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  1. ViXuyen

    Taiping Island security not to be boosted: military - Taipei Times

    YES, a racist term the Cambodian use against us
  2. ViXuyen

    Taiping Island security not to be boosted: military - Taipei Times

    Cripple half of our forces in the first wave of bombardment? LOL Man, you indons are always indons; a bunch of clueless ignorant clowns. Let me give you indons a mini example of the fire power that we faced during the war. In 1972, there was a 81-day battle at the Quang Tri citadel. A...
  3. ViXuyen

    Taiping Island security not to be boosted: military - Taipei Times

    "Youn"? You sound like a butthurt Khmer to me LOL Can't accept what I said? The truth is that our thousands of SAMs and hundred of anti-ship missiles can destroy whatever the Chinese airforce and navy try to throw at us; not to mention we will throw out inflatable and electronic decoys to...
  4. ViXuyen

    Taiping Island security not to be boosted: military - Taipei Times

    Please, the truth is Indonesia's military is much much weaker than Vietnam. You guys have not been able to defeat anyone other than a few insurgents in the jungle and raping ethnic Chinese women. Talking about jamming; electronic countermeasure warfare is one of our specialties that we have...
  5. ViXuyen

    Taiping Island security not to be boosted: military - Taipei Times

    Which radar? Ship borne or Air borne? Ship borne radar's coverage is restricted by the curvature of the Earth so even if air borned radar can pick up the missiles, it can't be used to guide the SAM on the ship while ship borne radar only has tens of seconds to engage a salvo of incoming AshM...
  6. ViXuyen

    Taiping Island security not to be boosted: military - Taipei Times

    Don't equate Vietnam with Indonesia. Here is a brutal truth: Vietnam has had a history of defeating China 9 times in the past 1100 years despite being outnumberred in every category. Don't give me more of your excuses that this time will be different than the last one. Chinese airforce...
  7. ViXuyen

    Taiping Island security not to be boosted: military - Taipei Times

    I think you do not understand Vietnamese's military doctrine "chiến tranh phi đối xứng" my friend. You never match ship to ship, tank to tank, jet to jet with China. You match them with missiles whether it is antiship missiles, anti-tank missiles or surface to air missiles. You match them...
  8. ViXuyen

    Taiping Island security not to be boosted: military - Taipei Times

    Even Aegis system cannot repel salvos of anti-ship missiles attack. Ship-borne radar can only engage a few missiles at a time in one particular direction and due to the curvature of the earth; when a radar picks up the missiles as they break the horizon, it has very little time to engage it...
  9. ViXuyen

    Taiping Island security not to be boosted: military - Taipei Times

    As of today, our 228 anti-ship missiles launched from air, surface, sub surface are more than enough to sink their entire South Sea Fleet. By 2016, our 396 anti-ship missiles launched from air, surface, and sub surface are more than enough to sink their East Sea Fleet and South Sea Fleet...
  10. ViXuyen

    China starts the evacuation of citizens from Vietnam

    Where do you stay?
  11. ViXuyen

    Taiping Island security not to be boosted: military - Taipei Times

    We should take back our Ba Binh island from Taiwan when they face a military invasion from China. The distant between Taiping to Taiwan is 2000 km; meaning they need serious refuel for their jets. I don't think Taiwan airforce has any tanker to do refuel. With no jet from Taiwan; the job of...
  12. ViXuyen

    China starts the evacuation of citizens from Vietnam

    Buying from you means buying quantity. Buying from U.S and its allies means buying in quality. With $36 billion of purchases we buy from you annually, we will shift that to them.
  13. ViXuyen

    China starts the evacuation of citizens from Vietnam

    Yes, I know. You gain $240-300 billion annual trade surplus with U.S while you gain $24-30 billion in annual trade surplus with us. Do the math, genius
  14. ViXuyen

    China starts the evacuation of citizens from Vietnam

    Annual trade surplus that you gain from Vietnam is equivalent to 10% of the annual trade surplus you gain from the U.S. It's the trade surplus that I'm talking about here, my friend. Do us a favor and close all trades with us. We'll give that trade surplus to America, Japan, South Korea and...
  15. ViXuyen

    China starts the evacuation of citizens from Vietnam

    I mean annual trade surplus of $24 billion that you gain from us.
  16. ViXuyen

    South China Sea Forum

    Come on, guys. The distant between Vietnam mainland to the Spratly is just 600 km, why would we need an aircraft carrier? Not only that we can't afford it, even if we can afford it, it would make no sense at all.
  17. ViXuyen

    The last time China got into a fight with Vietnam,it was a Disaster

    In a few more years when we're finished with the MANPADS project, we can spray the sky with 10,000 missles in one salvo. Stealth or no stealth, any jets or helicopters that try to do their precision bombing over our infantries will be toasted.
  18. ViXuyen

    South China Sea Forum

    They already mobilized over 100 ships just to put the rig in the vincinity of the Paracel. If they try to put a rig in the Spratly using their Coast Guard, logistic distant will favor us as it takes them huge effort to resupply their ships. Distant from Hainan to the deep south side of our...
  19. ViXuyen

    China starts the evacuation of citizens from Vietnam

    You chinaman earns $24 billion dollars of annual trade surplus so please do us a favor and close the border and see who will suffer. Let me remind you chinaman that $24 billion of trade surplus that you earn from us is equivalent to 10% of the annual trade surplus you earn from America...
  20. ViXuyen

    S-400 for Saudi-Arabia

    Nobody buys the S-400 if they don't export the 400-km missile. Anything less than the 400 km missle people would stick with the S-300PMU2 or the S-300VM Antey.
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