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  1. Panther

    Taliban chief says victory in Afghanistan "close"

    What one might call abandon, i would call fulfilling their treaty obligations and the need to look after their domestic commitments. Some of our partners are small and haven't the economy set up for a sustained deployment that a counter insurgency calls for. Then again, a few are perhaps weak in...
  2. Panther

    Taliban chief says victory in Afghanistan "close"

    Surprising? Not really. We have plenty of those here in the states. Anyways, as i see it, the Taliban have to make claims like this, otherwise money and men would dry up quicker than it takes to type out the word liar!
  3. Panther

    US soldiers 'killed Afghan civilians for sport and collected fingers as trophies

    I saw this new story and thought about starting a thread here, but then i thought, nah.... just give it a few minutes and... TA-DA! Anyways, "IF" this is true and the soldiers are convicted and sentenced for the alleged crimes, then i hope they get the maximum penalty that the US military can...
  4. Panther

    China World Trade Center Tower : Beijing tallest skyscraper

    I had no idea you lived in Texas? Do you have any idea if there are any authentic Chinese restaurants in the DFW (Metroplex) area?
  5. Panther

    Report: Castro says Cuban model doesn't work

    I can't refute that!
  6. Panther

    Taliban chief says victory in Afghanistan "close"

    Hello again graphican, Kind of hard to charge him when there are those willing enough to run interference for him, including a few people from my own country. If he is innocent, then he has absolutely nothing to be afraid of, not even from the victors justice; By running and hiding he is only...
  7. Panther

    Report: Castro says Cuban model doesn't work

    Ugh... "Change"! We will undoubtedly be lucky if that is what we have left in our pockets once the Obama administration is over.
  8. Panther

    Obama and the Nobel Prize: When War becomes Peace, When the Lie becomes the Truth

    Why that is easy. Why he single handily closed gitmo. Err.... ummm... no he didn't. Well okay, he stopped the drone strikes. Oh... he actually increased them, you don't say? Alright then, he has expanded civil rights and.... oh wait! News flash just in: His justice department is the most...
  9. Panther

    China World Trade Center Tower : Beijing tallest skyscraper

    This is China?! Rats! What in the world am i going to do with my old world books from the eighties? They're useless, i say! Just absolutely useless! By the way, nice pictures of China's WTC.
  10. Panther

    Counter Indian military spending, Pakistan urged

    Does the F-19 exist in reality? I really don't know. But looking at my keyboard, i can't but help in noticing how suspiciously close the #9 key is to the #8 key; And i'll be darned... both are not too far away from the delete key!
  11. Panther

    Report: Castro says Cuban model doesn't work

    Oh well... this is just spiffy! What grand timing! We finally had fallen for all the communist propaganda crap by electing his ideological cousin to the whtehouse and what does Castro up and do... Tells us that it doesn't work and is actually more worse than it had ever appeared. Well...
  12. Panther

    Partial List of Muslim 9/11 Victims: May they rest in peace

    Thank you for the reminder. May they all rest in peace!
  13. Panther

    US church to go ahead with Sept 11 Quran burning

    I wouldn't be a bit surprised and not in the least shocked, if somebody here in the US decided to imitate them, except by burning the bible rather than any other holy book.
  14. Panther

    Taliban chief says victory in Afghanistan "close"

    Ummm.... Okay???? Perspective is completely and utterly lost!
  15. Panther

    Taliban chief says victory in Afghanistan "close"

    Hello graphican, The trouble was, they had harbored Bin Laden and organization. The US was in the middle of trying to figure out a way of negotiating with the Taliban in turning over Bin Laden for attacks that had preceded the events of 9-11. (See the attacks in Africa and the 2000 USS Cole...
  16. Panther

    Hitler's Plans

    Thanks. A flawed genius? A psychopath who manipulated his way up as a head of state for a major European country is more like it! The fact that he came too greatly despise Germany and Germans at the end is all the more ironic. He was more than happy to drag the German state down with him into...
  17. Panther

    Taliban chief says victory in Afghanistan "close"

    I have read reports like this all of the time. I think Mr. Omar might be getting a tad bit ahead of himself once again, as far as 2011 is concerned. Case in point, why is it every spring i read about the Taliban announcing with great fanfare, a great offensive, only to hear nothing else after...
  18. Panther

    US church to go ahead with Sept 11 Quran burning

    So.... A church of 50 in Florida is throwing a Quran(sp?) burning party. Imagine their extreme embarrassment if nobody else showed up? Unfortunately, everyone with a voice will show up, helping too prove their point. :hitwall:
  19. Panther

    Hitler's Plans

    No offense intended, but i don't understand the intent of the thread. Is a specific question being asked? Or is the topic starter just wanting to point out the obvious mental defects of the man?
  20. Panther

    what brings you in to PDF

    Interested in different international opinions. In this case, the opinions of the regional inhabitants, or those with ties to the area in which this web forum covers.
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