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Will accept Modi if he apologises: UP Muslims

this is why gag resolution is needed i say that we sick IB and RAW in a covert op against radical religious organizations e.g Shiv Sena, SIMI KCF etc idiots that use religion as a basis to kill and rape must be wiped out religious extremists are not welcome in Bharat Mata
this is why gag resolution is needed i say that we sick IB and RAW in a covert op against radical religious organizations e.g Shiv Sena, SIMI KCF etc idiots that use religion as a basis to kill and rape must be wiped out religious extremists are not welcome in Bharat Mata
Correction: Sivsena is not radical religious organization.
None of the organization rape people based on religion.
KFC does kill a lot of chics though ( I think)
Correction: Sivsena is not radical religious organization.
None of the organization rape people based on religion.
KFC does kill a lot of chics though ( I think)

no even worse it is a legal political party in our secular nation led by hitler admirer Bal Thackery these guys are no better than the Ku Klux Klan if i was PM i would order IB to covertly take out these radical religious extremists all over the country we need to clean up the crap that these dirty radicals have created and make our nation truly secular 1984 2002 and 2008 cannot be repeated
no even worse it is a legal political party in our secular nation led by hitler admirer Bal Thackery these guys are no better than the Ku Klux Klan if i was PM i would order IB to covertly take out these radical religious extremists all over the country we need to clean up the crap that these dirty radicals have created and make our nation truly secular 1984 2002 and 2008 cannot be repeated
That will require India to be police state, where RAW and IB run amok. Do you understand what such disregard to rule of law will lead to.
Instead I would argue, we should fight against custodial dealths and extrajudicial killings.
Is there a smily for showing "midle finger" or a banner that read fcuk you the so called Mashaikh Board?
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