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Afghan president slams Pakistan for allegedly harbouring Taliban


Aug 3, 2008
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Afghan president slams Pakistan for allegedly harbouring Taliban

AFP | APUpdated February 02, 2018
The Afghan president slammed Pakistan on Friday, blaming it for a wave of massive deadly attacks that have ravaged his nation recently and accusing Islamabad of harbouring the Taliban.

The government is under growing public pressure to improve security in the Afghan capital after three major attacks in the past two weeks demonstrated the ability of militants to strike at the heart of the country.

Since January 20, militants have stormed a luxury hotel, bombed a crowded street and raided a military compound in Kabul, killing more than 130 people.

In a televised speech to the nation, Ashraf Ghani alleged the “centre of Taliban terrorism is in Pakistan” and demanded that authorities in the neighbouring country “show some concrete action to rid their territory of insurgents.”

Foreign Office (FO) spokesman Dr Muhammad Faisal had earlier today reiterated Islamabad's assertions that there are no terrorist safe havens anywhere in Pakistan, adding that the country would never allow its soil to be used against any other country.

Examine: 3 major attacks in 7 days — is the US security strategy in Afghanistan working?

Ghani, flanked by Afghanistan's top Islamic clerics, also urged those among the Taliban who wanted to talk peace with the government to separate themselves from those who want only to fight.

“The Afghan nation is waiting for clear action” from Pakistan, said Ghani, adding that so far Afghanistan got only promises of cooperation from Islamabad.

President Ghani said 11 people have been detained over the terrorist attacks, but gave no further details.

President Ghani said "People will not forget. Even if it takes a hundred years, the Afghans will take their revenge.

Officials would submit a new security plan for Kabul on Sunday, Ghani said, speaking inside the heavily fortified presidential palace — eight months after a devastating truck bomb in the city triggered a similar move.

His remarks came a day after Afghan officials said they had handed “undeniable” evidence to Pakistan that they claimed showed the recent attacks were planned on Pakistani soil.

The Taliban claimed responsibility for the attack on the Intercontinental Hotel on January 20 and the street bombing last Saturday.

The Pakistani embassy in Kabul said the information was “being examined for its authenticity”.

Kabul, along with Washington, has long accused Islamabad of providing safe havens to leaders of the Taliban and other militant groups. Pakistan denies the charges, insisting it has eradicated safe havens in the tribal region along the border with Afghanistan.

On Friday, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said it stands with Afghanistan “in fighting the menace of terrorism”.

The ministry's statement noted that Pakistan has erected 975 security posts along the porous border with Afghanistan, while Kabul set up only 218. It called for more border security from Kabul, saying insurgents in Afghanistan have carried out 417 attacks in Pakistan in 2017.
So if it is war....
If afghans are going to take revenge about something that is not true ?
Then we are too justified to fight and defend ourselves too.
We would not kill Taliban. They are your enemy, kill them on your own you dumb ***.
You don't rule USA, you rule Afghanistan.
And you don't understand the dynamics of running a nation like Afghanistan.
Blaming your inability on Pakistan kistan is not going to work.
Not only government, police had failed but army and intelligence agencies have failed too. They are only busy in doing anti Pakistan activities and doing corruption or getting high on drugs while selling them.
You are only going to loose.
You are the president of the presidential palace only.
Even if it takes our own existence, we will take our revenge against Pakistan.

How stupid.

It either takes a lot of money or a level of deceit and evil only the lowest of humanity have.

These people are turning very quickly into the followers of Hassan Sabah sometimes allied with muslims and sometimes with crusaders.
Lol it'll take them a few decades to secure Kabul first :-)
President Ghani said "People will not forget. Even if it takes a hundred years, the Afghans will take their revenge.

70 years have already passed Mr Kabuli President ....... you started with not recognizing Pakistan as a newly founded state on the world map, during this whole time ....... we can see where both countries stand as States, you got invaded twice, not by Pakistanis but others, your people sought refuge in Pakistan, you sit in Kabul can't go out in other parts of Afghanistan, Pakistanis though suffered huge loses but even today we have an upper hand, we still show restraint.

Mr Ghani out of those 100 years we still have 30 left you or I may not be present after 30 years .... but our children will be cursing us for our stupid rants and actions. It won't take much just say Pakistan zindabad and take charge of your affairs and your country ......... it doesn't need to remain a pawn used and abused by others against Pakistan.
they cant take revenge from. Taliban with support of pashtuns and they will take it from a country with millions of them.
those undeniable evidences are that almost every afghan once lived here. so the suspects caught have links yo Pakistan refugee camps. we should help Afghanistan get rid of those terrorists training camps and expel all potential terrorists with links to Pakistan.
Ghani was imported and heads a coalition of a thousand cracks barely held together by us dollars. He doesn't represent afghan people.
he said revenge but did not mention pakistan. misleading title.
Baseless allegations will only make your own life miserable, but your intention has been registered and your intention may be avenged.

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