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  1. T

    Friends and Enemies earned by India and China

    I believe you can take out India from this list. There is no chance that we will be parting from Russia. FOR SURE... US has no military or navy presence in India, so it not a USA colony... India - RUSSIA - China --> so can't u think what this equation leads to??? Chill Dude... Thanks
  2. T

    South China Sea region property of the world: India

    Yes, take others human tools and make them happy. Then incite hatred among our neighbors and make them disposed on India. India don't give a damn to all those silly warnings and all... You were helped by west economically and China came up in the ladder, as west were the power houses then. Now...
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    Pakistan-India trade could touch $7bn

    Good for us (IND/PAK), nice progress... Hope this won't fade away...
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    The final warning for india

    Yes Sir, dark skinned Indians can't be trusted. Isn't it? I am not sure which way you mean, making fun or stating the truth. Anyways, due to smartness of British we are suffering. And we need to go for a peaceful pact. China should help is this cause instead of making this bitter. Appreciate...
  5. T

    The final warning for india

    To Mr. loveicon, There is no need to get excited. You know cheerleading for someone doesn't help you. If we go to war, then we won't hold back. And anything coming from PAK side due to confrontation will be asking to get nucleared. And one more thing, we have nuclear for the same intention as...
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    Three USN Carrier Strike Groups in Pacific Ocean

    And why they are there? any purpose revealed?
  7. T

    Russia backs India's bid for the Shanghai group

    By the way, on which side Pakistan is??? :whistle:
  8. T

    China approaches Japanese navy destroyer

    same old cheer leading work, back again... Anyways, there is no stuff in this news. Neither the title projects the right message. Just tailor made to ........... :blah:
  9. T

    Indo-Pak relations going through the best phase: Pak High Commissioner

    Umm, things are starting again in a good note. Hope some fanatic factors won't run the progress... Anyways, yet another nice start...
  10. T

    China trying to improve ties with India: think-tank

    Boss, I am not happy in agreeing with our chineese couterparts. But it is India/Negru who is responsible for 1962 war. I don't care, if it angries some of us. but Nehru wanted to do a Kargil type of thing with China by silently pushing and demarcing the border ahead. China as such is doing...
  11. T

    India's Designs to Harm Bangladesh Using Islamic Militancy as Pretext

    To Md Akmal # Post 61 I am not sure about this comment that you mentioned. But are you saying, it was good then and bad now; after separation? Think about it, your economy is yours now. your land is yours now. you people rule and govern yourself. Its you who is free and can cling to...
  12. T

    Begging, it's the American way

    Woho, can I say welcome to the Chinese forum. I was kind of liking your article Aryan, but now with this comment from your thread; I am out. I ve seen you protesting for outrageous anti muslim/pakistan in few threads, now what are you doing? You are doing the same damn thing first to US...
  13. T

    Who are Sri Lanka’s close allies?

    Well I would ask here, why you came to such a conclusion? Its not a cascading effect; rather this will be an isolated and bleak remark. SL for sure is India's ally, but I would rather disagree with you last line. long live, survive; but don't deprive others to the lest my friend.
  14. T

    Why we dislike America

    Hey, can we cut this piece of crap? There is no need to be bashing eachother wherein none of our countries are involved. And for Jdme and Aryan, can we have the proof and stats of each claim we make? Then each proof will integrate and make a reasonable and sensible discussion; instead of...
  15. T

    Pakistan refuses MFN status to India

    I am not sure about this MFN stuff, but surely these two countries are having billion dollar trade. Then why think about going further which is not welcome? Lets live with it, we weren't friend and won't be. So there will be trust deficit, which cannot be filled in in decades. Instead I urge...
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