atmosphere in PDF, nor does it align with the accepted narrative. Any Indian daring to say this kind of thing would be met by a storm of hatred. It might be a very good idea to edit your post, or even to delete it.
PML-N was not even in power back then.
not even I have not said that PML-N was in power at that time but ANP the ally of PML-N was in power in the KPK

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