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Pakistan could become failed state: minister

By looking at Wiki, Pakistan became into a fail state on the last days of Musharraf rule
I guess he was good for the country after all. :p

I blame soley on Zardari on this
There is no doubt that Zardari is really ripping the country apart. As soon as he leaves the better. Pakistan cannot not afford to go into this turmoil especially at a time where Pakistan has so many hidden enemies about.
As for India, it is real perfect opportunity for some Indians to see Pakistan in a terrible situation - well I hope Pakistan comes on top in things.
Pakistan Zindahbad.
He is a public official, his job does not include calling another state a failure. What comes out of his mouth, is what the Indian govt feels. His tone is what makes the peace process between Pakistan and India slower.

If he "has enough job on his hand", then why the hell is he saying stuff about Pakistan? You want me to go look up his job description for you?

Yes i know wat he says is the reflection of Indian govt perception about pak.. but u and i cant stop him saying anything.. it might be true wat he says it might be false... i agree with him u don... thats our personal views .. i cant stop your officials from saying anything... so y u should be bothered of wat mr chidambaram is saying...

And my dear friend does pak govt really wants peace process with India??? might be your govt wants peace but does your army and ISI approve that??..

If your govt is really interested in peace process y dont they dismantale all terror outfits in your country?? i dont think they are interested.. Pak army and ISI allowed teror outfits to grow now they are harming your own innocent people...
Yes, It doesn't say that we are a failed state, but that we're on the "Path" to a failed state. These statements are the reason why a "General" perception about Pakistan of an Indian, Is that we're a "Failed" state. Internet communities are quite important to analyse this perception because now every common Man/Woman can voice his "true" feelings and opinions without any limitations.
Objectivity is needed here Bezerk. Being a Pakistani, you would not easily admit things to be as bad as everyone else is saying so. As an Indian, you might think, i dont have the objectivity to think things might not be as bad as they are being portrayed to be.

But what i say or do is irrelevant. What matters is that people like you, who live in Pakistan, realize the gravity of the situation and the direction Pakistan has taken in the last few years-a result of the policies followed officially over the last few decades. For it is only you and other resident Pakistani's who can force a change.

As far as the SWAT deal is concerned, I think we have a separate thread for that topic and we've discussed thoroughly about the Pros and cons of that deal. If we Balance them against each other, it could either be a positive or a negative development. Depends on what the "Individual" is looking for out of that deal.

If the individual is looking for National Unity. National Integration of Pakistan, what would you say the deal is? Good or Bad.

Let me explain further-
1. Such deals divide your society. One part of the country is being governed by one set of laws, and one part is free to chose what laws they are subjected to. Let me tell you, no matter the high amount of 'love' for Shariah there maybe in Swat, etc, it harms your national unity. You have one country, you HAVE TO HAVE one set of laws governing all your subjects.

And make no mistake here friend, Pakistan will pay the price for not having one law all over its land. Its not a small issue, and will manifest in the years to come, though it might seem unimportant now.

2. Such deals embolden the terrorists in various parts of the country. The explicit message sent out is that if you fight hard enough, the Pakistani Govt will grant you your wish.

This and other factors about this deal-solely from the perspective of National Unity and Integrity of Pakistan. Be objective, not subjective. It would help you.
Bezerk? Any replies?

It's useless to discuss it ALL over again. Where were you when we were discussing it day and night when the news first came in? It's been discussed countless times in a number of threads. I can't seem to find the "First" thread that was created after the SWAT peace deal, but if I do, I'll post a link here. You might want to go through there to get your answers. Will save both of us A LOT of time.
If your govt is really interested in peace process y dont they dismantale all terror outfits in your country?? i dont think they are interested.. Pak army and ISI allowed teror outfits to grow now they are harming your own innocent people...

If your country is interested in peace, why don't they stop their activities in Balochistan, provide the water from the dams in Kashmir that Pakistan is entitled to, seek a solution to the Kashmir problem?

India does not want peace with Pakistan on equal terms, India wants Pakistan under its boot. Admit it.
It's useless to discuss it ALL over again. Where were you when we were discussing it day and night when the news first came in? It's been discussed countless times in a number of threads. I can't seem to find the "First" thread that was created after the SWAT peace deal, but if I do, I'll post a link here. You might want to go through there to get your answers. Will save both of us A LOT of time.

Okay. Im waiting.
If your country is interested in peace, why don't they stop their activities in Balochistan, provide the water from the dams in Kashmir that Pakistan is entitled to, seek a solution to the Kashmir problem?

India does not want peace with Pakistan on equal terms, India wants Pakistan under its boot. Admit it.

Its not the case of India does not want... buts India is tiered of peace processes... everytime peace process is started pakistan has hit India on its back... so now throw peace process out of window.....:devil:
Its not the case of India does not want... buts India is tiered of peace processes... everytime peace process is started pakistan has hit India on its back... so now throw peace process out of window.....:devil:

This is a "Two" way process my friend, and Indian is not saint either, so you can take the sanctimonious tone somewhere else.
This is a "Two" way process my friend, and Indian is not saint either, so you can take the sanctimonious tone somewhere else.

Ya u are rite its a two way processs but most of time it turns out to be one way.... only India is(was) interested in peace i guess
India was forced to enter baloch after Pak didn't stop their BS in Kashmir and were killing innocent people in Kashmir.And frankly on PDF I have learnt that Pak people are mostly stubborn and they stick to their points even when proved otherwise using facts using words like "masha allah" and "allah wanted we will do this and that".You wont change even when it is evident to everyone around the world that Pak is epicentre of terrorism you people have been arguing otherwise.Brainwash is the word that comes to my mind and I know now why terrorism cannot be eliminated until Pak is there.
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