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  1. BJP*

    Russia to propose gas pipeline to India

    Thats what I said... you are bloody secularist. :p::p:
  2. BJP*

    Russia to propose gas pipeline to India

    Read my post again. I think you are congressi and SP supporter secularist.
  3. BJP*

    Russia to propose gas pipeline to India

    stop that nonsense, India is Hindu majority Country and we are proud of that.
  4. BJP*

    'We Want Hindi': In Tamil Nadu, New Demand Speaks Language of Change

    I have not reffered you to any book, but gave you example on the basis of experience. I have not went to history. I gave you present live example. I can't consider the language as dead which is taught to millions of students and in which peoples representatives take oath for being the member of...
  5. BJP*

    'We Want Hindi': In Tamil Nadu, New Demand Speaks Language of Change

    dont make a fool out of yourself, there is a difference between derived and usage as it is. The Language which we speak in day to day life is "derived" from sanskrit and is NOT sanskrit. That is but obvious that hindi has absorbed many words from foreign language and given many words to foreign...
  6. BJP*

    'We Want Hindi': In Tamil Nadu, New Demand Speaks Language of Change

    That is a but obvious comment from you. Sanskrit is not a dead language, out national anthem is in sanskrit, recently our MP's took oath in Sanskrit. Sanskrit is compulsory language in 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th std and optional in 9th and 10th std. We all know how to read and write in sanskrit.
  7. BJP*

    'We Want Hindi': In Tamil Nadu, New Demand Speaks Language of Change

    Exactly... Tamil nadu is the last option for any north Indian to be get transferred to. I have seen people resigning from jobs just because their company wanted them to be posted in Chennai. People found Banglore to be most friendly city in south India really?? Take a very simple sentence...
  8. BJP*

    'We Want Hindi': In Tamil Nadu, New Demand Speaks Language of Change

    Dude move out out telangana, your half learned hindi would help you to survive and help you to deal with people in day to day life
  9. BJP*

    'We Want Hindi': In Tamil Nadu, New Demand Speaks Language of Change

    UP do not have monopoly over Hindi. Hindi is mother tongue of many in Haryana, Uttarakhand, bihar, Chattisgarh, Jharkhand, Madhya pradesh, Delhi, Jharkhand. Though originated in West UP. You can go to any of the above mentioned states to learn hindi.
  10. BJP*

    Indian PM Worships Assault Guns

    Yes.. thats why we love him :p
  11. BJP*

    US forcibly prevented China's 'secret' meeting with India to isolate US : Clinton

    the article explains the US perspective. According to US it was a "secret meeting" since US was not invited in that meeting. Obama went to that conference room and said "Dhappa"
  12. BJP*

    US forcibly prevented China's 'secret' meeting with India to isolate US : Clinton

    Clinton reveals how Obama forcibly prevented China's 'secret' meeting with India to isolate US WASHINGTON: At the international conference on climate change in Copenhagen in December 2009, US President Barack Obama forced himself into a room where the then Chinese premier Wen Jiabao was holding...
  13. BJP*

    Mumbai Restaurant Uses Drone to Deliver Pizza

    I dont think this service has started yet in US? though it was in proposed last year However 1 Restaurant has successfully carried the test, others to follow soon. Rules will not take much time to be in place once this trend get's success.
  14. BJP*

    Who will be the new Defence Minister of India

    ideally it should be VK singh. He knows all in and outs of defence forces
  15. BJP*

    Ban Gayi Modi Sarkar!!!!!!!!

    It is largest victory for any political party in India in past 35 years. It is worst ever performance of ruling congress party since Independence. Any party require 272 seats to form government Modi led NDA got 330 seats ruling UPA got 71 seats :cheers:
  16. BJP*

    Anti-christian violence in a secualr India

    this video is not worth condemning again. This is total propaganda video. Such videos are deliberately made, whereas the actual circumstances of these footage are not known. Now close the Thread!!
  17. BJP*

    China snaps at India over South China Sea situation

    provided that Present Indian govt days are numbered, this is smart move as they can not address next govt from now. Secondly, Indian Govt is representation of people so there is nothing inappropriate in addressing people
  18. BJP*

    It wasn't China, but Nehru who declared 1962 war: Australian journalist Neville Maxwell

    Why China which was suffering from worst ever famine in history, the Great leap forward would built up its Military on Indian border. Clearly Chinese intentions were not good. However In that small fight of 20 days china lost a potential friend for next hundreds of years. Backstabbers!! :angry:
  19. BJP*

    New Delhi to get India's first Russian Orthodox Church

    LOL :lol: Did I put my foot on your tail??
  20. BJP*

    New Delhi to get India's first Russian Orthodox Church

    Is orthodox Church different from regular Christians?? If they are like regular abrahmic religion they are not welcome here. However if they are flexible they are welcome. The role of this church should be symbolic rather than practical one Are they conflicting to our native religions? We do...
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