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  1. G

    Iran has 2,500-3,000 ballistic missiles, says CENTCOM commander

    If 10 missiles in Ain-Al-Assad that were launched with no intention to do harm to US personnel, still injured 110 US soldiers...imagine what 2500 missiles can do..... Hope Iran gets the number to 5000-6000 more advanced missiles by 2030
  2. G

    Iran has 2,500-3,000 ballistic missiles, says CENTCOM commander

    Air power was unable to destroy Hezbollah's arsenal of missiles in 2006 war...Air power was unable to destroy Saddam's arsenal of missiles during Desert Storm...isn't it a lesson to you? You think Iranians are that stupid to expose their missiles to US air power? Try to destroy Iranian missiles...
  3. G

    Iran has 2,500-3,000 ballistic missiles, says CENTCOM commander

    Most targets are within 300km range from Iranian border: most of Iraq/Kuwait/Qatar/UAE/ Eastern Saudi Arabia's oil infrastructure. If deployed in Syria, Tel Aviv is also within 300 km range. So the most widely produced missile might be Fateh 110 and its derivatives. Assuming Iran has 3000...
  4. G

    Real Time Update on Coronavirus Outbreak in Iran

    This could have been a wonderful moment for US biological attack against China and Iran. Chinese economy is slowing down because of the trade war---and coronavirus will make Chinese economy even weaker. Iran was weakened by sanctions and coronavirus will be another blow to Iran and its...
  5. G

    Iran Asks IMF for First Loan in Decades to Combat Virus

    It is normal to borrow money from foreign sources---all countries in the world do it---from Saudi Arabia to China and USA
  6. G

    Iranian Missiles | News and Discussions

    I think US CENTCOM is a more reliable source than dudes on this forum. Their estimates are based on intelligence data, knowledge of missile technology and other things----- and not on some guestimates people make on this forum.... 3000 ballistic missiles is a good number---assuming 50% success...
  7. G

    Iranian UAVs | News and Discussions

    Never forget that Turkey is a historical foe of Iran. This is as old as Rome vs Parthia, Byzantine Empire vs Sassanid Empire, Ottoman empire vs Safavid Persia. If in the old times Ottomans controled Iraq and Syria and blocked Iran in the ME....today Iran dominates Iraq and Syria and blocks...
  8. G

    IRIAF | News and Discussions

    I think the aim of F-313 was: 1) Project that allows Iran to develop indigenous industrial and scientific base to build and design advanced aircraft on its own, thus allowing Iranian engineers to gain valuable experience for future projects 2) prototype, based on which 5th generation can be...
  9. G

    Zoljanah solid propellant space launcher

    a 3-4 stage Sejjil probably---to annoy europeans that if Iran wants it will build a missile with 4000km range--straight up to Europe
  10. G

    New Iranian Missiles Pose Threat to U.S. Aircraft in Yemen, Pentagon Says

    what is the range of this anti-helicopter missile?
  11. G

    Made in Iran

    looks like world class and internationaly competitive....any info about the price? + another car---this time electric; was unveiled yesterday; 50% made domestically https://azertag.az/en/xeber/Irankhodro_Powertrain_Company_unveils_1st_all_electric_car__039RANA_039-1418739
  12. G

    Iranian Missiles | News and Discussions

    55000 missiles estimate mainly consists of Fajr-3 and Fajr-5 rockets....ballistic missile arsenal is much smaller
  13. G

    Iranian Missiles | News and Discussions

    IRAN’S SOLID-PROPELLANT SLV PROGRAM IS ALIVE AND KICKING https://www.armscontrolwonk.com/archive/1208906/irans-solid-propellant-slv-program-is-alive-and-kicking/ Based on estimation from the article...based on the weight of concrete blocks...rough thrust estimate of future solid fuel engines...
  14. G

    IRIAF | News and Discussions

    There is a reason why Saudis and others pay high price per unit of aircraft....when you add spare parts, weapons, equipment and training price doubles or even triples.
  15. G

    The new details of Iranian Trimaran Frigate, “Safineh”

    Regarding armament of this trimaran: Mobin "SLCM" is actually a UAV https://www.janes.com/article/90735/maks-2019-iran-unveils-mobin-cruise-uav
  16. G

    Trump regime changes us policy on iran,from maximum to enormous

    Leave NPT, expel IAEA and you will be in a better negotiating position
  17. G

    IRIAF | News and Discussions

    First---the old USSR had a GDP PPP of 2,5trln$ (in current prices), while Iran has a GDP PPP of 1,6trln$ today. Soviets, having a 2,5trln$ GDP could build fighters, helicopters, ICBMs, nuclear subs and many more See no reason why modern Iran with 1,6trln$ GDP can't afford indigeneous military...
  18. G

    Zoljanah solid propellant space launcher

    If 50kg is its maximum capacity---it is not an ICBM---rather a modified Sejjil. SLV based on real ICBM can carry 400-600kg to LEO But maybe this is just a first step. Second step if 300-400kg solid fuel SLV to retire Simorgh---and this will be a solid fuel ICBM Because, in the end they have...
  19. G

    The US military assesses it could cripple the Iranian Navy in minutes and destroy it in 2 days

    According to "Cost of War Project" by Brown University US has spent 6.4 trl$ over 19 years on War on Terror https://www.brown.edu/news/2019-11-13/costsofwar This is what bin Laden said: let the US come into the ME so they go bankrupt like USSR +6.4trln$ to the national debt because of Bush's...
  20. G

    Zoljanah solid propellant space launcher

    In 1990s Russians added 4th stage to Topol M ICBM and as a 4 stage SLV it could deliver 500kg to LEO I wonder what are the characteristics of Iranian solid fuel SLV: diameter, number of stages, payload US also used Minuteman ICBM as SLV with 600kg payload to LEO
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