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Zoljanah solid propellant space launcher

Aug 10, 2017
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Korea, Democratic Peoples Republic Of
Zoljanah solid propellant space launcher

After the recent days disclosure of the new liquid propellant Sarir and Soroush space launchers, today the first to be annnounced of the Iranian new solid propellant family of SLV.

Named after the horse Zoljanah (ذو الجناح) the horse of Husayn ibn Ali (PBUH).

This one is nothing compared to the previous solid fuel engines that used graphite jet vanes, as it will use composite TVC.

The first solid propellant orbital launcher to fly and by June 2020. If this works, it would be the first rapid reaction launcher for Iran.

Tir, Mehr and Qaem were the three other known launchers announced previously but never seen.

Payload capacity is at least in the range of the Safir-1 SLV now seemingly retired, at some 50 kg to 250 km LEO.

Might be launched from the same launchpad previously used by the Safir-1 at Imam Khomeini SLC. Or from anywhere if mounted on a TEL transporter.

In this case this would give Iran a real advantage during a conflict, for replacing quickly lost space assets, while even been able to strike at enemy's orbital space asset.

Further evolution could see the replacement of the satellite with an ASAT weapon system such as co-orbital mine. Or even Kinetic Kill Vehicles.

Nahid-1 satellite expected in space in June

9 February 2020 - 13:44

TEHRAN, Feb. 09 (MNA) – The domestically-developed Nahid-1 satellite is expected to be launched into space sometime in June this year, according to a report.

The Nahid-1 telecommunication satellite will be launched into space by ‘Zoljanah’ launcher, using solid fuel.

The domestically-developed satellite will orbit 250 kilometers above the earth, and it could stay in the space for a maximum of two and a half years, according to ICT minister Azari Jahromi.

The launch vehicle ‘Zoljanah’ has been already designed, while the satellite itself has finished construction. It is expected to be put into orbit sometime this June, according to the report.

The Iranian Space Agency has plans to launch a number of other satellites including Pars-1, Pars-2, Zafar-2 and Nahid-2. They will orbit 500 kilometers above the earth.

Meanwhile, Zafar, a 90-kilogram remote-sensing satellite equipped with color cameras, is said to be launched into space on Sunday evening.

News Code 155434


IRGC Unveils New Missile with Composite Engine (+Video)

February, 09, 2020 - 14:36

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) on Sunday unveiled a new missile with a composite engine as well as the new generation of engines for propelling missiles and satellite carriers.

The employment of two technologies, namely the composite engine shield and the moving nozzle, have allowed for the use of solid propellant engines outside the atmosphere.

The new achievement enables Iran to manufacture light satellite carriers with solid propellant,





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Zoljanah solid propellant space launcher

After the recent days disclosure of the new liquid propellant Sarir and Soroush space launchers, today the first to be annnounced of the Iranian new solid propellant family of SLV.

Named after the horse Zoljanah (ذو الجناح) the horse of Husayn ibn Ali (PBUH).

This one is nothing compared to the previous solid fuel engines that used graphite jet vanes, as it will use composite TVC.

The first solid propellant orbital launcher to fly and by June 2020. If this works, it would be the first rapid reaction launcher for Iran.

Tir, Mehr and Qaem were the three other known launchers announced previously but never seen.

Payload capacity is at least in the range of the Safir-1 SLV now seemingly retired, at some 50 kg to 250 km LEO.

Might be launched from the same launchpad previously used by the Safir-1 at Imam Khomeini SLC. Or from anywhere if mounted on a TEL transporter.

In this case this would give Iran a real advantage during a conflict, for replacing quickly lost space assets, while even been able to strike at enemy's orbital space asset.

Further evolution could see the replacement of the satellite with an ASAT weapon system such as co-orbital mine. Or even Kinetic Kill Vehicles.

Nahid-1 satellite expected in space in June

9 February 2020 - 13:44

TEHRAN, Feb. 09 (MNA) – The domestically-developed Nahid-1 satellite is expected to be launched into space sometime in June this year, according to a report.

The Nahid-1 telecommunication satellite will be launched into space by ‘Zoljanah’ launcher, using solid fuel.

The domestically-developed satellite will orbit 250 kilometers above the earth, and it could stay in the space for a maximum of two and a half years, according to ICT minister Azari Jahromi.

The launch vehicle ‘Zoljanah’ has been already designed, while the satellite itself has finished construction. It is expected to be put into orbit sometime this June, according to the report.

The Iranian Space Agency has plans to launch a number of other satellites including Pars-1, Pars-2, Zafar-2 and Nahid-2. They will orbit 500 kilometers above the earth.

Meanwhile, Zafar, a 90-kilogram remote-sensing satellite equipped with color cameras, is said to be launched into space on Sunday evening.

News Code 155434


IRGC Unveils New Missile with Composite Engine (+Video)

February, 09, 2020 - 14:36

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) on Sunday unveiled a new missile with a composite engine as well as the new generation of engines for propelling missiles and satellite carriers.

The employment of two technologies, namely the composite engine shield and the moving nozzle, have allowed for the use of solid propellant engines outside the atmosphere.

The new achievement enables Iran to manufacture light satellite carriers with solid propellant,






If accurate then they have done an amazing job keeping the images of the missile classified! If they are talking about a launch within 4 months or so then the missile is already built and various stages have already been tested.
In 1990s Russians added 4th stage to Topol M ICBM and as a 4 stage SLV it could deliver 500kg to LEO

I wonder what are the characteristics of Iranian solid fuel SLV: diameter, number of stages, payload

US also used Minuteman ICBM as SLV with 600kg payload to LEO
In 1990s Russians added 4th stage to Topol M ICBM and as a 4 stage SLV it could deliver 500kg to LEO

I wonder what are the characteristics of Iranian solid fuel SLV: diameter, number of stages, payload

US also used Minuteman ICBM as SLV with 600kg payload to LEO

More stages = less advanced the missile

Means engines are weak hence the need for another stage (cluster of engines).
Right and that's why the Europeans built the Vega-C! LOL! Where do you get this nonsense?

Well let phrase it like this.
Rocket x put n kg of weight in orbit and have 2 stage . rocket y also can put n kg of weight into orbit but it have 3 stage . then rocket x is more advance than rocket y.
Well let phrase it like this.
Rocket x put n kg of weight in orbit and have 2 stage . rocket y also can put n kg of weight into orbit but it have 3 stage . then rocket x is more advance than rocket y.

if they are both Solid fuel or both liquid fuel and the end result is the same altitude, velocity & payload then sure! But you can't compare a Solid Fuel SLV with a liquid Fuel SLV and say because the liquid fuel does it in less stages it's more advanced! That's BS! Hell even if they both use the same type of fuel what should actually matter is the cost not the number of stages and for a none reusable engine a solid stage would be more economical regardless of the number of stages!
Right and that's why the Europeans built the Vega-C! LOL! Where do you get this nonsense?

Literally the basics of rocket engineering.

Cant argue with a propaganda troll like yourself.

If China uses a 2 stage ICBM to travel 10,000KM and Iran used a 4 stage ICBM to travel 10,000KM. Then by basic deduction Chinese missile is much more advance (more powerful engines) then Iranian missile.
Literally the basics of rocket engineering.

Cant argue with a propaganda troll like yourself.

If China uses a 2 stage ICBM to travel 10,000KM and Iran used a 4 stage ICBM to travel 10,000KM. Then by basic deduction Chinese missile is much more advance (more powerful engines) then Iranian missile.

Not necessarily! What's the payload size? What is the total weight and which is easier to transport? Is one using a liquid fuels as appose to a solid fuel? And most importantly what's the cost!
Not necessarily! What's the payload size? What is the total weight and which is easier to transport? Is one using a liquid fuels as appose to a solid fuel? And most importantly what's the cost!

You are arguing for the sake of arguing like a child or woman.

If your intelligence in ballistic missiles is so low that the term “assuming other things are constant” needs to be included when talking to you...then maybe you should not be having this debate. Maybe a Basij forum would be better for your level of intelligence.

And liquid ICBMs are generally considered not as advanced as solid fuel ICBMs, Also the issue of fueling and support vehicles which makes them better suited for silos rather than off road hard to detect second strike capability.

Solid fuel ICBMs are considered the ultimate deterrent, hence why lesser missile powers first achieve liquid fuel ICBM status (North Korea) where as more advance powers can build large enough solid fuel motors to launch ICBMs.

If you look at ICBMs with similar ranges you will see they typically have very similar diameters for 1st stage representing the engines that power them. After-all, it’s a physics problem of power output while balancing burn time and efficiency.

Payload in ICBMs is a non point if you are true missile power your ICBM can carry 6-8 MIRVs each with their own warhead and “dial your yield” feature. Of course “pretenders” who have weaker engines will strive to be able to deliver just one MIRV.
You are arguing for the sake of arguing like a child or woman.

If your intelligence in ballistic missiles is so low that the term “assuming other things are constant” needs to be included when talking to you...then maybe you should not be having this debate. Maybe a Basij forum would be better for your level of intelligence.

And liquid ICBMs are generally considered not as advanced as solid fuel ICBMs, Also the issue of fueling and support vehicles which makes them better suited for silos rather than off road hard to detect second strike capability.

Solid fuel ICBMs are considered the ultimate deterrent, hence why lesser missile powers first achieve liquid fuel ICBM status (North Korea) where as more advance powers can build large enough solid fuel motors to launch ICBMs.

If you look at ICBMs with similar ranges you will see they typically have very similar diameters for 1st stage representing the engines that power them. After-all, it’s a physics problem of power output while balancing burn time and efficiency.

Payload in ICBMs is a non point if you are true missile power your ICBM can carry 6-8 MIRVs each with their own warhead and “dial your yield” feature. Of course “pretenders” who have weaker engines will strive to be able to deliver just one MIRV.

MY GOD! 1st off more modern ICBM can carry anywhere between 10-15 warheads like the Russian RS-28 or the LGM-118 and they like most heavy ICBM's have 3 boost stages + PBV

As for liquid vs Solid I can promise you that solid by no means does it means it's more advanced or vice versa! Now you can argue it's more tactical or that it would have a higher level of survivability due prep time but thats NOT what would make an ICBM more advanced either way!
Nahid-1 with 50kg weight will be launched with Zoljanah solid fuel rocket into 250km orbit.

So almost the same capability as Safir.
Nahid-1 with 50kg weight will be launched with Zoljanah solid fuel rocket into 250km orbit.

So almost the same capability as Safir.
If 50kg is its maximum capacity---it is not an ICBM---rather a modified Sejjil.

SLV based on real ICBM can carry 400-600kg to LEO

But maybe this is just a first step.

Second step if 300-400kg solid fuel SLV to retire Simorgh---and this will be a solid fuel ICBM

Because, in the end they have to utilize those giant solid fuel motors they are developing in Shahrood
Nahid-1 with 50kg weight will be launched with Zoljanah solid fuel rocket into 250km orbit.

So almost the same capability as Safir.

Then instead of a ICBM disguised as SLV it would be a ICBM tech. demonstrator and a effective ASAT mssile.

Its always about what "go ahead" is given by the government.

Equip it with a 50% lager diameter first stage and that light SLV/ASAT missile becomes a light ICBM.

Actually an ASAT missile test would also be justifiable, equip that 50kg LEO light SLV with a Saman-1 kick-/kill-stage and test it against that 50kg sat the SLV orbited.
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