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Attack on PNS Mehran Base - PAF Faisal Base

No but sort of what happened to your pussies*** in pearl harbour. I liked the way they cried and begged for their lives. I really enjoy that moment still. Now go and fu*k your mama you bloody ignorant yank! *tards are on the loose here...

We got our pound of flesh.
Gawadar to be given to China... Chinese attacked in a Naval base. (just a thought)


---------- Post added at 03:05 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:05 PM ----------

they r saying we have captured 5 terrorist & they r injured ..... still not confirmed

There are too many conflicting reports about this, nobody knows what the actual situation is.
Many Pakistanis in denial mode again blaming RAW, CIA, Zionist Aliens and whatever that comes to their confused mind. To this day, not one attack has been succesfully linked to any foreign entity. It's our very own Muslim strategic assets who attacked us because in their view, Pakistan is not Islamic enough.

Harkat-ul-Islam is probably behind this, our Arab brothers give them a lot of money and they are very well trained. Their aim is probably to show that they can still attack military installments.

Our forces have shown their incompetence again and until we do not realise that these terrorists are the enemy, this will continue.

How shameful?

There are just too many terrorist sympathizers in our forces.
A suspect outside PNS Mehran held
Updated at: 1047 PST, Monday, May 23, 2011

KARACHI: A suspect from outside the PNS Mehran was taken into custody by the authorities this morning here, Geo News reported.

Sources said that one person named Majid was held from outside PNS Mehran, who was viewing through a telescope the operation underway in the PNS Mehran.

The police arresting the suspect shifted him to some unknown place.

A suspect outside PNS Mehran held - GEO.tv

late morning i.e 3am , 4 am the entire outside area of the base was filled with people curiousely looking at what was going on so supposedly this chap might be just an onlooker
our Islamist crew is becoming desperate, instead o focusing on the airmen, sailors and the security and guard contingent, they are pointing fingers at all manner of foreigners - - This operation could not be possible without help from the inside, just like the Bus attacks
late morning i.e 3am , 4 am the entire outside area of the base was filled with people curiousely looking at what was going on so supposedly this chap might be just an onlooker

But not everyone had a telescope in hand. :what:
late morning i.e 3am , 4 am the entire outside area of the base was filled with people curiousely looking at what was going on so supposedly this chap might be just an onlooker

His photo was posted couple of pages back, didn't look like he could afford a telescope? Unless of course telescopes are cheap in Pakistan.
RIP to the dead , also i think Indian should maintain slence and not give nasihat at this point of time. Dont need to do what some might have done during 26/11, we dont have to be like that.
Gawadar to be given to China... Chinese attacked in a Naval base. (just a thought)

its high time we hand over Gwadar to China completely as the next war is coming our way over Gwadar and it will be joined all of our foreign enemies and so-called allies in WoT.
whether TTP did it or anyone else, thats not the issue..

The issue is, are we going to stay ignorant as always that Pakistan IS IN WAR? and when it is WAR, it doesn't matter who the opponent is, anyone raising arms against the country shall be taken out, INSIDER or OUTSIDER..

Political Parties need to throw down THEIR flags and raise PAKISTANI flag for once.. If they don't do it then i would prefer giving control back to Military, at least in their control, Pakistanis were living peacefully..

Kill every one who even "talks" against PAKISTAN!!!!! simple as that!!!.. If you are not a Patriot, You either need to get the fcuk out or get killed, two options.. thats it!!!!

I agree with you. If you live in a country..and do not support it or work against it...be shown the door or worse. How is London BTW?
i accept your poing but fact is that ISI and pak army is now out of controll

tell me who is hte most important in any country well in my point of veiw any common pepole should be the most important and pakistan has to understand that point

its time when pakistan has to clean there inside dirt

why would the spy agency throw its very own people under the bus? doesnt make sense. there might be some truth to the statement that there might be so elements within the ISI who support the militants but to portray the whole organization as a rogue institution is just wrong. there are black sheep in every society, heck we had pollard who supplied classified information to israel, this doesnt mean that the whole institution was bad.
There however, must be a realisation that there are no useful rabid dogs; only those that haven't yet turned on you. The nature of such beasts is that they can never be your friends. The faster that realisation hits home, the better for Pakistan & indeed for everyone else including India.

That's the point that the Pakistani establishment doesn't seem to understand. All governments use 'unconventional' means to achieve their goals, but when you are not able to control your assets -- or, worse still, your enemies start using your own assets against you -- then it's time to ditch those assets. India learned that lesson when the LTTE started getting active in Tamil Nadu; the Saudis got wise after the Khobar Towers bombing; but Pakistan still hasn't accepted this reality.
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