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    DJ Sydney Blu comes to Pakistan

    Sydney Blu is one of the better Dj's out there. i actually had saw her play last year and if any of you guys like Deadmau5, you'll definitely love Sydney Blu. it all depends on whether you're into house music or not. (HD) Sydney Blu - Give It Up For Me (Original Mix) - YouTube
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    Latest US drone technology

    WRIGHT-PATTERSON AIR FORCE BASE, Ohio — Two miles from the cow pasture where the Wright Brothers learned to fly the first airplanes, military researchers are at work on another revolution in the air: shrinking unmanned drones, the kind that fire missiles into Pakistan and spy on insurgents in...
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    Is F-35 Stealth fighter jet Successful?

    we didnt develop it for a beauty pageant. if ur looking for beauty, better check out tomcats, sex!est birds ever made.
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    Female Madrassas Breed Radicalism In Pakistan

    i disagree with ur statement. islam uses the same rhetoric that every other religion uses in the world (satan, hell, heaven , evil etc) which is understandable as it shares its roots with other Abrahamic faiths. most people pray out of fear of eternal hellfire (i may be wrong in my assumption)...
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    Female Madrassas Breed Radicalism In Pakistan

    Thе Freudian theory аbουt thе unconscious mind talks about how the hidden starving beast inside each οf υѕ саn bе activated bу repetition. religious nuts are masters of exploiting this innate human weakness. they just drill...
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    Attack on PNS Mehran Base - PAF Faisal Base

    why would the spy agency throw its very own people under the bus? doesnt make sense. there might be some truth to the statement that there might be so elements within the ISI who support the militants but to portray the whole organization as a rogue institution is just wrong. there are black...
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    Attack on PNS Mehran Base - PAF Faisal Base

    Dude, every intelligence agency in the world in neck deep in some sick sh!t. if you think only the ISI is involved in umbrella operations, i have a bridge in newyork i want you to buy. The purpose of every spy agency is to safeguard its parent country's interests so your statement is inherently...
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    Attack on PNS Mehran Base - PAF Faisal Base

    well then according to your logic the Pakistani armed forces have certain personal who would harm their own country? if true than this whole security lapse issue would be the last thing on your list of priorities as then, you'll have a major problem on your hands. militants infiltrating the...
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    Attack on PNS Mehran Base - PAF Faisal Base

    this is just moronic rhetoric on your part. hate for the sake of hating. Human lives were lost. show some freakin respect.
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    Attack on PNS Mehran Base - PAF Faisal Base

    This by no means is and inside job as many here are implying. why would the Pakistani navy drop the hammer on their own feet? p-3C Orion costs a lot of money and according to media reports, u guys lost 4 of them. however, nothing can be determined at this point as everyone is just speculating...
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    Attack on PNS Mehran Base - PAF Faisal Base

    where did i troll? can u quote the specific part where i was trying to troll?
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    Attack on PNS Mehran Base - PAF Faisal Base

    i actually joined a couple of weeks ago. I have some crude knowledge about aircrafts and wanted to be a part of the discussion. My last reply was in response to someone else's comment. if you feel i crossed my limits and fabricated facts, feel free to report it. i by no means meant any disrespect.
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    Attack on PNS Mehran Base - PAF Faisal Base

    i'm sorry but saying you guys had no hand in planting the jehadi bug in the people's mind is utter BS. True the US came to you as a way to give the Soviet Union "their Vietnam" but you guys could've said NO. instead, u chose to take what us Americans were offering. i'm not denying that the US...
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    Attack on PNS Mehran Base - PAF Faisal Base

    Theres a difference between freedom of expression and just blabbering on like a baboon. its their house, thus their rules, you don't like it, press ALT+F4. good day.
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    Attack on PNS Mehran Base - PAF Faisal Base

    Animals like you make me sick. Are you on a mission to make America look bad? quit your trolling u miserable excuse for a human.
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    Attack on PNS Mehran Base - PAF Faisal Base

    uncalled for. keep it civil. besides, it doesn't take a genius to spot a troll.
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    Attack on PNS Mehran Base - PAF Faisal Base

    it would be a huge disgrace if the higher ups in the Pakistani Military don't resign after this. Failure is not an option if your going through the most sensitive phase in your history. If they cant do their job, the should step down and let someone else do it.
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    Attack on PNS Mehran Base - PAF Faisal Base

    what would happen if you guys reconsider the WOT policy? lets assume that Pakistan withdraws from the WOT, the extremists would portray it as a victory over the mighty Pakistan army which would probably lead to even more people believing in their cause. Bulk of the pakistani population is...
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    Attack on PNS Mehran Base - PAF Faisal Base

    Webster Tarpley is a world renowned conspiracy theorist. he likes to make wild assumptions without backing them up with facts. The notion that the US is gearing up for a war against Pakistan is utter nonsense. The US cannot afford another war, the hawks in the pentagon just like to create an...
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    Attack on PNS Mehran Base - PAF Faisal Base

    well the terrorists have held their ground against the coalition forces and the Pakistani army so its safe to say that the aren't your regular rag tag guerrilla fighters. They are battle hardened individuals and have the ability to plan and execute an elaborate attack. Insider help cannot be...
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