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US forcibly prevented China's 'secret' meeting with India to isolate US : Clinton


Mar 19, 2011
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Clinton reveals how Obama forcibly prevented China's 'secret' meeting with India to isolate US
WASHINGTON: At the international conference on climate change in Copenhagen in December 2009, US President Barack Obama forced himself into a room where the then Chinese premier Wen Jiabao was holding a secret meeting with the then Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and other leaders.

Giving a blow by blow account of the incident, of which she was part as the then secretary of state, Hillary Clinton in her memoirs 'Hard Choices' writes that the purpose of China was to isolate the United States by bringing together countries like India, Brazil and South Africa on its side.

But Obama's determination and presence of mind thwarted such a move, she writes.

"President Obama and I were looking for Premier Wen Jiabao in the middle of a large international conference on climate change in Copenhagen, Denmark," she recalls.

"We knew that the only way to achieve a meaningful agreement on climate change was for leaders of the nation's emitting the most greenhouse gases to sit down together and hammer out a compromise — especially the US and China," she said. "But the Chinese were avoiding us."

"Worse, we learned that Wen had called a 'secret' meeting with the Indians, Brazilians, and South Africans to stop, or at least dilute, the kind of agreement the United States was seeking. When we couldn't find any of the leaders of those countries, we knew something was amiss and sent out members of our team to canvass the conference centre," she writes.

"Eventually they discovered the meeting's location.

After exchanging looks of 'Are you thinking what I'm thinking?' the president and I set off through the long hallways of the sprawling Nordic convention center, with a train of experts and advisers scrambling to keep up," she writes in her book.


"Later we'd joke about this impromptu 'footcade', a motorcade without the motors, but at the time I was focused on the diplomatic challenge waiting at the end of our march. So off we went, charging up a flight of stairs and encountering surprised Chinese officials, who tried to divert us by sending us in the opposite direction. We were undeterred," she says.

When they arrived outside the meeting room, there was a jumble of arguing aides and nervous security agents, she says.

Robert Gibbs, the White House press secretary, got tangled up with a Chinese guard, she adds.


In the commotion the president slipped through the door and yelled, 'Mr Premier!' really loudly, which got everyone's attention.

"The Chinese guards put their arms up against the door again, but I ducked under and made it through," Clinton writes recounting the incident.

"In a makeshift conference room whose glass walls had been covered by drapes for privacy against prying eyes, we found Wen wedged around a long table with Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, and South African President Jacob Zuma.


Jaws dropped when they saw us. 'Are you ready?' said President Obama, flashing a big grin," Clinton claims.

"Now the real negotiations could begin. It was a moment that was at least a year in the making," she adds.

Clinton reveals how Obama forcibly prevented China's 'secret' meeting with India to isolate US - The Times of India
I just wonder how secret it is? How USA prevent.
MMS in secret meeting ........ :D

the only way china can have India on her side is by resolving the border dispute as per Indian wish.
Hmm, Indian want our lands. Naughty boy. Indians 'side' is somehow insane.
MMS in secret meeting ........ :D

the only way china can have India on her side is by resolving the border dispute as per Indian wish.

India is mature enough to cooperate with China on issues of mutual interest despite having a border dispute.
the article explains the US perspective. According to US it was a "secret meeting" since US was not invited in that meeting. Obama went to that conference room and said "Dhappa"
Thank you. Maybe Mrs Clinton will be the next president and she has some unique measures to avoid this kind of situation?
You should leave South Tibet and Ladakh. Their people hate people like you.
Really these people hate India,,,:D are you sure.
And last time i checked these people dont know you exist.

India is mature enough to cooperate with China on issues of mutual interest despite having a border dispute.
Yes we can work with them and we are matured enough not to take sides.
MMS in secret meeting ........ :D

the only way china can have India on her side is by resolving the border dispute as per Indian wish.

Zhou Enlai already offered a mutual swap of recognition for held territories, India rejected it and started the Forward Policy instead, which started the Sino-Indian War.

As for the topic, obviously the BRICS countries have similar interests when it comes to climate change, it's hardly a "conspiracy" that the developed world wants developing nations to share more of the climate change burden.
MMS in secret meeting ........ :D

the only way china can have India on her side is by resolving the border dispute as per Indian wish.

Why?? He is the best guy to share secrets!! He is not going to talk to anyone about if even if we give permission to share it :angel:
Oh,I read it and it is just about the old Jiabao who's a jumble.
What Ms Clinton doesn't know is that they held the meeting later anyway, after she left.:pop:
What Ms Clinton doesn't know is that they held the meeting later anyway, after she left.:pop:

I don't see why they are surprised?

The developed/rich world wants to push more of the burden for climate change onto developing nations.

Our argument is that the developed/rich world have already developed themselves and polluted the world in the process, so it is unfair that we as developing nations don't get the same chance to become developed. The rich world can afford to cut emissions, since they have already been through the industrialization phase, it won't hurt them in the way it would hurt us.

Not to mention much of the pollution in the developing world is due to "outsourcing" from the developed/rich world, they get their products made in developing countries, effectively outsourcing their own pollution to us. Do they think their laptops and smartphones come out of thin air?
I don't see why they are surprised?

The developed/rich world wants to push more of the burden for climate change onto developing nations.

Our argument is that the developed/rich world have already developed themselves and polluted the world in the process, so it is unfair that we as developing nations don't get the same chance to become developed. The rich world can afford to cut emissions, since they have already been through the industrialization phase, it won't hurt them in the way it would hurt us.

Not to mention much of the pollution in the developing world is due to "outsourcing" from the developed/rich world, they get their products made in developing countries, effectively outsourcing their own pollution to us. Do they think their laptops and smartphones come out of thin air?
On top of all that, check out how much pollution per person the people living in the developed countries do. How much energy each person consumes, how much CO2 is emitted per person. Indians and Chinese score far lower on both counts.

It's like a rich person who is overfeeding himself telling ten poor and half starved people to reduce their food intake, so that supplies last longer.
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