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Taiping Island security not to be boosted: military - Taipei Times

Do not equate past victory with certainty. Poland beaten Russia many times over in the past, but I do not need to tell you the hubris of such thinking. This is the 21th century the side with the most technological advancement wins. Vietnam's armed forces is even relic compared to us.

PLS all Chinese need to do is just blow up your military satellite or jam your SAM. That's the truth if you don't like it curse your "weak army" not others.

That's what the quotation are for.

China will drill oil in EEZ of Indonesia where nine dash is reached.
China will drill oil in EEZ of Indonesia where nine dash is reached.

It will be problem for us then. Though there's already a possible joint exploration between China, Dutch Shell, Indonesia Pertamina & US Exxon for oil in Natuna sea. The problem with Indonesia won't be oil, but a matter of Maritime dispute.
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It will be problem for us then. Though there's already a possible joint exploration between China, Dutch Shell, Indonesia Pertamina & US Exxon for oil in Natuna sea. The problem with Indonesia won't be oil, but a matter of Border dispute.

Problem for you when China do not like to join in, they would like to owner of Natura EEZ.
Natuna is not in a disputed territory its already de-facto Indonesia's territory.

nine dashed line is not stated coordination data, you can not know what they should do.

I think your country Taiwan should give back Thai Binh (Itu Aba) island to Vietnam, then focus to keep Taiwan Island before the invasion of China.

Unification is unavoidable. It is only a matter of time. We are not delusional about that. Not all Taiwanese are against the idea, in fact. The silent majority concern more about their economic prospects than which party will represent the entire Chinese nation.

Besides, we are locked in a two-party vicious cycle similar to that of the US. Most Taiwanese envy how much China has managed so far. Gone are the days when we would pride ourselves to be an economic powerhouse. Reality weighs heavier than fantasy. And Taiwan is a very realistic island.
Do not equate past victory with certainty. Poland beaten Russia many times over in the past, but I do not need to tell you the hubris of such thinking. This is the 21th century the side with the most technological advancement wins. Vietnam's armed forces is even relic compared to us.

PLS all Chinese need to do is just blow up your military satellite or jam your SAM. That's the truth if you don't like it curse your "weak army" not others.

That's what the quotation are for.
Please, the truth is Indonesia's military is much much weaker than Vietnam. You guys have not been able to defeat anyone other than a few insurgents in the jungle and raping ethnic Chinese women.

Talking about jamming; electronic countermeasure warfare is one of our specialties that we have acquired through actual combat experience against a first rate airforce; the Chinese have none, I mean zip. The last thing that we are concerned is the Chinese trying to jam our radars LOL. We also have jammers as well by the way. If there is a war broke out, this time it is even more humilitating than it was in 1979 for your Chinese master. Their airforce will be toasted by thousands of our SAMs, their surface ships will be sunked by hundreds of our shore-based antiship missiles and air launched anti-ship missiles. Maybe our Navy can sneak it and fire their AShM as well. The chance of the Chinese winning an armed conflict with us is 0%, my friend. Yes, it know it's the 21 century, whatever tech the Chinese have, we also have....dummy.

We talk the talk and walk the walk when it's come to war against the Chinese. Our 9 wins 0 loss in the past 1100 years agains them speaks for itself. Meanwhile, you Indons are still sucking up to the Chinese hoping that they will transfer C-705 techs to you guys. LOL
Please, the truth is Indonesia's military is much much weaker than Vietnam. You guys have not been able to defeat anyone other than a few insurgents in the jungle and raping ethnic Chinese women.

Talking about jamming; electronic countermeasure warfare is one of our specialties that we have acquired through actual combat experience against a first rate airforce; the Chinese have none, I mean zip. The last thing that we are concerned is the Chinese trying to jam our radars LOL. We also have jammers as well by the way. If there is a war broke out, this time it is even more humilitating than it was in 1979 for your Chinese master. Their airforce will be toasted by thousands of our SAMs, their surface ships will be sunked by hundreds of our shore-based antiship missiles and air launched anti-ship missiles. Maybe our Navy can sneak it and fire their AShM as well. The chance of the Chinese winning an armed conflict with us is 0%, my friend. Yes, it know it's the 21 century, whatever tech the Chinese have, we also have....dummy.

We talk the talk and walk the walk when it's come to war against the Chinese. Our 9 wins 0 loss in the past 1100 years agains them speaks for itself. Meanwhile, you Indons are still sucking up to the Chinese hoping that they will transfer C-705 techs to you guys. LOL

You outgunned us, but not out class us. I mean seriously we wipe the floor with you guys on the firing range & get the medals to proof it.

LOL if you don't want to face the truth don't try to make one up. Even the average Viet members here will doubt your claim. Except for that lunatic Niceguy. Stop with your delusion. The Chinese have missiles that can reach earth atmosphere that can destroy your satellites which means no more EW for you, but you don't care about the truth you prefer to wallow in lie. Not to mention the Chinese have enough AWACS planes around giving planes protection from SAMs.

The chance of the Chinese winning an armed conflict with us is 0%, my friend. Yes, it know it's the 21 century, whatever tech the Chinese have, we also have....dummy.
LOL again this is why I like trolling with the delusional. Your planes still don't have AESA, you don't have ICBM, you don't have AWACS or any kind of technology the Chinese possess. You got Vespa while the Chinese have a BMW. That's the the kind of technological gap you have.

Correction we also suck numerous country for Technological transfer:

We suck Korea for our fighter jets

KAI KF-X - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Turks for our Tanks:


Turkey and Indonesia to develop medium tank - IHS Jane's 360

& many others

Compared to our "sucking" what do you Yuons have to compare with us in the technological department?
You outgunned us, but not out class us. I mean seriously we wipe the floor with you guys on the firing range & get the medals to proof it.

LOL if you don't want to face the truth don't try to make one up. Even the average Viet members here will doubt your claim. Except for that lunatic Niceguy. Stop with your delusion. The Chinese have missiles that can reach earth atmosphere that can destroy your satellites which means no more EW for you, but you don't care about the truth you prefer to wallow in lie. Not to mention the Chinese have an AWACS plane running around giving planes protection from SAMs.

LOL again this is why I like trolling with the delusional. Your planes still don't have AESA, you don't have ICBM, you don't have AWACS or any kind of technology the Chinese possess. You got Vespa while the Chinese have a BMW. That's the the kind of technological gap you have.

Correction we also suck numerous country for Technological transfer:

We suck Korea for our fighter jets

KAI KF-X - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Turks for our Tanks:


Turkey and Indonesia to develop medium tank - IHS Jane's 360

& many others

Compared to our "sucking" what do you Yuons have to compare with us in the technological department?
"Youn"? You sound like a butthurt Khmer to me LOL Can't accept what I said?

The truth is that our thousands of SAMs and hundred of anti-ship missiles can destroy whatever the Chinese airforce and navy try to throw at us; not to mention we will throw out inflatable and electronic decoys to fool their precision weapons. Try to do bombing run over our airspace and find out what will happen. The American did, they lost 4000 jets and they're a first rated airforce that had all sort of jamming and satellites while we had NO satellite or any jamming platform at all. When will Chinese suck up like you Indons accept the truth that the Chinese military that we face today is a kazillion times weaker than the might of the U.S military that we faced in the 60's? Their airforce and navy will be destroyed by our missiles if they start a conflict with us; that's the truth . When you put those jets and tanks into operation, come back here and let me know
"Youn"? You sound like a butthurt Khmer to me LOL Can't accept what I said?

The truth is that our thousands of SAMs and hundred of anti-ship missiles can destroy whatever the Chinese airforce and navy try to throw at us; not to mention we will throw out inflatable and electronic decoys to fool their precision weapons. Try to do bombing run over our airspace and find out what will happen. The American did, they lost 4000 jets and they're a first rated airforce that had all sort of jamming and satellites while we had NO satellite or any jamming platform at all. When will Chinese suck up like you Indons accept the truth that the Chinese military that we face today is a kazillion times weaker than the might of the U.S military that we faced in the 60's? Their airforce and navy will be destroyed by our missiles if they start a conflict with us; that's the truth . When you put those jets and tanks into operation, come back here and let me know

Then don't call me Indons dems fighting word in here.... Yuon.

The truth is that our thousands of SAMs and hundred of anti-ship missiles can destroy whatever the Chinese airforce and navy try to throw at us
You can't hit what you can see AWACS anyone. LOL electronic decoys only work when the enemy are not trying to hit static targets. The first wave of Bombardments is enough to cripple more than half of Vietnamese fighting forces, bases & installments unless you can move those around they're sitting ducks. Then the navy will came in VN Sea to finish the job. This is once again the truth. You can't accept it then get out of here.

LOL delusional Yuon. This is why I pick on your kind. Not because I like the Chinese as you claim, but your kind just continuously spat bullshits. I mean just look at what just you posted. While I only use truth or bend it a little to suit me. Here's the thing about the Vietnam war you guys don't want to remember....


The only reason you "won" is just because the US public is weary of war. Trust me if its continued Nixon will roast your Grandpa with his Napalm & hung Ho Chi Minh in the middle of Saigon.

Do not occupy your mind with the event of 1979 because the PLA are vastly different compared to those time. They abandon their Human wave tactics for a more leaner, meaner & tech oriented army. Instead look at operation desert storm. Saddam Forces were powerful than you guys & guess what happens to them.

Which is why you will never see this kind of soldiers again

Instead you will be greeted with this.

Mind you its just a small comparison on the vast technological differences between you guys.
Unification is unavoidable. It is only a matter of time. We are not delusional about that. Not all Taiwanese are against the idea, in fact. The silent majority concern more about their economic prospects than which party will represent the entire Chinese nation.

Besides, we are locked in a two-party vicious cycle similar to that of the US. Most Taiwanese envy how much China has managed so far. Gone are the days when we would pride ourselves to be an economic powerhouse. Reality weighs heavier than fantasy. And Taiwan is a very realistic island.

Unification will happen after US influence in East Asia wanes and if everything went smoothly, there won't be any bloodshed either, but whatever happens between mainland and Taiwan is, frankly, none of Vietnam's business and Parcel island incident is sufficient demonstration of mainland's stance on the issue.
"Youn"? You sound like a butthurt Khmer to me LOL Can't accept what I said?

The truth is that our thousands of SAMs and hundred of anti-ship missiles can destroy whatever the Chinese airforce and navy try to throw at us; not to mention we will throw out inflatable and electronic decoys to fool their precision weapons. Try to do bombing run over our airspace and find out what will happen. The American did, they lost 4000 jets and they're a first rated airforce that had all sort of jamming and satellites while we had NO satellite or any jamming platform at all. When will Chinese suck up like you Indons accept the truth that the Chinese military that we face today is a kazillion times weaker than the might of the U.S military that we faced in the 60's? Their airforce and navy will be destroyed by our missiles if they start a conflict with us; that's the truth . When you put those jets and tanks into operation, come back here and let me know
viets, learn some basics of morden warfare, then come back to bark.
You are typical of those knowing nothing but bragging everying, even worse than Indian. your courage come from ignorance.

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