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Real Time Update on Coronavirus Outbreak in Iran

Are you ready to fight this outbreak of coronavirus?

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Things have got to be bad in Iran if Afghans prefer to go back to Afghanistan (with a potential civil war in the works).
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Hubei Provincial Government Website: Males of Age Corresponding to New Coronary Pneumonia Should Have Fertility Check

Hubei Provincial Government Website 2020-03-12 14:36:37

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It is theoretically speculated that new crown infection may cause testicular damage, affecting spermatogenesis and androgen synthesis. Obstructed sperm production will affect male fertility, and severe cases may cause male infertility.
On March 12, the latest prevention and control science popularization published on the website of the Hubei Provincial People's Government pointed out that males of appropriate age who have been infected with new coronary pneumonia should undergo fertility examination. The source of this article is Tongji Hospital of Huazhong University of Science and Technology. The article points out that the new type of coronavirus infection is mainly caused by damage to the lungs and immune system, but theoretically, new crown infection may also cause testicular damage. Therefore, the team of Professor Li Yufeng from the Reproductive Medicine Center of Tongji Hospital of Huazhong University of Science and Technology reminded that males of appropriate age who have new pneumonia should undergo fertility check after recovery.

The new coronavirus invades cells through the combination of spike protein (S protein) and host cell angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2), causing tissue damage. In addition to the lung, ACE2 is also expressed in many other organs of the human body, such as the testis, small intestine, kidney, heart, and thyroid. Among them, the testis expresses a large amount of ACE2, mainly concentrated in testicular spermatogonia, support cells and mesenchymal cells, which are closely related to male reproductive function.

The seminiferous seminiferous tubules, also called seminiferous tubules, are the places where spermatogenesis occurs. There are spermatogenic cells and supporting cells at all levels. The seminiferous cells are contained between the seminiferous seminiferous tubules. Spermatogonial cells are precursor cells that form sperm; supporting cells are essential for maintaining the microenvironment of sperm development. Adult supporting cells no longer divide and the number is constant; interstitial cells are the main cells that synthesize and secrete androgens. Androgens can promote spermatogenesis and male reproductive organ development, and maintain male secondary sexual characteristics and sexual function.

Although no research has confirmed whether neocoronavirus infection damages the testes and affects male fertility, neocoronavirus is highly similar to SARS virus, and its infection invading cell receptor is the same, namely ACE2. Although no SARS virus has been detected in the testes, SARS infection can still cause severe immune damage to the testes, cause orchitis, and cause extensive destruction of reproductive-related cells.

Therefore, it is theoretically speculated that new crown infection may cause testicular damage, affecting sperm production and androgen synthesis. Obstructed sperm production will affect male fertility, and severe cases may cause male infertility; androgen deficiency may affect male secondary sexual characteristics and sexual function, and reduce quality of life.

Therefore, for men with a history of infection, especially men with fertility needs, it is best to perform fertility-related inspections such as semen quality and hormone levels after rehabilitation in order to identify problems and deal with them as soon as possible.

Top adviser to Khamenei tests positive

DUBAI - A top adviser to Iran's utmost authority Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has been infected with the new coronavirus, the semi-official Tasnim news agency reported on Thursday."Ali Akbar Velayati, who also is the head of Tehran's Masih Daneshvari hospital, had contacts with many coronavirus patients in past few weeks. He has been infected and is under quarantine now," Tasnim reported.

Good chance Khamenei may be infected.

It goes without saying that despite hating the Iranian regime and all that they do, I wish Iranians the best of health. We're all in this together no matter what country we come from.
More and more reports that this is a weaponized virus courtesy of the US military..(those coincidences I have been pointing at are becoming more real!)

China’s Coronavirus: A Shocking Update. Did The Virus Originate in the US?
Japan, China and Taiwan Reports on the Origin of the Virus

Well, You're wrong:

No credible evidence supporting claims of the laboratory engineering of SARS-CoV-2

China Government Spokesman Says U.S. Army Might Have Brought Virus to China

BEIJING (Reuters) - Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian wrote on his Twitter account on Thursday that the U.S. military might have brought the coronavirus to the Chinese city of Wuhan, which has been hardest hit by the outbreak.

“When did patient zero begin in US? How many people are infected? What are the names of the hospitals? It might be US army who brought the epidemic to Wuhan. Be transparent! Make public your data! US owe us an explanation!” Zhao tweeted in English.
More and more reports that this is a weaponized virus courtesy of the US military..(those coincidences I have been pointing at are becoming more real!)

China’s Coronavirus: A Shocking Update. Did The Virus Originate in the US?
Japan, China and Taiwan Reports on the Origin of the Virus


Indeed, the same enemies, butthurt sour grape deniers already mocked this thesis back in January 2020 when China was the first nation in the world at the forefront of the fight against the most deadly Coronavrus' or COVID-19, the acronym used in the U.S. military for Covert Operation with Virus Inducing Death # 2019.

A warfare that was pre-announced to the U.S. audience, through its literature, by American author Dean Koontz in 1981, with a virus called Wuhan-400, in his book The Eyes of Darkness.

And also in the U.S. Simpsons animated television series that has also accurately disclosed years in advance this coronavirus outbreak as starting from China, along the Paris Notre Dame Cathedral fire, Kobe Bryant's death in a helicopter crash and Trump's election.

But more important, it was denounced by North Korea, at the time it was unleashed!

Testing ground of US’ biochemical weapons

Recently, south Korean media disclosed that the experiment of Zika virus is under way at the US military base in Ryongsan. It was also revealed that wharf No. 8 at Pusan Port was selected as the proposed site for applying the “Jupiter plan” along with US military bases in Ryongsan in Seoul, Osan in Kyonggi Province and Kunsan in North Jolla Province to build up the US’ biochemical warfare capacity.

Last year, the US shipped anthrax called “white powder of horror” on 16 occasions into its military bases in south Korea. Americans even shipped active anthrax to conduct a test for germ weapons. In addition, the preparations for germ warfare by bringing in plague bacilli and botulinus since long ago sparked a firestorm of criticism and condemnation at home and abroad.

The humiliating US-south Korea status-of-forces agreement offers such a “preference” to the US forces. According to the agreement, the US troops have an unlimited “privilege” to use land and installations in south Korea at any time under the pretext of “military necessity”.

As a result, the US set up different germ research institutes across south Korea including in its military bases and has conducted experiments of germ weapons which would spread malignant infectious diseases with high fatality among the locals.

The recent Zika virus experiment and the “Jupiter plan” are just the tip of the iceberg.*

The problem is more serious as the south Korean authorities positively protect such moves.

When anthrax shipment was made public, the south Korean authorities defended it, describing it as a “self-defensive measure to cope with the north’s anthrax attack”, and urged their American master to further develop the “Jupiter plan”.

It is quite natural that south Korea is called “colony of the US”, “theatre of GI crimes” and “51st state of the US”.


*Reminder: ZIKA is the acronym used by the U.S. military for Zombie Inducing Killer Agent

And this attack started in Wuhan last December 2019, during the 28th Memory Championships were North Koreans champions had gathered!


http://archive.vn/haZhT/39f99c4604b604f81cf42fb3e28dd728ffe5779a.png ; https://archive.vn/haZhT/08026e9aaa9db367c5d9d0da1c68a8cc5211fe08/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20200312225220/https://i.imgur.com/ndkl2dp.png
1. In Wuhan last December 2019, during the 28th Memory Championships were North Koreans champions had gathered!



China Government Spokesman Says U.S. Army Might Have Brought Virus to China

BEIJING (Reuters) - Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian wrote on his Twitter account on Thursday that the U.S. military might have brought the coronavirus to the Chinese city of Wuhan, which has been hardest hit by the outbreak.

“When did patient zero begin in US? How many people are infected? What are the names of the hospitals? It might be US army who brought the epidemic to Wuhan. Be transparent! Make public your data! US owe us an explanation!” Zhao tweeted in English.
This could have been a wonderful moment for US biological attack against China and Iran.

Chinese economy is slowing down because of the trade war---and coronavirus will make Chinese economy even weaker.

Iran was weakened by sanctions and coronavirus will be another blow to Iran and its economy.

It might not be coincidence that two countries that suffered most from coronavirus are China (80.000 infected) and Iran (10.000 infected).

It is suspicious that top Iranian officials were infected.

Iran’s Khamenei Says Virus Outbreak May Be ‘Biological Attack’

Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said the country’s coronavirus outbreak could be part of a biological attack on the Islamic Republic, as he called on the armed forces to bolster the government’s fight against the disease, according to a statement published by the semi-official Fars News agency.

In a letter addressed to the Chief of Staff of Iran’s Armed Forces, Khamenei said he wants the military to work closely with Iran’s health ministry and establish a base dedicated to countering the virus, which has already claimed 429 lives in the county.

“Given that there’s evidence that raises the possibility of this event being a biological attack, this initiative can also be an exercise in biological defense,” Khamenei said in the statement.
This could have been a wonderful moment for US biological attack against China and Iran.

Chinese economy is slowing down because of the trade war---and coronavirus will make Chinese economy even weaker.

Iran was weaken by sanctions and coronavirus will be another blow to Iran and its economy.

It might not be coincidence that two countries that suffered most from coronavirus are China (80.000 infected) and Iran (10.000 infected).

It is suspicious that top Iranian officials were infected.

Iran’s Khamenei Says Virus Outbreak May Be ‘Biological Attack’

Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said the country’s coronavirus outbreak could be part of a biological attack on the Islamic Republic, as he called on the armed forces to bolster the government’s fight against the disease, according to a statement published by the semi-official Fars News agency.

In a letter addressed to the Chief of Staff of Iran’s Armed Forces, Khamenei said he wants the military to work closely with Iran’s health ministry and establish a base dedicated to countering the virus, which has already claimed 429 lives in the county.

“Given that there’s evidence that raises the possibility of this event being a biological attack, this initiative can also be an exercise in biological defense,” Khamenei said in the statement.
Conspiracy theories.......USA is also impacted negatively.
In khozestan and kohgiluyeh province , IRGC start to block roads and force market too close their shops
Revolutionary Guards to enforce coronavirus controls in Iran

Iran’s Revolutionary Guards are to clear streets, shops and public places in the country within the next 24 hours, in a dramatic escalation of efforts to combat the spread of coronavirus.

The near-curfew follows growing exasperation among MPs that calls for Iranian citizens to stay at home had been widely ignored, as people continued to travel before the Nowruz new year holidays. Shops and offices have largely remained open.

Controversy over the health ministry’s authority within government and the haphazard way in which Iran’s provinces were implementing its advice has led to the change in tactics, and a clearer role for the army. The failure to impose a quarantine around the spiritual city of Qom, seen as the centre of the outbreak, has caused anger on social media.

There have also been complaints that the Iranian president, Hassan Rouhani, has not been taking a sufficiently hands-on role in the crisis.

Official figures, disputed by foreign media and opponents of the regime, show the numbers of dead in Iran have climbed to 514 and the numbers infected to 11,634. Hospitals in some provinces have been overwhelmed by the demand for treatment.

Satellite images released this week showed what appeared to be mass graves in Qom, suggesting Iran’s coronavirus epidemic is more serious than authorities are admitting.

The pictures show the excavation of a new section in a cemetery on the northern fringe of the city in late February, and two long trenches dug by the end of the month.

The new steps, reflecting a transfer of power from political to military rulers, and ordered by the supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, was announced by the armed forces commander-in-chief, Mohammad Baqeri. He said the intervention would start in the next 24 hours and last as long as a week. The volunteer Basij force will be involved in the programme, which will include phone calls, internet contact and house-to-house visits.

Baqeri said the army would be working alongside the health ministry, and not supplanting it, but pictures show the army meeting at a separate headquarters to discuss the new action plan. He urged people “to follow the recommendations and requests of the ministry of health and so help break this chain of transmission”, adding: “If the chain continues, disease control [measures] will be prolonged.”

As many as 1,000 fixed and mobile detection clinics were being set up as part of the plan. He said the army would step in alongside nurses to set up a corps of staff, including volunteers that could work alongside exhausted medical workers. Army factories were producing face masks and gloves, and 6,000 army hospital beds were being made available, he said.

The health ministry said it was setting up a national coronavirus mobilisation programme to increase early detection and had already piloted implementation of it in five provinces.

A spokesman claimed the pilot scheme had already reduced the scale of infections in Qom and Guilan provinces so that the total number of new cases for the first time was exceeded by the numbers recovering.

The aim was to identify patients at the first stage of the disease and prevent them from circulating in the community, as well as those associated with them, so cutting the transmission chain.

Despite Iran’s reputation as an authoritarian state in which human rights are ignored, the opening fortnight of its fight against coronavirus has been marked by citizens demanding the state take more draconian and consistent steps to bring the disease under control. An earlier proposal for a house-to-house detection system was criticised on the grounds that it might lead to the spread rather than the containment of the disease.

The crackdown came as the US secretary of state, Mike Pompeo, sparred with Khamenei on Twitter over claims the US had launched a biological war on Iran. Pompeo tweeted: “As Khamenei knows, the best biological defense is to tell the truth to the Iranian people about how the virus came from Wuhan, China. He [Khamenei] allowed Mahan Air’s flights to and from China, the centre of the epidemic, to continue, and imprisoned those who talked about it.”

Khamenei had tweeted the day before: “Evidence suggests this could be a biological attack. So the fight against the coronavirus can be left to the armed forces, and it can also be a biological defense combat exercise and increase our national authority and capability.”

Iran’s foreign ministry spokesman, Abbas Mousavi, joined in the row, saying: “Instead of hypocritical compassion and disgusting boasting, stop economic and medical terrorism so that medicine and medical equipment reach the medical staff and people of Iran.”

“By the way, pay attention to the American people too!” the spokesman advised US officials.

Iran has asked the International Monetary Fund for $5bn in aid to help combat the crisis but may well find the request is blocked by the US.

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