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  1. M

    India sabotages South Asian peace

    Give me a single reason why you consider this article upto mark and I will admit. Besides stop making shooting remarks. :angry:
  2. M

    Does this country look like a failed state to you?

    Yes certainly and in PAK it seems photos are always taken on national holidays when there is hardly anyone on Roads???? Hmmm.... Show me a single photo of any of the above posted photos on a crowded Day when so called people in pak get out of their home.Or is it they are always told to stay in...
  3. M

    Aid conditional to AQ Khan access - US Bill

    He will most probably died if the bill passes due to so called "natural death" by hands of "elements" in that case.
  4. M

    India sabotages South Asian peace

    What is nonsense in the article???? The article is a BS.It says " A number of suicide attacks, bombblasts, and sporadic fighting in the tribal region of our country including terror-attack on Sri Lankan cricket team might be noted as instance." When your own Govt. has said that there is no...
  5. M

    Does this country look like a failed state to you?

    In Most of the Photos that you have posted there is hardly any traffic and that is becoz Pak people are more interested in walking on streets taking part in processions and rallies rather then availing the facilities of these highways.And that speake why Pak is heading towards a Failed state as...
  6. M

    The New Jihadists in India are Indians

    The article was written before IM was defaced and it came to known that IM was being operated by Pakistani's.Beside it is indeed unfortunately very easy to decieve poor or extremist muslims in the name of Jihad and the terrorists as well as ISI is using it to their advantage.
  7. M

    HAL Tejas | Updates, News & Discussions

    Post deleted
  8. M

    Largest Armed Forces

    Yes and that's what they have been doing alas in afganistan and with taliban.Pak has definitely created the world's largest armed forces fighting which requires unity of comity nations.
  9. M

    An act of terrorism commited by an American: Alabama shooting spree kills 10

    Terror is a propagated killing of innocent people for which the above crime just doesnot qualify.There is a huge difference b/w crime and terrorism which you are ignoring.Cold blood killing can be done by a serial killer but it is not a propagated one.One for which people are decieved in mass to...
  10. M

    Pakistan Latest missile

    Yes Mr. Zardari should have increased his commision for raking in as much money as he could before fleeing the country.
  11. M

    Pakistan could become failed state: minister

    India was forced to enter baloch after Pak didn't stop their BS in Kashmir and were killing innocent people in Kashmir.And frankly on PDF I have learnt that Pak people are mostly stubborn and they stick to their points even when proved otherwise using facts using words like "masha allah" and...
  12. M

    India sends commandos for Indian Embassy officials in Pak

    For what are they thinking of deploying of their so called "elite forces".Better use them in pak where a civil war is looking imminent.And besides didn't gordon brown said 90% of terror attacks emnate from Pak.So now Pak is afraid of it's own terrorists.And they think GOI will allow that...
  13. M

    Partitioning India over lunch

    Jinah did a BS by insisting on Partition.Together India and Pak would have been not only a strong nation military but in Asia ours would have been a no.1 economy of which even china would have been jealous of.Together with a population of 1.2 billion and a distinctive reach to ASEAN and central...
  14. M

    Gen. Kiyani issues a warning to Zardari to clean up his mess!

    Zardari and nawaz are certainly leading Pak to nowhere except destruction.The need of the hour is Democracy backed by Army and for that to happen Pak should have a reasonably good politician who can took the reigns of a country facing so many problem.Unemployment is increasing and these young...
  15. M

    Zardari fights back, plots counter-coup?

    If Pak really wanna have some stability then the army chief should straight forward dismiss Zardari who is just looking forward to some cheap politics and second thing Gen. Kayani should do is to instate someone loyal to him and still a supporter of democracy.Fresh elections will lead to nothing...
  16. M

    WHO WAS BEHIND LAHORE 3/3 Terror Attacks

    It is clear there was no one following terrorists due to fear or pre-planned.They went on motorcycles.Now let me explain this point.No terrrorist would like to use bikes as they can be easily shooted from behind if any police was following them.So was it that they knew no body would be following...
  17. M

    Pollice was informed about a possible RAW attack

    It would be incorrect to say that RAW planned it.It is clear there was no one following them due to fear or pre-planned.They went on motorcycles.Now let me explain this point.No terrrorist would like to use bikes as they can be easily shooted from behind if any police was following them.So was...
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    CID Report 22-Jan-2009: RAW will attack Sri Lankan cricket team

    It looks to me as if they have written the report later otherwise why was it not circulated on 22 jan itself to news channels.It is most certainly a fake report.
  19. M

    India's Revenge: RAW Attacks Cricketers in Pakistan

    You Pakistani people out here on PDF never put any proof to bolster your claim and you are calling my remarks childish???? As far as you are saying that Mumbai terrorists were "walking" they were within hotel and there were no well equiped police out there.They were not walking like...
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