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  1. Altaf Bhai

    NATO's Shame - NATO Aware it was Firing at Pakistani Troops

    Interesting times we live in. ---------- Post added at 12:20 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:18 PM ---------- Mastan khan saab, Do you find it a co incidence that the attack took place at 26/11? And as per you, even if this is work of low ranking US offciers, USA is rigidly behind...
  2. Altaf Bhai

    So we don't deserve an appology?

    Kaa baat karat ho babua. Tum bihar ke ho. Tab to tum hamaar gaanw ke ho. Badi khusee hui tohraa se mil ke. Uhaan pakistanwa me kaa karat ho? tum to culturally behari (Indian) ho. Budbak kahin ke. Arya Chaanakya bhi to bihari they.
  3. Altaf Bhai

    All India Congress Website Hacked

    YOU ARE PARTIALLY RIGHT that we do hate Kangress. But we dont hate kangress because they are in love with you. There are other reasons, dynastical politics being primary reason.
  4. Altaf Bhai

    All India Congress Website Hacked

  5. Altaf Bhai

    All India Congress Website Hacked

    Bravo Mr Hacker!! I wish if you could have given your views on pAncho kapil sibbal as well.
  6. Altaf Bhai

    Karzai Blames Pak For Serial Blasts

    Frankly, I am not surprised at all. Any sucessful/ failed terrorist incidence anywhere in the world and the finger points at only one place. The epi-center of islamic terrorism.
  7. Altaf Bhai

    Firdous Ashiq Awan injured in car accident

    Lota to sahi salamat hai naa?
  8. Altaf Bhai

    Agni-II Prime test fired successfully off Orissa coast.

    That is so foolish, MR Spark. You cant even make out a simple difference between Agni2 and agni 4 and claim to be "senior" member?? :lol:
  9. Altaf Bhai

    Eid-ul-azha : Cattle price high in city markets

    It was a question. How is it religiously obligatory to butcher living creatures? Cant you just cut a cake and celebrate your Eid-ul-whatever?
  10. Altaf Bhai

    Eid-ul-azha : Cattle price high in city markets

    Hindus have special affection to every living creature.
  11. Altaf Bhai

    Eid-ul-azha : Cattle price high in city markets

    I have a question. Is it necessary to slaughter hundreds of thousands of innocent cattle to "celebrate" a religious event in the so called religion of "peace". How come such huge scale violence is justified as a religious duty? What sense of accomplishment of religious duty or spiritual bliss...
  12. Altaf Bhai

    Violent Islamism Has Failed.

    Edit:- Violence in general and Violent Islam in particular was bound to fail one day or the other.
  13. Altaf Bhai

    Will accept Modi if he apologises: UP Muslims

    Is there a smily for showing "midle finger" or a banner that read fcuk you the so called Mashaikh Board?
  14. Altaf Bhai

    China could do Kargil on India

    Wow masha allah that was truly awsome. I wish I could give 100 thanks to you. From Now on You are my Mustafa kamal
  15. Altaf Bhai

    Nine countries aganist India

    BS. Although I agree with the soul of the matter. Some hostile countries and some overtly friendly and covertly hostile powers (US/UK etc) may be upto something.
  16. Altaf Bhai

    Gilani gives go-ahead for electricity import from India

    I think this proposal will not pass the "Ghairat" Tests in pakistan. I dont see it being materialed without the ghairat component being compromised or toned down by honour and dignity harboring pakistanis.
  17. Altaf Bhai

    Desi Sukhoi Performs Supersonic Ballet on Debut

    I have been to Ozar facility and I have witnessed the assembly line. I am most fortunate of all you people. :smile: As our company is one of the privilaged who supply parts for indigenous MKIs It is just like a modern workshop, 8 sukhois manufactured in the shed. Mostly assmbly guys are tobacco...
  18. Altaf Bhai

    Gilani gives go-ahead for electricity import from India

    Enakya Ninodd Othari Istam Aan?
  19. Altaf Bhai

    Gilani gives go-ahead for electricity import from India

    This is short term pappi jhappi only. If this suceeds, I bet that reintegration of pakistan into Indian mainland will not be far off. Pakistans existence is based on opposing India. If that opposition magically vanishes, then there is no substance left in the idea of pakistan.
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