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  1. H

    The Luck Of The Chinese

    The answer to your question is a resounding YES! Your life expectancy is more than that of the Indians. India has more than 600 different dialects. Indian constitution (btw how many revisions does the Chinese constitution have? Will it be revised again if the communists are over thrown?)...
  2. H

    The Luck Of The Chinese

    Hey MORON, stop getting personal here! You wanna know the standards about your Chinese products? Melamine in food, Lead in paint used for kids toys.....bird flu....want me to list some more??? Read the post carefully about what I was trying to say! ...Oh yes! I forget, how can you read between...
  3. H

    The Luck Of The Chinese

    You are right, I did forget to mention Thailand and Pakistan. The point here being that many a Chinese goods in such supermarts are kinda substandard! Probably because of your blind hatred for all things Indian, you my friend seem to ignore or not to notice anything that says "India". Dont blame...
  4. H

    The Luck Of The Chinese

    Chinese made handsets are banned in India for a very specific reason. These dont have IMEI numbers...in layman's terms... they cannot be traced, and such handsets are a potent headache for national security, not to mention the substandard quality of such handsets, which China has been known to...
  5. H

    Why dont we develop millitary ties with Russia?

    Very nicely put. Not to mention the friendly ties set up over decades of trade and cultural relationships!
  6. H

    The Luck Of The Chinese

  7. H

    PAF jets are again being sighted over Lahore

    Irresponsible? May I ask in what manner is that irresponsibe? Counter my post wit relevant sources! F-16's kill ration of 0:10? Against which enemy fighters? Please do elaborate and enlighten us about this formidable kill ratio! AFAIK PAF F-16s have never been in any conflict of any kind with...
  8. H

    Why dont we develop millitary ties with Russia?

    Is this all you can do? Dont you have anything worthwhile to say here? Please post some pointers on the topic.
  9. H

    SU-30 Family

    These are definitely some of the most beautiful planes!
  10. H

    Why dont we develop millitary ties with Russia?

    I would like to ask the proponents of this 'Russ-Pak friendship' to define reasons as to why Russia would agree to a defense co-operation pact with Pakistan, and thus stand to lose its strategic partnership with India. Lets see what kind of indepth analysis you can come up with, countering the...
  11. H

    PAF jets are again being sighted over Lahore

    My family is off limits here so keep my family out of it. End of discussion. I just mentioned that because some would doubt the veracity of my claims. So lets be honorable and keep families out of this. I dont comment on anybodys service history. What you said is true to some extent. But you...
  12. H

    PAF jets are again being sighted over Lahore

    Google for ISI and LeT links and check out the link for stratfor.
  13. H

    PAF jets are again being sighted over Lahore

    Behave about your language? I come around you? What are you talking about? Dont threaten me, its you who's violating forum rules. Let the Mods show me that I have been disrespectful here and I will apologize. Its been established beyond doubt that LeT and HM were created by the ISI to pester...
  14. H

    PAF jets are again being sighted over Lahore

    Aaawwww so sweet! Love it when kids get excited about airplanes. I go to airshows here regularly and love to see kids' reactions when they see airplanes flying about, hopping like little bunnies in the cockpits and fiddling with switches and knobs. Love it when these USAF pilots indulge the kids.
  15. H

    PAF jets are again being sighted over Lahore

    What I dont understand is why all this muscle flexing? Everyone knows who the real culprits behind the Mumbai atrocity are.. all Pakistanis know that too. So whats the problem in apprehending them and punishing them according to the law of the land? If you say that the authorities need proof...
  16. H

    Pakistan's Position on Tibet..!!!

    Dude my roomies are Kashmiri Muslim (KU and JNU grads) and they vehemently oppose joining Pakistan. You are not a Kashmiri so Dont speak for the Kashmiris my friend. They want freedom, they never wanted to be a part of Pakistan. BTW Kashmiri Muslims practice the Sufi brand of Islam, which...
  17. H

    Why dont we develop millitary ties with Russia?

    My bad, about the Islamic rule of South Asia comment. You are right, it wasnt said here, but those are the comments coming from some rouge elements in Pakistan. You might have an idea who I am talking about. About rest of your 'comments' - do you even know what you are trying to say here...
  18. H

    Why dont we develop millitary ties with Russia?

    LOL kharian beast....like I really care about my profile here! :bunny: Just goes on to show how scared you are of meaningful conversations, apologies to the mods for going off on a tangent off topic - but seems like it happens in every other forums - I will get to the points elaborated by the...
  19. H

    Why dont we develop millitary ties with Russia?

    I am sorry if I didnt elaborate on my previous post. The point I wanted to emphasize is that no deterrent will stop India from doing what it wants to do. But logically speaking, strikes have not been carried out for one reason - i.e. what would it achieve, in other words what would the...
  20. H

    World's Top Ten Militaries -A1Kaid

    It saddens me to see that you still have no idea what this is all about. BTW havent you heard of sarcasm?? Thats what my first few sentences were in the previous post.
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