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  1. T

    Turkey Receives 3 Dimensional Protection From NATO

    I don't know who made it, but it is of course propaganda. If you want to believe Iran supports PKK then okay, but don't try and force you belief into reality without any real evidence.
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    Slavery in Saudi Arabia

    You can call me a liar if you want. but I don't expect you to come here and agree with me. Pakistanis can themselves talk about their treatment in your country, so don't take my words for it. And you're absolutely right that most Saudis are brown skinned, but the saudis that were attacking him...
  3. T

    Turkey Receives 3 Dimensional Protection From NATO

    You never sympathized with Iran either. saying " We are against Iran sanctions" means nothing when not long after you put NATO radar on your soil which is clearly aimed at trying to detect Iran missile launches. Syria and N korea were the only countries which helped Iran during Iran-Iraq war...
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    Turkey Receives 3 Dimensional Protection From NATO

    Iran and Turkey have never been allies so how can we back stab Turkey? Iran and Syria are allies and Iran will support syria till the end against the face of terrorists and NATO. Calling me an imbecile will not make your comment any more believable.
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    Slavery in Saudi Arabia

    Ohhh of course, only a American will try and make Iran seem so negative. yes, we hate Pakistanis that is why we are the ones droning their country? I am waiting eagerly for you to bomb Tabriz. so when will you do it? To my Pakistani Brother and Sisters, please do not let this moron influence...
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    Iran's zoljanah truck for bavar-373

    I like this truck. it looks quite cool. I hope to see it carry the bavar-373 missile soon :D
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    North Korea launches long-range rocket

    What happened? was it successful this time or did it blow up again?
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    Turkey Receives 3 Dimensional Protection From NATO

    I am not saying everyone in Turkey supports erdogan policy. but Turkish regime needs to create propaganda against Iran after they are supporting terrorists in Syria. This stupid policy of erdogan is only making the Kurds gain more influence and power in syria. If Syrian regime falls you think...
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    Turkey Receives 3 Dimensional Protection From NATO

    This is suppose to be evidence? it seems like your people WANT to believe Iran is supporting PKK.
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    Slavery in Saudi Arabia

    I don't have time to waste for a fool like you. You were probably deported from Iran and you were crying like a little girl saying " I want Iranian citizenship". You seem too much in favour of selling your country out, I bet you were born in Pakistan and yet you're showing a American flag...
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    Why so many childish comments? The colour of this submarine is perfect for the waters of Persian gulf. It's such a shame this forum which is suppose to be a defence forum has turned into a troll forum.
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    Turkey Receives 3 Dimensional Protection From NATO

    Iran will never support the PKK, Pjack. PKK and pjack are known to have links together so I don't see why Iran would crush the pjack and then go supporting the PKK. This is just propaganda against Iran. Syria is supporting PKK because Turkey is supporting the terrorists in Syria, I think that's...
  13. T

    Slavery in Saudi Arabia

    You obviously have something personally against Iranians. you look for excuses to justify your childish hate. Iran citizenship policty has nothing to do with hating anyone. When did I say Iranians are the greatest? you really are a confused person.
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    Turkey Receives 3 Dimensional Protection From NATO

    Enough to make them surrender to Iran. You worry about your PKK. If Turkey did not support those terrorists in Syria, then Iran-Turkey would had been crushing the kurdish rebels together but your erdogon had to go and mess it up.
  15. T

    Slavery in Saudi Arabia

    What a ridiculous comment. so just because Iran does not give Iranian citizenship to non-full Iranians it means we don't like them? You obviously have no real evidence to back your statement regrading Iran treating Pakistanis bad, so why do you use such childish statement to back your comment?
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    Slavery in Saudi Arabia

    My main concern is that people will try and judge Iranian from what they see in the internet. Iranians have no problems with anyone as long as they respect us, That all.
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    Slavery in Saudi Arabia

    Before trying to spread your nonsense show one proof that we in Iran treat Pakistanis bad. The closest foreigners Iranians get to mistreating bad is afghans, but this is due to million of them being immigrants in My country.
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    Turkey Receives 3 Dimensional Protection From NATO

    Never mind..............
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    Slavery in Saudi Arabia

    I visited Saudi arabia once when I alongside few other students went there alongside my professor who was going to give a lecture in one of Saudi Arabian Universities. when we were going back to Iran and we went into the airport to catch our plane, we saw a man being kicked by 3 people whilst on...
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    Ten Reasons Iran Doesn't Want the Bomb

    We already have the bomb, do you think a country like N korea can make a nuke but a country like Iran which is quite advanced in science and tech cannot? besides, we probably purchased Nukes from x soviet states after disintegration of USSR long time ago.
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